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Marijuana ‘hash oil' explosions on rise


Intravenous THC & CBD Experiment (video)

Intravenous THC and cannabidiol experiment from BBC documentary
from Cannabis Medicine TV - YouTube (click link below)


Yeah like I said EXPERIMENTS.

The documentary included following experiments about whether it's dangerous.

that's also a hugely biased documetary from few years ago and she was "psychotic" for a couple of hours. The research was funded to show the harms of cannabis and they came up with jack-shit that lasted more than a couple hours.

All the way through she insisted how bad cannabis is while drinking alcohol and smoking packs of cigarettes a day.

Thomas Paine

My point with the intravenous THC / CBD video was to show people that it is an actual thing.
When I tell my younger friends about it they don't even believe me that people do it.

I've never IV'd anything though. But I have used pure cannabinoids myself so I know the effects first hand.


The Surreal Story of My Brother’s Arrest
by A Sister

Editor’s note: The grammatical mistake in the article’s first paragraph is entirely unlike the author, a normally punctilious writer and thinker, and is retained as evidence of how much the event that occasioned the piece upset her.

On Tuesday my 19-year-old brother was arrested at home and taken to jail, two days before Thanksgiving and over a year after the incident for which he is facing two felony charges occurred. In September 2012, him and three friends were attempting to concentrate THC from marijuana into Hash Oil by solvent extraction with butane. The butane canister that my brother was holding combusted and his body set aflame in the explosion. After he stopped, dropped and rolled to put himself out, he was rushed to the ER where his skinless torso and arms were cleaned and wrapped in bandages. Doctors said that 55 percent of his body was covered in third degree burns, and he was lucky that his face, airways, and lower body were intact. He was transferred to the burn unit at UC Davis Medical Center and over the next two months surgeons removed skin from his lower body and patched it over the spots where his skin was completely lost. The procedures were painful. I watched him suffer.

Every morning his bandages had to be cut away and his wounds had to be cleaned and re-bandaged. This was also incredibly painful. During wound care, my brother always had the nurses play Bob Marley. They all told him they liked being assigned to him for best because he made an effort to make the most difficult parts of caring for him more pleasant for everyone. I learned that our skin is our bodies’ principal defense against the outside world. My brother was very susceptible to MRSA and all kinds of deadly infections, and every time we entered his ICU we had to sterilize and put on gowns and gloves in order to protect him from whatever germs we might bring in. After his skin grafts, he had to have special surgeries to release the skin where it contracted around his joints. My brother said the recovery from these surgeries was the most painful. The surgeons cut the still-healing skin around the joints to release the tight spots, called “contractures,” and then patched them over with more skin taken from elsewhere on the body in small strips. It’s important to do lots of physical therapy after this procedure in order to keep the skin from retightening, but it hurts. Patients always want to curl up in a little ball, the nurses said, because that’s the way it hurts the least, but you have to move around and stretch in order to save yourself from more pain later. Once while I was visiting, a physical therapist came into the room to work with my brother. He was crying from pain and frustration and I was crying too. I remember she told him that he must say to himself over and over, “The position of comfort is the position of contracture.”

He is still due for one more of these surgeries on his right shoulder, where over the course of the healing period the new skin has contracted and caused him to hold his shoulder up tightly to his neck. His scars are purple and hot red, and the skin that was stretched across his upper body is textured with a chain-link fence pattern. He complains that it itches. Large portions of it are inflamed and are raised up in visible agitation. His body is deformed and he is embarrassed to take his shirt off. He was popular in high school and received just as much attention as any good-looking teenage boy with a charming personality could expect. He fears he won’t have girlfriends now.

Within a year of being released from the hospital, my brother earned his GED. He was just beginning his senior year in high school when the accident happened. He got his driver’s license, and a job working as a sales clerk at a clothing store. He managed to completely wean himself from his pain medication — all opiates — even though he still has pain. We didn’t think he’d be arrested despite the criminal nature of what he was doing when the explosion happened. Nobody ever excused his behavior, including him. Instead of pleading “Why me?” with the gods, he always owned that he very likely caused the explosion himself as a novice dealing with a highly flammable gas in a very unstable and risky way. He maintains that the incident in which the accident occurred was the first time he ever attempted that kind of experiment, though he smoked weed regularly. He says that he didn’t know how to do it properly and he didn’t take enough precaution. He was being careless, unwise and overbold. He was uninformed and unpracticed. His ignorance was his undoing.

