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All may think herb is good for us, and I grew indoors since 96, but to get the full 'medical' effect the equator grown has way more heath inducing quality. We seem to think our us grown is the best, but really its not. Infact we are using the plant like we do with everything in america put in on steroid's, not talking co2 eather.


Veg & Flower Station keeper
Maybe I'd say high grade medical. And you could also use MH bare bulb for UV too. Plus a minimum amount of UV spectrum in lumens per sq ft or meter. I don't see that being a requisite for medical marijuana itself, but it definitely is a personal preference.


I think soil quality has as much to do with the bud quality as does high sun levels. Also don't forget cultivation quality; it all matters. If you have good genetics, grown well with lots of sun, great soil and clean water, then you will get very high quality bud.
I do enjoy mine and others, great quality indoor.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I agree with Lemongrove.

And will add that I have grown buds with, and completely without, UV A or B.
The buds grown without it were some of the strongest and frostiest bud you'll find anywhere, indoor, or out.
Grown with nothing shorter than 460 nm. blue, and a metric shitload of 660 nm. deep red.

I now use a UV blocker for my greenhouse roofing as I have proven, to myself at least, that UV is not necessary to grow medical quality herb.
What's more it is almost as harmful to plants as it is to unprotected skin.

Also did some experimenting with UVc via a germicidal mercury vapor lamp.
Fried a few limbs with it.
And had a serious loss of potency compared to the un-fried limbs of the same plant.
So, my conclusion, based on experimentation is, sunlight, good. UV, bad. :D

Responses based on unproven belief systems will be soundly ignored.
But, if you have any science?
Bring it!
We'll talk.:)


"I don't want to believe, I want to know!" --Carl Sagan


Veg & Flower Station keeper
I agree with Lemongrove.

And will add that I have grown buds with, and completely without, UV A or B.
The buds grown without it were some of the strongest and frostiest bud you'll find anywhere, indoor, or out.
Grown with nothing shorter than 460 nm. blue, and a metric shitload of 660 nm. deep red.

I now use a UV blocker for my greenhouse roofing as I have proven, to myself at least, that UV is not necessary to grow medical quality herb.
What's more it is almost as harmful to plants as it is to unprotected skin.

Also did some experimenting with UVc via a germicidal mercury vapor lamp.
Fried a few limbs with it.
And had a serious loss of potency compared to the un-fried limbs of the same plant.
So, my conclusion, based on experimentation is, sunlight, good. UV, bad. :D

Responses based on unproven belief systems will be soundly ignored.
But, if you have any science?
Bring it!
We'll talk.:)


"I don't want to believe, I want to know!" --Carl Sagan
It's the amount that counts too. You only need 10-20% of the blue spectrum in flower for great results, and not a whole lotta UV either. Also different strains will respond differently to more blue & UV. There's a lot of talk about that going on in the MH vs HPS in bloom thread: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=243060&page=38

The neg rep fairy is having a field day here! :woohoo:


I should elaborate more , the equator has the right spectrum after all it is natural. I do agree soil plays a big part in bringing out the best in herb, but c'mon adding cleated ferts are the norm these day's in the usa, and cannot really be medical if all these factors are not up to par. Outdoors you do have the wind, rain to deal with that can jepordise potential, but the sun is the natural way.


I agree with you.

I agree with Lemongrove.

And will add that I have grown buds with, and completely without, UV A or B.
The buds grown without it were some of the strongest and frostiest bud you'll find anywhere, indoor, or out.
Grown with nothing shorter than 460 nm. blue, and a metric shitload of 660 nm. deep red.

I now use a UV blocker for my greenhouse roofing as I have proven, to myself at least, that UV is not necessary to grow medical quality herb.
What's more it is almost as harmful to plants as it is to unprotected skin.

Also did some experimenting with UVc via a germicidal mercury vapor lamp.
Fried a few limbs with it.
And had a serious loss of potency compared to the un-fried limbs of the same plant.
So, my conclusion, based on experimentation is, sunlight, good. UV, bad. :D

Responses based on unproven belief systems will be soundly ignored.
But, if you have any science?
Bring it!
We'll talk.:)


"I don't want to believe, I want to know!" --Carl Sagan
I don't understand this obsession with UV. All the scientific research I've read from Clarke, or Merlin, or amy of the actual botanists working on cannabis is that UV light hampers thc development.


Active member
when I had an uv light I let my iguana keep it where it belonged. lol I tried some half assed uv experiments way back and gave up quickly.


While I disagree with the OP and my product sure is potent enough to work as medicine without the use of UV lights... here's some science, enjoy.

Pate, D.W., 1994. Chemical ecology of Cannabis. Journal of the International Hemp Association 2: 29, 32-37.


Ultraviolet radiation
A preliminary investigation (Pate 1983) indicated that, in areas of high ultraviolet radiation exposure, the UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties of THC may have conferred an evolutionary advantage to Cannabis capable of greater production of this compound from biogenetic precursor CBD. The extent to which this production is also influenced by environmental UV-B induced stress has been experimentally determined by Lydon et al. (1987). Their experiments demonstrate that under conditions of high UV-B exposure, drug-type Cannabis produces significantly greater quantities of THC. They have also demonstrated the chemical lability of CBD upon exposure to UV-B (Lydon and Teramura 1987), in contrast to the stability of THC and CBC.

Afaik no one ever reproduced Lydon's results, so take it with a grain of salt. ;)


... after all it is natural...

You seem to suffer from the delusion that 'natural' is a synonym for 'good', 'healthy' or 'benign' which it is not.
Nature is what every organism has to fight for survival. It's not your friend, it's your enemy.
It tries to kill you every second of the day.


Well-known member
You seem to suffer from the delusion that 'natural' is synonymic to 'good', 'healthy' or 'benign' which it is not.
Nature is what every organism has to fight for survival. It's not your friend, it's your enemy.
It tries to kill you every second of the day.

You got that right.

Mercury, Lead and Uranium are natural too. I wouldn't want any of those in my ganja.

Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac are natural too. Sure wouldn't wipe my ass with them.

I'd hate to have been the poor bastard that figured that shit out the hard way.

There are probably more things in nature that are harmful to you than are good for you. We've had thousands of years of experience learning what to avoid. If people were truly aware of what nature has in store for them, they'd never leave the house.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I agree with Superman, Nature has a lot of good to offer along with the bad, you just have to evolve as a survivor in order stay alive, I ain't fighting no bear, I be eating that bear.
