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Mass Introduces Bill to Regulate & Tax Cannabis



Marijuana is much easier to grow then a lot of vegetables and fruits out there. with that being said we are living in the golden era for pot right now. few more years bet you be able to grab a bundle at your local co op for dirt cheap. in a legal market there is no way in hell good ganja will catch 2500-3k per lb thats a dream. when its legal you will see it drop to same price as mexican mid grade mark my words 500 per lb for your finest. might take a few years but it will happen. nothing good lasts forever

the government is taking over all of the illegal things us americans depend on to feedd our families.. whats next legalizing heroin.. and letting people chose to see a CAREGIVER or get oxys at the pharmacy?


That's the growers fault for accepting such shitty prices. If growers could align and agree to basic standardized pricing they could get the price they choose.

The problem is there is always under cutters out there that only care about themselves willing to sell what ever product they are selling for bottom dollar prices. The bad economy doesn't make the situation any better. 2013 will probably be the year the bottom falls out of the weed market, they've managed to pile drive every market under the sun into the ground, it would be foolish to think MJ won't suffer the same fate.

im not saying that i dont understand it. im saying.. if growers kept prices on real TOPSHELF bud then we wouldnt have pounds going for 500 bucks like swag in a couple years..

its like the market man.. they will keep prices up till they make enough money.. then the stock will drop right after they sell it .. perfect timing! ... all i was saying is.. wen u got good buds.. dont be a bitch and let some1 say im not paying that.. tell em to walk.. and fuck it .. if thats the case.. ill start growing beasters haha or another ehh ok strain that is great for cash cropping..

u dont get it.. when u lose ur job.. and cant afford to pay ur bills.. and u start growing buds and actually do a good job.. its a slap in the face when some1 tells u that they can get better for cheaper.. its like ya right dude. u can get bud thats ben ran on a pollinator for 2 days.. so they can make hash and sell the bud too hahah

and ya cali is doing soo good shipping shit out? haha look they all get busted big time.. and shut down .. and lose mad money.. y because there greedy fucks.. and are doing illegal shit by sending it to the east..

when u rub it in the governments face.. and nose.. they will spit in urs..


Active member
Price is a bargain between the buyer and seller. Only taxes will get in the way of that now. Prices will fall once legal outdoor and greenhouser production is established. Traffickers will not be able to compete. And thats a good thing.

sour power

Active member
i dont know about the rest of you but im happy as fuck MA passed the bill.i dont mind selling my meds for cheaper to dispensaries and its legal.not having to hide and play with the blackmarket to earn a buck is a win win in my book...thank you yo all the good peeps in MA that stepped up and voted yes...
i dont know about the rest of you but im happy as fuck MA passed the bill.i dont mind selling my meds for cheaper to dispensaries and its legal.not having to hide and play with the blackmarket to earn a buck is a win win in my book...thank you yo all the good peeps in MA that stepped up and voted yes...
so your gonna get a "special hardship" exemption and cake off the dispos?

Question 3, the ballot initiative approved by 63% of Massachusetts voters, allows qualifying patients to use and purchase marijuana “produced and distributed by new state-regulated centers or, in specific hardship cases, to grow marijuana for their own use.”

better get your paper up cuz im sure getting one of those slots to be a state regulated facility is gonna take alot of hand greasing with the powers that be. but seriously.......ma med laws if you read them are tight as fuck. I am glad it passed for peeps that need it.....but to think you are gonna move to mass and cake is kinda far fetched as the law reads. Only marijuana "produced and sold" by the state regulated center is allowed.....even patients need a "special hardship exemption" to grow their own. No caregivers...........no growing ur own meds unless you got paper for startup and license fees......lawyers.......all that jazz.

just my thoughts and wanna hear what others think.

sour power

Active member
your allowed 48 plants 24 in flower 24 in veg.didnt really check on who can supply the dispensaries i need to check that..also im from boston born and raised.i lived in backbay my whole up into 2years ago.i have family all over mass but thanks i need to look up the dispensaries and how they will be ran


I read in an article in today's paper that the law makers should be writing out the new rules within the next 4 months. I was also concerned what "hardship" means but I do not think it will be an issue when it's done. From what I read in that article whoever posses a MMJ card will be able to grow there own as well be a caregiver for others.