Tuesday he was locked in a jail cell for his mistake. He told my mother in a brief phone call that he thinks the place is sketchy. He’s gotten a few weird looks, but he says his cellmate seems nice. None of us had any idea this was going to happen today, although we suspected something was coming when he was suspended from his job a few weeks ago after his employer did a background check and found that he had a few unresolved felony charges on file. But nobody from law enforcement ever contacted him. Nothing was sent in the mail. His bail is now set at $100,000, which I’m told means we’d have to pay $10,000 to get him out. He’s staying in. He’s really upset he wasn’t with us for Thanksgiving. He imagines how awkward it was for the whole family gathered at the dinner table with him in jail.

It’s extremely awkward for me, for one, because Thanksgiving is about giving thanks. However that message has been corrupted by commercials, corporate football, or phony American history, I think the notion of taking a day off to give thanks over a big meal with your loved ones is basically a good idea. Reflection is good, and rejoicing is good. But when your brother was been unexpectedly jailed two days before the holiday it’s difficult to see what’s so special about being thankful. When really shitty, unfair and evil things are happening in the world it doesn’t make any sense to sit down and be thankful for what you have like it’s some kind of compensation. It’s completely beside the point from the awful affairs underway. Your grandmother will tell you, “Be thankful for what you do have, be thankful for your health,” etc, but all of that recognition is irrelevant to fixing what is absolutely wrong. Being thankful is not a remedy.

My brother is guilty but I don’t think he deserves to be put in jail now or ever—not at the hands of our present criminal justice system, which is totally misguided and corrupt. He’s only 19 years old and he’s in a prison cell. Which asshole’s idea was it to lock him up before a holiday—the beginning of a four day weekend for the court, at that—after just sitting on the case for a year without a word? He has a hearing on Monday to calendar his trial, but he’s in jail indefinitely unless something miraculous happens. If he gets convicted it will count as time served, but he could get up to seven years.

*The author is a 21-year-old humanities student on the West Coast of the United States awakening to the rottenness in her society. Her identity is withheld to protect her brother in court. The piece’s editor, Alexander Reed Kelly of Truthdig.com, attests the story is true.


My point with the intravenous THC / CBD video was to show people that it is an actual thing.
When I tell my younger friends about it they don't even believe me that people do it.

I've never IV'd anything though. But I have used pure cannabinoids myself so I know the effects first hand.

But it's not a thing.

Not really, I mean I read almost no one has ever done it, there's only been a very small amount of lab tests with it, mostly on animals. It's gotalmost no chance of happening recreationally, or at least happening recreationally and working.
Any idiot can inject oil, they'd probably be looking at a blood clot as a result...
Properly prepared injectile Cannabinoids have existed in very few labs in very few places, maybe some really good chemists have come up with something that works, but really this is not at all a common occurence.

Here's an article written this year, in which one guy fearmongers that as "Cannabis is so addictive" people will be injecting it... then admits he's never even managed to find a scientific paper on the subject, let alone stoners doing it.

The responce is good but that guy also says it's basically impossible to inject THC.
, Melamede says, "first of all, you can't separate the physical from the psychological. Everything in our brain comes from the physical ability of how our brain works. But the studies he's referring to are very poorly controlled. If you take a population of people who are using cannabis, especially in high doses, and then cut them off from it, they have stress, poor sleeping, etc. But those are the very things people use marijuana for -- because they are stressed or not sleeping well. So you're taking away the medicine that fixes their bio-medical problems and then saying that's proof they're addicted. That's like taking someone off antibiotics they're taking for an infection and when they infection comes back saying, 'This proves they're addicted to antibiotics.' "In reality, it's been termed to be about as addictive as caffeine. Just use a little common sense and think about how many people used marijuana prior to 25 and then stopped using until they reached their forties, fifties, sixties and seventies and were starting to get age-related illnesses. If it was so addicting, why did they all stop?"
In Melamede's opinion, the same sort of common-sense approach should be applied to concerns about marijuana users potentially injecting THC. "Some of this stuff is just so stupid," he says, "that it reflects on the competence of the people making these statements."
"Experts" who hate Cannabis can't even prove it happens. Experts in Medical Cannabis haven't seen the tiny number of tests that have done it to humans.
Partially I suspect because injections of Cannabinoids are usually funded by the Anti-Cannabis Lobby and
(a) sometimes don't publish if Cannabis is proven safe
(b) sometimes can't publish because they've skewed the experiment.

