not to mention our bxtch govenor has fought us from day 1 it takes over 90 days to get your mdch card and the cops dont give a shit about paperwork. michigan is doing everything it can to keep us under there thumb.
and the asshole sen kuipers that propd this disturbing legislation has family in the greenhouse/nursery industry.
they will not pull this off
That god damn whore Granholm needs to take her worthless ass back to Canada and stay there. That bitch is not welcome here anymore....her second election was won because the opostion was a money hungry republican. She won by default. I hate that bitch.
I mean seriously....this is MICHIGAN...everyone grows weed, we HAVE nothing else. Not taking some of our last chances fuckers!!!! This is a place where unemployment and lack of health care are so evident it's sickening....way to go money hungry c*#ksu@k!rs.