I am looking for ward to our new day and wish the best to all from this site
I read in an article in today's paper that the law makers should be writing out the new rules within the next 4 months. I was also concerned what "hardship" means but I do not think it will be an issue when it's done. From what I read in that article whoever posses a MMJ card will be able to grow there own as well be a caregiver for others.

I am looking for ward to our new day and wish the best to all from this site
yup.....thats in the link too. Next 120 days alot of the details will be worked out. It looks like while in writing it seems to be a lot tighter than RI it also seems the laws leaves "room" for adjustments. I see people in western mass getting the right to grow more based on locality......vs people claiming financial hardship to get a grow going towards the metro area. Cuz you know there will be a bunch of dispos in the city and surrounding areas.

We'll just have to see how it plays out. Looking forward to it......I feel no matter what the cream always rises to the top and with some adjustments the strong will survive.:ying:


Active member
So great that Ma. has gone medical. But, remember it is still FEDERALLY illegal, and the price of weed should be reflected in quality, and the fact that doing FEDERAL time sucks alot more, than state time. Maybe Ma. won't lock you up, but the FED sure will, they have plenty of cells in a prison far, far away from your family. Just explain that to anyone that thinks it is "legal".



I don't think the technicalities have been worked out yet because I haven't been able to find any info about that except for that they claim they will write out the details in the next 4 months. But I assume they will establish some rules in order for the dispensaries to get their product


New member
comment to MAs marijuana initiative

comment to MAs marijuana initiative

:tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:This is a positive step for Ma.it is a starting place. This is a ballot initiative which means its not written into the state constitution which means it can be changed and voted on by the 63% of Massachusetts voters that voted this initiative in, in the first place. It can be voted on in ways that benefit the Massachusetts medical marijuana patient. No don't get excited already, this is a process. When we got medical marijuana in Colorado in 2000 it was written into our constitution, good for one reason, damn hard to refute as a law and "take back". Bad for another, hard to get anything changed within that law.But look what happened, just 12 short years later we vote for recreational legalization and it PASSES.I am a little bummed though, as a medical patient i have permission from my doctor to grow 24 plants(12vegetative and 12 flowering)now when the legislation goes through here in about 10 or 12 months there might not be any more medical marijuana but only recreational marijuana and all an adult can grow for that is 6 plants(3vegetative and3 flowering)you can see where this can dramatically effect my health, I need to try and grow enough to get me through 3 months at a time. 3 plants flowering isn't even enough to get me through 1 month.Some of us "old timers" on the medical marijuana program are hoping we can be "GRANDFATHERED" in with our bigger grows.But i'm not getting my hopes up.hang in there Ma. it can get better, we(colorado)were a republican state when we voted in medical marijuana. AND the people of colorado were so tired of living the drug war LIE that 5000 more colorado voters voted for marijuana than for Obama.im glad for your state and its people. this is a major leap forward.
so your gonna get a "special hardship" exemption and cake off the dispos?

Question 3, the ballot initiative approved by 63% of Massachusetts voters, allows qualifying patients to use and purchase marijuana “produced and distributed by new state-regulated centers or, in specific hardship cases, to grow marijuana for their own use.”

better get your paper up cuz im sure getting one of those slots to be a state regulated facility is gonna take alot of hand greasing with the powers that be. but seriously.......ma med laws if you read them are tight as fuck. I am glad it passed for peeps that need it.....but to think you are gonna move to mass and cake is kinda far fetched as the law reads. Only marijuana "produced and sold" by the state regulated center is allowed.....even patients need a "special hardship exemption" to grow their own. No caregivers...........no growing ur own meds unless you got paper for startup and license fees......lawyers.......all that jazz.

just my thoughts and wanna hear what others think.