I have read about Cannabinoid injections.

I don't like injections but I can't see that in a well regulated framework they need be any more dangerous than any other mode of ingestion.


I wasn't sure if a look at the maths would sway anyone, this wasn't written about injections in particular but about toxicity of Cannabis in general

Going back slightly to look at toxicity I don't generally put much trust in “herbal supplements” despite them being much touted by the hippie sections of the cannabis movement. If I feel that processed medications are generally better and safer why do I suggest that herbal cannabis should be allowed or even recommended as a genuinely safer alternative? For all the forthcoming examples the assumptions will be made against cannabis being safe, thus if it still appears safe we can be confident that it should be based on current toxic dose estimations. The toxic dose of 1% THC cannabis is estimated at 1/3rd of the organisms' body weight over a period of 15 minutes, making cannabis less likely to cause an overdose than say... water. Moving to a “modern” average herbal concentration of 12.5% this would still require a 70 kilo individual to smoke over 1.8 Kilo's of Cannabis in the 15 minute time limit. How do we compare to other consumption methods? It is known that 50-90% of cannabinoids are lost in the combustion of smoking. Though obviously additional losses occur, for example, not all gaseous THC is inhaled or enters the blood stream. We will make the over-simplifying assumption that lab tests maximise efficiency at 50% intake, even if it is above the possible. Assuming likewise that eating would result in double the Cannabinoid intake we could theoretically halve the quantity needed. Even 0.9 kilograms presents a significant challenge, eating more than a couple of grams on it's own will give a similar sensation to eating strong mint or other strongly flavoured herbs except requiring considerably more chewing thus making it even more challenging. Additionally while the efficiency is higher the time taken for absorption is much longer, several hours are necessary meaning that in fact perhaps a greater mass of cannabis bud would be necessary. If THC was injected (which I've only heard of occurring in lab tests of the effects of large doses of cannabis) we could be working with 100% THC oil (Though in practice you'd actually need a lot more solvent than THC to get it safely into the bloodstream). Working again on the assumption of a 70 kilo individual this would be 116 grams of THC assuming the injection would enter the blood immediately this may also be the first genuine case where realistically none of the dose would be lost. It's worth noting however that despite numerous attempts physical harm has never been achieved in mammals. Indeed very few trials have even managed to devise injectable forms of THC. The therapeutic or recreational dose ranges considerably with individual tolerances based on usage and predisposition but few people would wish to smoke more than 2 grams of cannabis bud in even a “heavy” day, let alone inject over 58 times that weight of pure THC even if they had the necessary money or equipment.
Contrasting with another common pain relieving plant extract the maths look considerably different. For Aspirin the therapeutic dose is 1 gram every four hours and not exceeding 4 grams a day, a single 10 gram dose could be toxic. A factor of 10 increase may be dangerous for many substances but 1 gram per 4 hours to a total of 6 grams per day for a period of several days could equally be toxic. Willow Bark extract is sold relatively freely in health-food and nutritional supplement shops as a “natural headache cure” ultimately the difference is one of dose standardisation. The active ingredient in Aspirin was initially extracted from Willow bark, the chewing of which is a long standing headache treatment but for tablets it is now mostly synthesised.
Where the patient faces no risk of overdose standardisation doesn't seem as big a worry


honey oil addict
So really Hazard numbers, some generic safety equipment and Flammable & toxic are really all they can say, nothing weed specific.

it doesnt have to be weed specific. there is no safety information on any cans i have seen really, just a a couple of symbols that mean death. It wouldnt be hard to put some kind of warning on them in regards to dangers of expelling cans unlit into an enclosed environment.


I love my life
it doesnt have to be weed specific. there is no safety information on any cans i have seen really, just a a couple of symbols that mean death. It wouldnt be hard to put some kind of warning on them in regards to dangers of expelling cans unlit into an enclosed environment.

