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Maria's Subtropical Outdoor Guerilla Grows with Connoisseur Genetics (Perpetual Journal)


learning and laughing
And I never thought these girls would end up being a full spring-summer-fall grow.
It's four months today, looking like another month of veg, plus 3-4 months flowering.
Thats ... OMG ... 8-9 month old plants in the end.
Seems like dedication and love to me 👍🏼

Good vibes and protection for the upcoming storms ⛈️🌀🌩️

And then the sun will rise on a new day

Take care ganja bat 🤙🏼
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Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Seems like dedication and love to me 👍🏼

Good vibes and protection for the upcoming storms ⛈️🌀🌩️

And then the sun will rise on a new day

Take care ganja bat 🤙🏼

Seems more like badly planned and executed, haha!
Thanks for the blessings, we'll need it!
And the sun will rise again.

Hope the bats stay safe down there.
I guess they won't be flying much for a few days.

Was thinking of posting old pics of some plants after typhoons.
But they look pretty nasty.
One year, though, a Northern Lights Auto survived okay.
I hid it away in a thicket of bushes under a tree.
She was part way through flowering at the time.
Came out to continue on and make a nice chunky bud or two.
Others, though, not such happy endings.

I think where these girls are now, tucked away, they'll be good.

Doing typhoon prep around the house today.


Well-known member
More importantly, prepare for some bad weather.
Typhoon season begins!
A typhoon is coming in very soon, and while it's not a big one, even a small typhoon can be devastating.
Here we call them 'typhoons', for you Americans, 'hurricanes,' for your Aussies and Kiwis, 'cyclones.'
Same thing, different place means different name, that's all.

Plants out in the open usually just get shredded.
Plus massive rainfall.

So I made the decision to move the girls into the indoor 'work area'.
The wind will still get into there, it's not fully enclosed -- no doors or windows here, anyway.
But it will reduce the strength of the winds, and avoid them getting knocked over (off the balcony!)

All today's work and photos are from the work area, so no direct light.
Not sure when I'll be able to bring them back into the sun after this,
but better a few days of artificial heavy cloud than facing a typhoon (...)
Well, at least in the language of Grandma Sánchez and Tito Guay, they are not the same...:
"Differences between typhoon, hurricane and cyclone (in Spanish):
In meteorology, terms such as cyclone, hurricane and typhoon can cause confusion. Understanding the differences between them is crucial for better preparation for possible threats.
A cyclone is a broad term that describes a storm system that revolves around a low pressure center. These phenomena are characterized by strong winds, heavy rain and often lightning. Cyclones that develop in tropical or subtropical waters are called tropical cyclones.
When a tropical cyclone reaches winds above 74 mph, it is classified as a hurricane or typhoon, depending on its location. Hurricanes form in the North Atlantic, central and eastern North Pacific, affecting regions such as Florida and the Caribbean.
On the other hand, typhoons develop in the northwest of the Pacific and affect countries such as Japan, China and the Philippines. Although meteorologically identical, typhoons are typically more intense due to warmer water temperatures in that region."

I wish you the best, cousin, because the Philippines and Taiwan are having a very bad time
Please send my girls your prayers for safely passing through the typhoon.

"On a restless afternoon, in Quisqueya,
It suddenly saw itself plunged into terror. The rain reigned there, the spark,
And the sea everywhere raging
Hours later as fate would have it
Only leave desolation, moans
The macabre empire of death
About the entire town destroyed

Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick) Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick) Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick)

Oh, uncertain spiritualists
How many there are over there uncertain spiritualists
How many there are over there
They stubbornly persisted
That the trio had died..

Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick) Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick) Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick)

Oh, this was the tastiest thing:
That the trio in an airplane
Return to Cuban soil
To remain fortunate ...

Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick) Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick) Every time I remember the cyclone (My heart makes me sick)

Oh, here the story ends
From such a tremendous cyclone
Here the story ends
From such a tremendous cyclone
The dead go to Glory
And the living dance the Son.
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Maria Sanchez

Well-known member

All is happy at the hacienda.

The original old sheet-metal gateway into the area, which a year ago was open, then was chained shut, has been totally blown open by the typhoon.
How convenient for a quick visit!
It'll probably be closed up in the next few days, though the whole steel frame of the fence and gate, along with the gate itself, have been bent out of shape over the past year, so I don't know how secure they can really make it.

