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Maria's Subtropical Outdoor Guerilla Grows with Connoisseur Genetics (Perpetual Journal)


Well-known member
I have actually. Don't why I didn't think of it this time.
Will need a couple of extra bottles.
Though, a liter or two will still only give a couple of extra days.
Do you only put holes in the top/cap?
What size hole would you suggest to last another day or two of slow drip feeding?
Thank you!!
I think the discussion here answered some of your questions, but yea the hole only goes in the cap, but I don't know any technical details. I believe multiple small holes are better than making the hole bigger

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
I made a quick visit this morning and watered.
Its been hot and sunny, and not sure when I can visit next during the week.
Better to get ahead on things.
Sure enough, it promptly rained this afternoon!
At least that should keep them happy until the weekend.

All plants looking very happy and healthy.
Though, a few getting caterpillars are making tacos with some leaves.
I turned the SSSTN and Grail plants to let the other side face south.
Though, these days, the sun is passing almost directly overhead at noon.
So it won't make a lot of difference to their growth shape.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Made an attempt to visit the garden, but there was activity near the entrance point, so called it off.
Was thinking of going back later, but weather says it'll rain a fair bit later today, so I'll wait and see.
If the rain doesn't come or isn't much, tomorrow is still a possibility.

Need to up-pot the little seedlings, they are far too crowded and neglected.

Edit update:
The rain was a good amount, and will keep them going for a while.
Still think I will try to visit tomorrow, just to check up on them and see all is well.
Last top-dressing was June 6, so that will be 24 days as of tomorrow.
Although I gave them a lot of potting soil with that top-dressing, a small top up may be in order.
Last edited:

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 100

Happy day 100!
As just mentioned, there was a fair amount of rain yesterday.
But I still wanted to visit and check up on things.

Those dogs are now sometimes spending the hot days inside the bat cave.
I think I scared them more than they scared me.
Clapped my hands sharply a few times, and they scurried off out the other exit.

On site, the plants were happy in the sun, and the pots were about 70%-80% of water capacity.
I had brought in a few grams of Peters 5-12-26, to mix on site.
I put that in about 8 liters of water.
Far less water than I usually give them, but they only needed a little top up.
I watered to run off in the working area behind the balcony.

Coming back, there was activity just outside the bat cave exit.
So I had to stay inside for a little while before it was safe to come out.

Family pics


Top pot: one L'n'L Jones female (right edge), two female Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican (back left and right)
Right side pot: one revegging Grail lady, NLD pheno

Bottom pot: two revegging SSSTN girls, Sticky and Fluffy (looks biggest because closest to camera)


:Left: two revegging SSSTN girls, Sticky and Fluffy
Middle: one L'n'L Jones female (center front), two female Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican (back left and right)
Left: one revegging Grail lady, NLD pheno

One L'n'L Jones female (center), two female Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican (back left and right)



The taller Grail x ThaiFrican lady

The second (still fairly tall) Grail x ThaiFrican lady

Lovely shape on these two girls, perfect Christmas tree.
Leaves showing clear narrow leaf structure.
Lots of branching coming off both of them.
Though the taller girl is just more vigorous and so takes up most of their space.

Tallest one is up to my chest already, and the second one over my hip.

And Miss Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

In any other company she'd look like a nice sativa girl.
But next to her two pot-buddies, she's darker, more hybrid looking.
The branching off the main stem stays close to the stem, rather than spreading out.
She may be switching to flower, as she's thrown a three-leaflet leaf or two.
But otherwise no sign of stretch or flower build up at all.

Peace and Love,


Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 101

One revegging Grail lady, NLD pheno




Still keeping herself fairly short and small.
I guess the fact that she's in the smaller pot is the biggest limiting factor here.
But looking very happy and healthy.
Her stems are now green, whereas before they were purple.
So maybe there was some nutrient imbalance, pH issue, or the cooler temperature that caused that, not genetics.

As the original grow was a tiny rather stunted bud-stick out of the ground,
it's really lovely to see how she looks when she can grow a little first.
If she was in a bigger pot, then we'd really see her potential.

Two revegging SSSTN girls, Sticky and Fluffy


I still think this lady is the prettiest.
Deeper green, branches everywhere!
I really can't tell any difference between the two plants.
And I'm not 100% sure which original plant stump is which phenotype!
The leaves on both of them are near identical.
They should differ a lot in flower, though:
Sticky has long frond like flowers with large calyxes.
Fluffy has big round balls and tiny calyxes.
This is going to get interesting soon.


A couple of growing tips, which I think are from both the plants.
Can't tell any difference between them, can you?


I brought the very early L'n'L Jones flower home.
Became an ugly bud -- full of seeds, untrimmed, tiny bit of mold.
Smells are great, though. Fresh and slightly fruity.
I will need to give her some time to find her final palate.

I already poked out a dozen seeds from her, and there are plenty more.
Seeds are large, medium brown, and only slightly mottled.

Such a different flower formation than these near full sativas.
Can see the hybrid shape, very large calyxes.
Stickiness is there though!


I know you're all only here for the bat cave pics.
Now that you've been patient reading my journal update.
I'll show you the bats!


Cameras on night mode.
It's very dark in there!

Up to the light above!

Peace and Love,


Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
To be honest, these are almost certainly going to be the largest plants I've grown.
@ojd -- Do you have any advice or pointers at this point?
Things to watch our for in particular?
What NPK ratios should I be doing now? At the start of flower proper?
One thing I've been thinking of is whether to top those Grail x ThaiFrican girls?
Really want to do a great grow, show my gratitude for your generous gift last year!