Warning labels are just slightly less effective than new laws and more PIGS.

What are the warning labels on gas cans like? Does that stop people from catching fire if they are playing with gas while smoking? Warning labels on ladders, does that keep morons from standing on the top and falling?

Whatever happened to individual responsibility and let the buyer beware?

It seems like almost all people in this country are in the 13+ grade, never graduated to adulthood, and need the teachers and yard duties to tell them how to live their lives. Very sad.



it doesnt have to be weed specific. there is no safety information on any cans i have seen really, just a a couple of symbols that mean death. It wouldnt be hard to put some kind of warning on them in regards to dangers of expelling cans unlit into an enclosed environment.

All they could really say would be don't use for examples: pumps that can spark, it pretty much all comes down to: don't use near potential ignition sources.
Don't heat it. beware of vapour, don't inhale Butane.

The way to do it is in a vented lab space.

Most guides will say safety precautions, especially books like Cannabis Alchemy which even helps you set up a fume cupboard with a blow-out side.

The problem is people don't properly prepare either by reading or buying equipments, even people aware of risks don't want to think that THEY are at risk.


I love my life
As many have pointed out butane in heavier than air, so ground level intakes for the ventilation system is key. Hoods are fine but not a solution for many butane issues.

Keep it safe. GrayWolf still hasn't exploded and he's show this community that hundreds of Lbs can be processed safely and contaminate free!!!!!!

Long live the Overgrowers and Inventors!



As many have pointed out butane in heavier than air, so ground level intakes for the ventilation system is key. Hoods are fine but not a solution for many butane issues.
Then create an enclosure with a pegboard work surface and pull the air down through it and out of the 'box'. Much safer and more effective than attempting to ventilate an entire room.

Just saying no reason for people to blow themselves up by simply using a little thought and planning. Obviously working with flammable liquids/vapors indoors not the best idea to start with.


I love my life
He was being careless, unwise and overbold. He was uninformed and unpracticed. His ignorance was his undoing.

Even the 17 year old that blew himself up is standing as a man and taking responsibility.

Now the prohibitionists and their immoral laws are going to try him for producing a cannabis concentrate. The IMMORAL they want us to take form this is that cannabis and cannabis concentrates caused this woe and misary.

What the slave master doesn't want you to know is that if there where no prohibition Gray Wolf style BHO would be available to any adults at prices close to beer.

It is trolls and propagandists that helped this 17 year old to immolate himself, not hippies, stoners, or growers.

Looking at you TP, hopefully paid troll (cause if you are doing this without compensation you are further lost than I feared was possible).

I had the opportunity to try some BHO while in CO, and can say that I preferred the bubble hash I've previously had much more, and would opt for flowers 9 times out of 10. The BHO was too goddamned sticky to touch too. Dont see a point to it and it obviously is dangerous to manufacture.


I love my life
I had the opportunity to try some BHO while in CO, and can say that I preferred the bubble hash I've previously had much more, and would opt for flowers 9 times out of 10. The BHO was too goddamned sticky to touch too. Dont see a point to it and it obviously is dangerous to manufacture.

So you want more laws, cages, and Pigs? 4.5 years with 10 posts a year tell us what you really fucking think.



So you want more laws, cages, and Pigs? 4.5 years with 10 posts a year tell us what you really fucking think.


Dude that was harsh!

I mean I agree, BHO doesn't need to be dangerous if done properly. make weed legal and have BHO manufacturing regulated as a civil matter, not a criminal one. Get rid of the current drug laws and police shit-storms around whats basically the worlds safest plant.

but shit man :p
You burned him like you're on an MTV trashtalk show :tiphat:


I've seen a few people post results from tests of BHO and won't touch the stuff due to potential residues. Don't know enough about the process to understand how clean it can be. To each his/her own.

Thomas Paine

You don't give a shit about anything.

You don't give a shit about anything.

OK,we get it. The BHO aficionados have spoken. You guys don't care about people hurting themselves. You don't care about people hurting their children, You don't care about people destroying property or damaging other peoples homes. You don't care about the law. You don't care about the dangers you are putting others into. You don't care how you are making the medical marijuana community look.

