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Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than You Think



Okay, first, never trust politicians, they are all lawyers. Second do not trust the media, all those politicians own portions of those media outlets. Now the most important lesson, do not trust WSJ or the NYT.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Dabs are bad mmkay...

I don't buy it.

They are fun and over the top and I thank them for being there.

As for that article, Anslinger and Hearst are still alive in spirit... which is embarrassing to any human advanced enough to recognize it.

Some appear to be truly vested in the past waspy idiom, and thusly doomed to repeat it.

Ad infinitum.

Why do we keep giving these asshats all the power when we see, time and time again, what they do with it?

I guess fake news really is out there.

soil margin

Active member
Stupid people are always doomed to be stupid, not much you can do there. Thankfully it does seem like the majority popular opinion is shifting to be favorable towards cannabis. No one expected a quarter of the country's states to have legalized weed a decade or two ago. We're making some progress, even if there are a few people permanently stuck in their ways.


Well-known member
Oh god that article is so flawed. I want to contact their editor.. Cannabis extracts have existed for centuries i'm sure hash in the 70's was more than 2% thc, its become more common place. Cannabinoids are not neurotoxic, they're neuroprotective the gov owns patents on this. Theres been extensive research and there is no connection between psychosis and cannabis. Its ridiculous. I don't even get paranoid anymore the experience is quite refreshing and i now smoke raw concentrate.

I have lost respect for the new york times this article is plum ridiculous, its so refutable.


Active member
I had friends, 3 brothers, their mother was in extreme anxiety //social, paranoia, depression// Two brothers on pharmapills go self murder, one who smokes rather cannabis is live and healthy.
The same in ,,normal,, population friends. Those who smoke till are normal working people and everyone who i know that take pharmapills are after death.
The same with anger/nerve/ types of people what i knowed
Even the ,,bad,, peoples are more ,,good,, after smoking canna for some time.
They know its medicine, they play with us, f..k their pills and money biznis and stolen legalization.


Well-known member
I dropped a lit joint of weed and hash on my chest once... burned like a bitch...
so yes , it can be dangerous- beware :tiphat:


Well-known member
RE-the outtake in the "New Yorker" "Tell Your Children"...lol. note he writes "novels", books completely untethered to reality. his wifes lofty assertion "oh, they all smoke" forms the entire basis for his stand on cannabis. the rest is bullshit window dressing posing as supportative facts, of which he has zero. nearly everything he claims has ALREADY been debunked by people/organizations better prepared & equipped to find the truth. just one more asshole selling bullshit to the gullible...:tiphat:


I seen this today, I was stunned, they cited nothing in statistic at all. I have never felt violent when smoking, ( okay I did attack a bag of doritos), I do not know if I am crazy and I do not think smoke makes me a better driver. It is amazing that if you pay attention to the interview, it really was about money. Alex berenson should seek out opposing opinions than just those in public service who maybe biased, pay attention to what this guy says in the interview, it is all one sided(biased).


Well-known member
I seen this today, I was stunned, they cited nothing in statistic at all. I have never felt violent when smoking, ( okay I did attack a bag of doritos), I do not know if I am crazy and I do not think smoke makes me a better driver. It is amazing that if you pay attention to the interview, it really was about money. Alex berenson should seek out opposing opinions than just those in public service who maybe biased, pay attention to what this guy says in the interview, it is all one sided(biased).

Doritos, lol. they take a LOT of abuse. i'm pretty sure that smoking DOES make me a "safer" driver, maybe not a "better" one. probably because i drive a LOT slower when high. my friends/family will back me up on this as well. my wife once said (after hair-raising ride on notorious 4-lane stretch of highway) "boy, i can't wait until you start smoking again!" ditto my offspring. on my own, i am a type A personality driver, in WAY too big of a hurry. slightly medicated, i am more often than not late, because i slow down for yellow lights and actually STOP for red ones, while allowing folks around me to merge/change lanes w/out upraised fingers, hunking horns etc.