A few pics of the girls back in their places:

Ms. Grail NLD pheno
(Neville's Haze 18 x Mullumbimby Madness 1) X (Neville's Haze 21 x Mullumbimby Madness Long)


Two Ms. Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican; plus one Ms. Lemon 'n' Lime Jones (hidden from this angle)


Two Ms. Super Silver Sour Thai Neville (named Sticky and Fluffy)


No wind damage at all, but ....

There's a bit of clawing at the top of the Grail x ThaiFrican girls.
Not the youngest / newest leaves, but just down from them.
So I'm not entirely sure: is it due to the second to last two waterings, that used some Peters on them?
Or is it due to the recent Osmocote top dressing?
I think, and hope, it's the Peters, as the Osmocote was literally just there a few days ago, barely time to have any effect, as they won't have grown much during their time inside for the typhoon.
Still, need to keep an eye on it.

Also, the taller Grail x ThaiFrican lady has a branch about 1/2 way up the plant, with very wilted leaves.
I then noted that where the branch comes from the main stem, it's a bit brown, rather than light green like the rest of the main stem.
Hmmm, I hope this isn't a fungal attack or something, and doesn't spread.
If it does, and I lose the top of the plant, very unfortunate.
Though it would only leave about eight big branches that are already a foot or two long.
Here's hoping she's strong enough to recover on her own, and it's just restricted to that one branch!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Great, everybody seems to have survived 👍🏼

I'm really blessed to have this location.
I get a full-sun south-facing balcony.
That has a wall in behind to protect against the north winds.
And has spaces to put plants in case of extreme weather.
Plus a naturally re-filling rainwater pond as water source just downstairs.
It's gated to stop anyone going in, but there is still secret access.
And I have bats.

If this is the start of the rainy season -- probably,
then the temps will drop a little from now on,
and there will be more rainwater meaning less need to visit.

All things progressing very nicely!


learning and laughing
Ahh, yes.
Had the two herming NewCaledonia plants in there, so there was some light pollination on all plants.

So they finished extra early (I'm guessing because of pollination 🤔).High is a lil lighter than expected but still nice for me.

NewCal is more of a creeper.
I smoke it and feel a little high, mainly in the head.
When I get up to do something or change what I'm doing, wow!
Suddenly the High is much more noticable and I feel like a happy warm fluffy cloud floating along. Somewhat difficult to getting anything done. Just wanna be a cloud 🌫️ 😜
Curing has given it a little more "substance" and warmth in the heart.

Honduras x Panama high has some more substance to it. Focus mainly in the heart, feels safe and warm.

Both take care of anxiety and stress. They are good for dieting I guess, no munchies whatsoever and when food is waiting and I smoke the food becomes interesting in a more abstract way.

I likem both. And there is no "residue" the next day, brain feels fresh + clear, I love that!

Since I have some seeds now I'm planing on growing either (Hon x Pan) x NewCal or NewCal x NewCal in Sep/ Okt.

Atm the moment I'm starting Kuato Cut from Hyp3rids, LedaUno from KC Brains and 8Miles high from Mandala
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Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Nice to hear they are in the 'heart', happy and warm.
Clarity is good, too, true sativa / haze high, not narcotic stone, from what you say.
Maybe wait a bit longer on the NC, sometimes those types keep curing for months to reach potential.

So cool you have some seeds!
How many seeds did you pull in the end?
Are they nice and dark, viable?
I always liked the sound of 8Miles High from Mandala.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
@Hasch --
They look fine, very viable.
So the four cuttings are the Kuato, LedaUno and 8Miles?
Can you just buy cuts where you are? Lucky!
The HellaJelly has a good rep, as do most Humboldt SC cultivars.
Their Blueberry Muffin is kind of famous.
They do seriously big pheno searches with thousands of seed plants.


learning and laughing
Can you just buy cuts where you are?
We here in Germany have a new cannabis law since April 1st
(What a strange date for something this monumental 🤡)

The law is very imprecise in many areas. So yes one can buy cuts + seeds from countries in the EU, but it's not clear if buying from German stores is allowed...

These cuts I got from grow buddies.
The HellaJelly is from seed


Well-known member

I'm really blessed to have this location.
I get a full-sun south-facing balcony.
That has a wall in behind to protect against the north winds.
And has spaces to put plants in case of extreme weather.
Plus a naturally re-filling rainwater pond as water source just downstairs.
It's gated to stop anyone going in, but there is still secret access.
And I have bats.

If this is the start of the rainy season -- probably,
then the temps will drop a little from now on,
and there will be more rainwater meaning less need to visit.

All things progressing very nicely!
This is the most intriguing setting for a grow log ever. Wish I could hike thru there