First time doing outdoor, I love it
Sideways pics
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I had one LIOS hybrid I stuck outside hoping my old lady wouldn't see it and one day I went over to check it and it had been pulled from the pot and run over with the lawnmower...You can't win 'em all I reckon.
I really wish that my new partner told me the huge pinetree that I put the Glues partially under, for cover from choppers, drips a shit ton of sap everywhere. Now we have to move these monsters to the other side of the lawn tomorrow evening and thats gonna suck!
If they break Im taking her share to cover my share for not telling me in the beginning that this tree drips sap and heavy pinecones fall from it. Got like 200 huge, green, super heavy, pinecone bundles just hanging over these 2x plants ready to bomb the shit outa them soon. Wish us luck! Would be a shame to loose these now.
over the last few days, while the rest of us werent calling around an making pricing spreadsheets, i was able to snap some photos of the most recent corey an glue run.
You go on and on. Let it go. Ok, you didn't like the store. I get it.
Reminds me of the two ex-wives. On and on and on.....
Your user name, Gmanwho, Whats the "G" stand for? Girly? GirlyManWho Beechalot?
whoa, stop the press. you where able to trick not one, but 2 women into marrying you???
Thats impressive!!
an this whole time i thought you might have been just old enough to be heading back to school. maybe elementary into jr high or something. but 2 wives... wow. ic never ceases to amaze me. carry on....
Your user name, Gmanwho, Whats the "G" stand for? Girly? GirlyManWho Beechalot?
an not only a spreadsheet master, he's magician for getting 2 people to commit. who would've known , a magician right before us here in our little ic thread.
when using phone all you have to do is open pic with whatever editor your phone uses..crop just a tad off and then it will upload correct. It has to do with the format that phones use.
$1000. Not in my room. Let's see (no spreadsheet)
5L bloom $62
5L grow $62
1L Topmax $21
1L Alaskan fish $6
1L hygrozyme $30
1L sweet $18
1L cal/mag $16
So that's what $200 and that's 2 grows worth.
I swear most of these additives nowadays are for the growers not the plants.