@armedoldhippie , laughing, I will bitch about everyones driving even when high, I just hate how most people stereo type everyone anymore, it is like everything needs to be labeled and quantified so that people can come to terms with reality. Most studies on cannabis are half assed and have no actual merit. On a road trip whether short or long, my girl and I will burn a joint, it never gets to heavy and we are always paying attention, of course we smoke sativa.


Well-known member
yea that potency thing again. a older pharmacist got the shpeel at some conference. had to explain they had hash back in the day which was just as or more potent then 80% of the weed sold. also instead of smoking 1 giant of 8% u smoke 1/4 of the size of a 20% as hits harder with more terps to pass it over blood brin barrier and also less overall smoking which is the bad part. Also less pesticide sprayed mexi brix and Heavy metal tested cleaner smoke also know potency so know can consume less.

also there has to be a giant bias, as people who thougth would go to jail as being set up by admiting to smoking vs a legal state where people are happier to share their usage. similarly asking 12 yo boy if he pulls his pud, vs a 26 or 75year olds. even if say its anonymous reality is different then what is stated some scared to admit some happy to some wish they did/could do more...


@clearheaded, I always bought top shelf when I was younger. Only on a couple of occasions did I ever have the brick weed, it super sucked, if anything, it really is not the potency, it is more the quality that has gotten better. Now, I grow my own, I am afraid some idiot on the street will sell me some fetynal laced crap and kill me. As far as people pulling their puds, I have my own and my girlfriend helps me with that.

soil margin

Active member
The thing I find to be highly deceptive when people try to make the point that current cannabis potency is drastically higher than it was 40-50 years ago, is that they never want to talk about or acknowledge the fact of diminishing returns. E.g. smoke a 1 gram joint, then wait a week and smoke a 2 gram joint. The 2 gram joint does not get you twice as high as the 1 gram joint, it gets you maybe 20,30,40% higher. You only have so many cannabinoid receptors in your body, it's a fixed amount. So ingesting 10x as much THC will get you higher, but it's not going to get you 10x higher.

In addition, people automatically tailor their consumption quantity based on the potency. If you're used to smoking outdoor brick weed and then someone gives you a free bag of the finest quality indoor, you probably won't need to smoke as much everyday because a smaller amount gets you just as high. The anti-cannabis crowd never wants to acknowledge or talk about this. They want to push this idea that a doubling of the average cannabis plant potency must translate to a doubling of cannabis side effects and problems, which is clearly not the case and we have decades of evidence now showing that.


Well-known member
If it was a legal market, people could at least choose their potency.... like with alcohol, strongest doesn’t always mean best.
It’s the illegal status that has been the driver for smaller, stronger plants- if they’d left it alone we’d still be smoking nice import weed and hash.
On the plus side, it has given us the incentive to grow our own though


I am a pretty decent driver, I love the guy/gal that likes to speed up so they can be ahead of you only to end up sitting at the same stop light, love those people.


Chemon 91
Green,Greed Rush.

the government seems to have given the private jails time to adjust to filling the Jails with other offenders of american law.

Following the Money of Mass Incarceration | Prison Policy Initiative

182 billion dollar industry with roots into politicians it seems.


Money, Not Morals, Drives Marijuana Prohibition Movement


i felt like after seeing that nug pic at the link... hmm..my nugs look better...

well.... i need to humble my envy.



soil margin

Active member
I am a pretty decent driver, I love the guy/gal that likes to speed up so they can be ahead of you only to end up sitting at the same stop light, love those people.

Hah. The absolute funniest is when I'm walking down a busy street, some asshole cuts me off when I'm walking through a crosswalk to make his right turn, only to get stopped at the end of the street at the next crosswalk, and just walking at a normal pace I end up being at the exact same place at the exact same time as the douche who had to cut me off to get where he was going 3 seconds faster.

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