None of you do the entire blasting of BHO outside.
I know because I have been to your houses. Sure, during the blasting phase you may be "outside" (aka your backyard, your porch or your deck), but after it is done rolling and boiling in the dish you all bring it inside to finish purging - ALL OF YOU. That is when many accidents happen. The BHO still de-gasses heavily for hours.

So as I said, you "BHO aficionados" have spoken.

You don't give a shit about anything or anyone.

Now please let the adults discuss a topic that is appearing in the news with increasing frequency.


Officials: Butane used to extract marijuana oil caused car explosion

Posted on December 5, 2013 at 10:34 AM
Updated yesterday at 8:24 PM

SPOKANE, Wash. -- Spokane Police and Spokane Fire Department investigated a car explosion on Sunday afternoon that left a man with serious burns and injured his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

Officials believe it to be accidental, however charges may be filed.
A witness said he felt the explosion from afar.
"I heard an explosion. It felt like the house shook," said Derrik Coulter. "There was shrapnel everywhere. The windshield looked like it went probably 200 feet."

Coulter said the man was calling out for his daughter and appeared to have serious burns on his body. The witness said he and his neighbor grabbed the daughter out of the car window.

Officials said they are processing the car for evidence and both victims were hospitalized with serious injuries. Officials said the father's burns were so severe he was transported to Harborview Burn Center in Seattle. Authorities said that both of them are okay despite their injuries.

"He just kept saying 'I'm sorry Danny, I'm sorry Danny.' You could tell he was just in total shock of what happened," Coulter said. "It was pretty sad."

Officials said the explosion tore off the roof of the car and damaged nearby buildings. Bomb Squads responded to process to car.
Investigators said they believe that the driver was trying to use cans of butane with a THC generator prior to the explosion. A THC generator is used to extract oils from marijuana to make the drug more potent. Officials said the practice is extremely dangerous.

The driver allegedly placed the items in the back seat of the car and lit a cigarette. It is believed that caused vapors in the car to explode as it was moving eastbound on Garland.



SPOKANE, Wash. -- The Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office filed formal charges Thursday against the driver of a car that exploded in the Garland District in August.

Jacob W. Sayman, 27, was charged with 3rd Degree Assault of a Child and Manufacturing of a Controlled Substance. Both charges are Felonies.

Investigators believed the car Sayman was driving Aug. 4 exploded near Garland and Wall shortly after he had attempted to illegally extract THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) from marihuana while inside the vehicle. Authorities said Sayman attempted to make the strong marijuana derivative known as “butane honey oil” by using butane lighter fluid to extract the substance from the marijuana plant materials.

When the extraction did not work, police said Sayman drove off, setting the extraction materials aside. Investigators said Sayman then lit a cigarette, which ignited butane vapors inside the car, causing the vehicle to explode.

The explosion left Sayman with serious burns and injured his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Dani. Dani had burns all over her body. She is still healing weeks after she was pulled from the car.

Her mom Staci Sienkiewicz is changing her work schedule to spend time with her daughter. She has been frustrated for months that nothing has happened to Dani’s dad since the explosion.

“When I found out this morning, when you said that, I actually raised my fists in the air and said ‘yea…yes, because it was a very reckless thing to do,” said Sienkiewicz.


Jericho Mile

OK,we get it. The BHO aficionados have spoken. You guys don't care about people hurting themselves. You don't care about people hurting their children, You don't care about people destroying property or damaging other peoples homes. You don't care about the law. You don't care about the dangers you are putting others into. You don't care how you are making the medical marijuana community look.

None of you do the entire blasting of BHO outside.
I know because I have been to your houses. Sure, during the blasting phase you may be "outside" (aka your backyard, your porch or your deck), but after it is done rolling and boiling in the dish you all bring it inside to finish purging - ALL OF YOU. That is when many accidents happen. The BHO still de-gasses heavily for hours.

So as I said, you "BHO aficionados" have spoken.

You don't give a shit about anything or anyone.

Now please let the adults discuss a topic that is appearing in the news with increasing frequency.


