Pulled 60 bud worms from deep within the buds yesterday. Mostly on the Outdoor Grapefruits and GG99. (Got them all?) before they cauzed major damage thank God! Theres gonna be alot more everyday Im sure. Plus my newbie partner is pounding ungodly amounts of water through every plant every day, so of course their all yellow now with 5 weeks left to go. And then goes and pulls off every yellow leaf and now they cant eat or grow or anything! I fkn hate newbies who just do whatever they want and dont fkn listen. NEVER AGAIN will I grow at a newb house!
Yeah that's kind of what I figured, these were 2 plants I hadn't planned on moving outdoors, but now I know. Good information for next time though thanks for the post!Prestop is meant to be used a preventative not as a curative. Picking suitable cultivars, pruning for smaller tops and full sun with good airflow will be the best way to avoid in the future. If using prestop it should be well before you think you might have a problem, if you can note when you first started seeing the issue, subtract 2 weeks or 3 and then that should be a decent starting place to think about next year doing preventative treatments, bacillus subtilis products can work the same for botrytis, fusarium etc. I don't believe it has been tested to see what health effects you might get from combusting a product sprayed with these though so use at your own risk.