Anyways back to afghan cannabis.
When vavilov visited afghanistan we mentioned how cannabis sativa l. was the only type under cultivation. However there were two subgroups of indica that he found growing wild. Cannabis indica var. afghanica and Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica . The afghanica variety produced dark grey mottled seeds and the kafiristanica produced very large grey colorless seeds (DEEP CHUNK!!!!! AHA) so is deep chunk actually predominantly Indica var kafiristanica as opposed to Indica var afghanica? One of the criterion for kafiristanica is small leaves however hybridization with sativa and a few decades under cultivation and irrigation could change this. A couple criteria for kafiristanica as opposed to aghanica is that kafiristanica has 5-7 leaflets as opposed to 5-9 and dry seeded kafiristanica flowers freely-shatter releasing the seeds I don't know if vavilov's afghanica samples shattered but typical indicas don't shatter. Freely shattering flowers is a wild trait as it allows seed to disperse further and more easily. Either way I think the deep chunk is as close to pure kafiristanica as we can find. I'm thinking the petrolia is more close to a very high quality good sample of standard vavilov afghanica or richard evan schultes indica. The deep chunk seeds are very much unlike any afghan seeds I have come across and I think they show exactly how unusual this sample is.
Yeah but the vavilov afghanica did too both of the wild afghani indica varieties vavilov came in contact with in the 1930 had freedly shattering flowers. Also this is wild in afghanistan so between the wind the altitude the low nutrient and the lack of water in the ground and air things may have been different. So I'm guesseing it is either envirnmentally caused or have a few decades of being domesticated with some hybridization of older cultivated hash sativas may have changed this. I'm just fascinated by these seeds because it is such an oddball type of seed it can say a lot about it's history. The seeds are definitely heavily evolved for an arid climate. Those big seeds trap a lot of moisture. I definitely think a lot of the cotyledons would rot if these were grown in a rainy environment without human asistance. I really think the history and pedigree of the deep chunk is really something special it may be the only real kafiristanica landrace dominant afghan heirloom strain in existance. I think I've seen quite a few afghan seeds but none like this. This could be the herb of Alexander the Great.
here's a picture of Richard Evans Schultes in Kandahar with some afghan girls!!!
Sorry but I don't know the year of this pic
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Well that pretty much confirms that the original afghani hash plant was not a sativa.
I never go there it is right but i understand your "wild" meaning no problem i just think it is contemporary facts and pseudo-scientific deductions. I prefer the "cultivar" theory! About 500 or 1000 years ago there were not as many variations "wild" in the Hindu Kush imho. By the way have you grown the Deep Chunk, X18, Mazari, Yarkhun and Laspur gold as i did?
That's a lot nicer then the GN Collection Mazar I grew. The GN's Mazar was total crap.
Vavilov identified both Cannabis indica var. afghanica and Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica in Kunar Valley --- both wild plants
the wild C. indica var. afghanica is the putative ancestor of domesticated broad leaflet Afghan plants
the wild C. indica var. kafiristanica is the putative ancestor of cultivated 'sativa' drug plants, which these days Amrerican cannabis botanists prefer to call Cannabis indica var. indica
I think the Mazar-i-Sharif is a hybrid of cultivated plants descended from both these wild types... whether the Kunar Valley is the home of its wild progenitors I don't know
Yah MIS love the winter and the cold, beautiful black/purple colors appear easy. By cons it needs dry air, from my experience she doesn't survive the ocean wet climate of my lat. 47N.I had some mis from rsc that took it down in the low 20's f. very very cold. it depends on what phenol you run me thinks. the butt ugly mis I ran were totally bullet proof re mold, freezing weather.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is RSC?
Thanks in advance
Any chance there's any F1s around, these days?
Mazar is my 'holy grail', and I cant find it lol