Officials: Butane used to extract marijuana oil caused car explosion

Posted on December 5, 2013 at 10:34 AM
Updated yesterday at 8:24 PM

SPOKANE, Wash. -- Spokane Police and Spokane Fire Department investigated a car explosion on Sunday afternoon that left a man with serious burns and injured his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

Officials believe it to be accidental, however charges may be filed.
A witness said he felt the explosion from afar.
"I heard an explosion. It felt like the house shook," said Derrik Coulter. "There was shrapnel everywhere. The windshield looked like it went probably 200 feet."

Coulter said the man was calling out for his daughter and appeared to have serious burns on his body. The witness said he and his neighbor grabbed the daughter out of the car window.

Officials said they are processing the car for evidence and both victims were hospitalized with serious injuries. Officials said the father's burns were so severe he was transported to Harborview Burn Center in Seattle. Authorities said that both of them are okay despite their injuries.

"He just kept saying 'I'm sorry Danny, I'm sorry Danny.' You could tell he was just in total shock of what happened," Coulter said. "It was pretty sad."

Officials said the explosion tore off the roof of the car and damaged nearby buildings. Bomb Squads responded to process to car.
Investigators said they believe that the driver was trying to use cans of butane with a THC generator prior to the explosion. A THC generator is used to extract oils from marijuana to make the drug more potent. Officials said the practice is extremely dangerous.

The driver allegedly placed the items in the back seat of the car and lit a cigarette. It is believed that caused vapors in the car to explode as it was moving eastbound on Garland.



SPOKANE, Wash. -- The Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office filed formal charges Thursday against the driver of a car that exploded in the Garland District in August.

Jacob W. Sayman, 27, was charged with 3rd Degree Assault of a Child and Manufacturing of a Controlled Substance. Both charges are Felonies.

Investigators believed the car Sayman was driving Aug. 4 exploded near Garland and Wall shortly after he had attempted to illegally extract THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) from marihuana while inside the vehicle. Authorities said Sayman attempted to make the strong marijuana derivative known as “butane honey oil” by using butane lighter fluid to extract the substance from the marijuana plant materials.

When the extraction did not work, police said Sayman drove off, setting the extraction materials aside. Investigators said Sayman then lit a cigarette, which ignited butane vapors inside the car, causing the vehicle to explode.

The explosion left Sayman with serious burns and injured his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Dani. Dani had burns all over her body. She is still healing weeks after she was pulled from the car.

Her mom Staci Sienkiewicz is changing her work schedule to spend time with her daughter. She has been frustrated for months that nothing has happened to Dani’s dad since the explosion.

“When I found out this morning, when you said that, I actually raised my fists in the air and said ‘yea…yes, because it was a very reckless thing to do,” said Sienkiewicz.


You are really winning me over with your accusations...and your "I've been to your houses" bullshit. You are a shrill sounding poster of dishonesty. Every one of your threads is based in negativity. Next you'll be wanting our penises cut off. You get paid for this stuff?


None of you do the entire blasting of BHO outside.
I know because I have been to your houses. Sure, during the blasting phase you may be "outside" (aka your backyard, your porch or your deck), but after it is done rolling and boiling in the dish you all bring it inside to finish purging - ALL OF YOU. That is when many accidents happen. The BHO still de-gasses heavily for hours.

Hey guys I thought he was just hateful and trying to pin the guilt he feels about hurting people onto BHO. now it appears he's also sneaking into our homes.

Well not mine, I don't make BHO, I just think it's important not to stigmatise it.

I'm glad he told us we don't care about suffering, it's not that we think regulation works better than banning, it's that we want to encourage suffering.

And that's why Thomas Paine wants Cannabis to stay illegal. Because banning it and inflicting suffering on the people who get caught is better than making it legal and keeping them safe.

Ooops I mean "BHO", I must be confusing him with the prohibitionists and their TOTALLY DIFFERENT ;) argument.


Active member
you haven't been to my house an your not invited.my bho goes into a vented cabinet in my back yard to finish. the whole process is outdoors and in an area covered but only 2 walls and corregated plastic roof. even if it went boom not much damage would be done.i don't do bho much anymore tho. maybe 8 times a year lol. haven't had an issue ever. and no I don't really care if some dumbass blows themselves up . survival of the fittest BOOM there goes another idiot. you need to try it yourself man make sure to light a bunch of scented candles and smoke a j
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