opinion polls keep trending in the direction we need. last Gallup poll I saw had support among voters at over 85% on medical cannabis, & around 53% on outright legalization. just a few more medical states, a couple more legalization battles won, & a few more dinosaur politicians retiring/dying & we will be looking across the river at the Promised Land. like Moses, some of us will not get to cross that river, but the battle must still be fought. unless something horrible happens, the wall WILL fall. in my opinion, the biggest fight is yet to come. removing cannabis from drug-testing for jobs, I think, is going to be a much nastier fight than what we have seen so far. corporate pricks cannot discriminate against folks on the basis of race, national origin, religion, physical handicaps, etc. only folks left for them to kick are cannabis users, so they will really want to be able to kick shit out of us like they have been doing since Tricky Dick started this fucking "war on drugs". until there is a fair & reliable test showing intoxication instead of use, it will be an uphill fight...
The dirty little secret behind piss testing for pot is that it merely identifies criminals, us, and nobody expects employers to hire criminals or keep criminals on the payroll. It's a liability from a lot of different angles. When we're not criminals, it'll be hard to justify testing methods that never indicated intoxication in the first place.
What we need is a pinprick blood test like for diabetics & the right for people to demand it & to demand that the results override the results of urine testing. We really need more than that, but it certainly won't happen in my lifetime.