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MI 4,000sq ft outdoor grow SHO

on a positive note, I was at an old folks home near lansing last night and when I walked out the side door I could see a big garden in the neighbors back yard...made me think of cali, and that this state is finally taking steps forward...if everybody is involved they cant shut us all down...


Active member
I've apparently got pnumenonia, 3 down and 24 ready to go like... Now. I can't barely stand and breathe but I still managed to out trim my trimmers.

Just quick update after new antibiotics today I'll hopefully be back at it by this weekend.

Plus cold weather moving in and mold showing up everywhere... Ahhhhh!

Good luck harvesting this year brotha. Feel better and get to trimming!!!


I'll put some pics today. The new antibiotics worked like instant relief 6 hours I was better instead of worse. Blasted 3 more out and figured out why one buildings moldy and the other ain't.... My tops on upside down! The "anti condensation" layer must be on the wrong side, yesterday 8am it was nearly raining in there!


So, to make matters worse... a Fed agent, a local undercover, and a Michigan State Police officer were going around the Peninsula (for locals, you know where this is) shaking trim houses for using "trimigrants" ... or trimmers that aren't the caregiver's 5 patients.

On top of all the B.S. I've been dealing with personally, I hear this fucking story come out... they gave warnings I guess but they certainly rattled some cages. 16-20 spots were stopped and talked to all around the Corner's area and on the other side of the high way. Certainly sent me for a scare loop....

So, I've been working everyday I can assemble my 5 person crew and Twisting' it up... Got 8 down, 63 more to go. Big dense colas go so fast, the plants that stretch and branch (Pineapple Express, Blue Cheese, etc.) are so slow to trim.

I'll try getting some pics up of the ladies finishing this week, I found one Blue Dream that threw up a 2" branch of nothing but pollen sacks!


Active member
Wow, what a trip....cops, pollen sacks, lots of plants, dank herb, but rot......quite the mixed bag. Have any bud shots? Stay safe bro.
its only a matter of time before everything goes legal boys and the market is opened. The idea of a free market is really cool I think, but it will be far from that. The big Corps in this country see the MJ industry as a $200B untapped market. They have already started strangling the supply and taking out would-be future competitors in the market. Bill Schutte invested $1M of his personal dollars into marketing and promoting the MMJ act, and then raids and smashes and trashes every caregiver and dispo he can get his hands on.He saw the opportunity to have his big companies roll in and take a big share or all of the market, but hey, not everybody drinks Budweiser. As long as they leave us a legal avenue to produce our small batch artisan, or craft products and medicines we will be fine. Also the competition will cause the cream to rise boys. There are other ways to make money in this industry if you stay out in front of it. Joesy trademarked his strain that way the big companies will have to license it from him. I hope it all works out for us, but after a motion we had last week to toss a search warrant, that was only acquired due to the police securing the house for "officer safety" and smell alone, while knowing we were patients...was upheld by the Washtenaw county circuit court, Im ready to leave this state, and prolly more accurately this country. we have no 4th amendment anymore....I wish everybody a happy and safe harvest.

So you are saying that the Mi attorney general invested 1 million dollars of his own wealth into the legalization process. How do you know this? Please provide some credible sources to your statements. He is the states biggest anti marijuana conservative, I find this highly doubtful. Also a trademark is just to protect a name not the DNA. Besides that a trade mark or a patent for a schedule 1 illegal narcotic is highly doubtful.
So you are saying that the Mi attorney general invested 1 million dollars of his own wealth into the legalization process. How do you know this? Please provide some credible sources to your statements. He is the states biggest anti marijuana conservative, I find this highly doubtful. Also a trademark is just to protect a name not the DNA. Besides that a trade mark or a patent for a schedule 1 illegal narcotic is highly doubtful.

Im not here to argue with you, you can highly doubt all you want, and it still doesn't change anything. I work in this industry in Michigan and realize that he is the states biggest opponent of MMJ, he wants it legalized so his big corp can roll in and strangle the market. Its not in print anywhere, and believe or not is not highly publicized, but one of the biggest MMJ attorneys in the state told me about Schutte spending 1M of his personal money on promoting and advertising for the MMJ act....dude is a ****, but hes obviously a step ahead of us in making money in this space. As far as the copyright goes, your right its just the name, but that's what sells these days...you could have GG4 labeled "Green Fire" or anything else, and have it be the exact same flowers as the jar sitting next to it labeled GG4, and the GG4 would sell out while the improperly named jar wouldn't get a look. people ask for things by name generally, especially when they want something specific..Joesy is a member of these forums if you would like to ask further questions, he would prolly answer them for you.


Well I can't comment on Schuette but I can comment that flowers are fucking beautiful this time of year. I'm off to one hell of a start. Found a new way to run the Twister and instead of snipping off branches the smaller shit I've just been stripping with my hands, goes WWAAYY faster... Machine eats the crap, nice popcorn falls out.

