Mr. Nevermind
Has smoking pot stopped being fun? Nope!
Do you ever get high alone? Yes or with my girl, i dont smoke in large settings or groups
Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana? No , its just a plant
Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use? No, i find friends based of similiar interest, MJ use just happens to be one of them. if youre an asshole and use MJ I'll still think youre an asshole and not want to befriend you
Do you smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems? No, it just makes the problems funnier.
Do you smoke pot to cope with your feelings? No, my feelings are the same high or not. I sleep to cope with stress
Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world? No, its illegality makes me be more private
Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your dope smoking? No, my MJ use has never been an issue so noone has asked me to cut back. most cant tell if i am high or sober most times so if i am high they cant tell and dont mind. But i tell themi am high and they are surpirsed
Has your use of marijuana caused problems with memory, concentration, or motivation? Yes, but at the same time age also decreases memory so age may play a part as well in memory. I can concentrate and i am motivated just fine
When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more? I grow so im never empty.
Do you plan your life around your marijuana use? No, i plan my life according to dreams and desies. MJ just comes along for the ride. Like me driving, MJ is my passenger
Have friends or relatives ever complained that your pot smoking is damaging your relationship with them? No, in fact i think that Mj has brought me closer to most.
Do you ever get high alone? Yes or with my girl, i dont smoke in large settings or groups
Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana? No , its just a plant
Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use? No, i find friends based of similiar interest, MJ use just happens to be one of them. if youre an asshole and use MJ I'll still think youre an asshole and not want to befriend you
Do you smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems? No, it just makes the problems funnier.
Do you smoke pot to cope with your feelings? No, my feelings are the same high or not. I sleep to cope with stress
Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world? No, its illegality makes me be more private
Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your dope smoking? No, my MJ use has never been an issue so noone has asked me to cut back. most cant tell if i am high or sober most times so if i am high they cant tell and dont mind. But i tell themi am high and they are surpirsed
Has your use of marijuana caused problems with memory, concentration, or motivation? Yes, but at the same time age also decreases memory so age may play a part as well in memory. I can concentrate and i am motivated just fine
When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more? I grow so im never empty.
Do you plan your life around your marijuana use? No, i plan my life according to dreams and desies. MJ just comes along for the ride. Like me driving, MJ is my passenger
Have friends or relatives ever complained that your pot smoking is damaging your relationship with them? No, in fact i think that Mj has brought me closer to most.