Blue Dream hermit branch

blue Dream

Local strain

Strawberry Haze, amazing smell but no density

Red Cherry Berry


Blue Widow or Blueberry something or another


Looking at the few Barney's Farm plants that are GIANTS

Barney's Blue Cheese

Local strain

I'm averaging around 2-3 per plant right now, I can't complain for using 100 gallon pots. Next year I think the buildings are getting 60' added and dropping to 48 plants in 400 gallon pots... but I'm sure I'll throw the extra 24 in there in 100's.

So far, going good here. None of the FBI/Police BS at my house or place, I'm just keeping my nose down and doing my work with my couple dependable patients.

OH! I also got to the bottom of my mold problem. My top is on upside down, so the "anti-condensation" layer is on the wrong side... DOH!


So far it's enough to write home about but not enough to stress, I'm doing just fine :D
could you please expand on the "anti-condensation" layer?? I too run in a GH and am always battling botrytis. this year I took out the end walls and just left the stick frame and put chain link up for better air flow...I already had half side walls like yours are, but that didn't seem to be enough. Is your cover just one big sheet of plastic that pulls over? or is it multiple smaller panels? good luck with the brunt of it, you have your work cut out for you....In a good way..cheers bro
did you run the entire season without trellising? or did you cut it out before you snapped the pics? Did you poney up and buy the twister or rent it? Im debating on renting one, but its 675/day, and not sure its worth the money. I have friends that own machines (and wont rent on to me due to them needing it this time of year, and they all say its a really good investment. thoughts?


could you please expand on the "anti-condensation" layer?? I too run in a GH and am always battling botrytis. this year I took out the end walls and just left the stick frame and put chain link up for better air flow...I already had half side walls like yours are, but that didn't seem to be enough. Is your cover just one big sheet of plastic that pulls over? or is it multiple smaller panels? good luck with the brunt of it, you have your work cut out for you....In a good way..cheers bro

I have this cover, http://www.farmtek.com/farm/supplie...1&langId=-1&division=FarmTek&productId=342890

One of the sides of the cover has some fancy plastic coating that is anti-condensate. Literally, 8am with 99% humidity and dew on the ground, the top of one building is covered in dew looking frost and the other one is nearly dry. If there's a wind, that condensation is falling down in almost the form of a light rain, and it's only the one building that it's happening in. I can only assume I've got it on the wrong way.

My other building I've cut maybe... MAYBE.... 20 grams wet of "moldy bud" out. The other, probably closer to 500-1000 grams wet. Still only drops in the bucket of total harvest and certainly an acceptable loss for any real farmer. < 0.5% loss to mold. And yes, my cover is 56' wide by 96' long and it's a bitch to pull and install. Tons of videos on youtube and dozens of different ways to do it, but at the end of the day it takes ropes and lots of hands pulling.

did you run the entire season without trellising? or did you cut it out before you snapped the pics? Did you poney up and buy the twister or rent it? Im debating on renting one, but its 675/day, and not sure its worth the money. I have friends that own machines (and wont rent on to me due to them needing it this time of year, and they all say its a really good investment. thoughts?

I used 8x15' remesh cages for trellis, I wish I would have got a roll of nylon netting to stretch over my whole rows but hindsight is 20/20. I only had one branch snap and I was able to salvage it.

I bucked up and spent the $6,000 for a Twister T4 last year. It seriously replaced 10-15 pairs of hands, the machine rocks. I'd buy another if I really thought I needed it, but I just run my material through twice. One cut to get the majority of the rough stuff off, and then a "final" cut that I let the machine run the material a little longer. ZERO complaints to far this year about the trim job, and the Twisters really excel at dense hard nuggets that came out like perfect popcorn. If you want big heady tops, hand trim is the only way to go.

The way I see it, renting it means you HAVE to get the work done in the time you have it. And here they scheduled twister days the first two weeks of september. so either you have to really know your strains, or you've gotta take it down while you've got the machine. In owning you own you get to work at your own pace.

I seriously think in one season, for one guy doing even 24 plants full season in 100 gallon pots it would pay for itself the first year and REALLY pay for itself the second year. It's a big investment to put out for in September/early October before any costs have been recovered.
No mold problems here even with all this rain/humidity(knock on wood)
Need to be very proactive and have a good IPM in place.
Looking good, looks like them 'local' strains are on point.
Good luck
thanks for the feedback. I was looking at the T2 and noticed they had the T4 for $450/day. is it pretty much the same thing but smaller? what is te diff between the two other than cost?
ok yea, we usually do the steel rings and then t-posts with furring strips zip tied to them, then we attach the nylon trellis to the furring strips via zip ties...makes for a easy to remove and re-use system. looks like you had a great year bro, nice work.