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Maple Leaf Garden - 2008

Heya TML!
TML16 said:


MMmmmmmm Goooooberrr:yummy:
:wave:, Low

Karma Genetics

Hi TML16 hope everthing is good with you and yours.

Wow that goober looks realy nice. I bet she is a smelly tasty female.


Snow Grower ~OGA~

homusubi - Thank You! :smile:

FreezerBoy - :laughing: I just woke up and all my buds are gone! I'm covered in packaging tape and stamps. What happened? :kos:
Thanks for the laugh man :smile:

High Lowlander - Taking a shine to the Goober eh? :yummy: She is a sexy beast. I'm glad I got a keeper out of her. I have only 2 beans left and I had 1 not pop on me at all and a few males with other seeds. This has been my one and only female, and she's good to me.
Can't wait to finish her so I can start another Goober grow! :canabis:

Karma Genetics - Thanks much! :smile:
I think I've gotten so used to how beautiful Goobers aroma is that I just take it for granted now. My whole garage just smells like Goober all the time, I guess I'm just used to it.
She's definately a treat! :yummy: Thanks for the visit!


Still no veg pics :confused:

Will get something visual real soon though :rasta:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh those are 2 resinous biatches mate....you realy did a great job on'm my friend
are we almost done flowering these ?
it seems like it though :smile:


amazing pics and grow man! +++

Mad props.. really stellar shiz man!

keep up the good work and awesome pics :)


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Text Update

Text Update


Core - Thanks bro :smile:
I'm not exactly sure of their flowering times, I lost track this grow. If I had to guess though, it looks like WW1 has about a week from now and Goober maybe 2 weeks. Goober can be a 80 day plant.
WW1 should be my best WW harvest to date. Definately my best WW cola ever :yes: she's floppy all over with weight.
Thanks for the visit eh!

Bigtimer7 - Thank you! :smile:

Text Update

Arrgggh! the lack of pictures in this thread! :bashhead:
It seems since I've been off work my lights on schedule conflicts with my life schedule. My time in the grow area has been minimalized.

The verdict is in though. Pollen Chuck is a male and Mongrul is female :woohoo:
I wish I had some room or a breeding box built to get some PC pollen, but he had to be culled for space.
I look forward to flowering out Mongrul soon :canabis: She'll be cut for clones and flowered when WW1 finishes up.

I have a great Goober clone ready to replace the almost finished Goober, so you'll be seeing more of her around.

I also have another clone, which because of a mix up I'm not sure if it's WW or Goober :confused: You'd figure after growing both together for 3+ rounds I'd be able to identify outside of flower :pointlaug
Either way...it will replace WW2 which still has a good 2 weeks+ of flowering to do.
Depending on what this clone is...we may just see WW go one more round.

The flowering plants are putting on some solid weight and I'm looking forward to a harvest. These plants both produce some wonderful meds, but I could use a plant that produced a tad quicker.

I'll try and get a mega update in with all kinds of pics when I can :lurk:

Thanks for hangin out gents :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pics Included

Pics Included


Alright...got to gettin busy and takin some pics today :woohoo:

Zeus - Hope this is enough porn to satisfy :smile:

rooted - Thanks :smile:
Seems you're one of those old time IC members with a new username :wink:
I've been mite free for about a year now :woohoo: I shouldn't have a mite problem in the garage...I think there are way too many natural predators in there :yes:
Win-Win situation!

Pics Included

Well...let's start this of with my newest addition to the ladies :lurk:


^ She was cut for clones. Going 4 main colas with her. She's already pretty big and so I've already started super-cropping to make sure she doesn't overgrow my cab. I would have already liked to put her to flower, but we must wait for WW1 to finish. She's running outta room in every way in veg cab though :yoinks:


^^ A shot of the sexy pre-flowers she showed me :jump:

What's Next for TML?
Here's a look at the up and coming grows:

Goober & Goober?

^^^ The monster on the right is definately a Goober. It will be hitting the flower cab when my flowering Goober finishes. The plant on the left of this pic is unknown. I had a little clone mix up and I'm not quite sure if that is a WW or a Goober :confused: I believe it's a WW...but I'm not positive. Anyways...it will be the 3rd plant in to flower next round.
Goober on the right looks like it will have to be cut back prior to flowering...Goober is a big stretcher.


^ Keeping the Goobers alive! I'm thinking of going 2 Goobers next round for yield sakes. We'll need plenty of X-mas and New Years buds :canabis:

Growroom Mishap
We all have our little fuck ups in the grow area. This one is one I considered a serious offence that could have got me in a lot of trouble:


^ A piece of duct tape came loose from my cab and somehow managed to make it's way to stick on my bulb! :yoinks:
I'm very happy this did not result in a fire :nono: Nevertheless...this bulb is ruined. A costly error for a economical grower like myself. I always keep a backup ready, but I'm bummed this bulb had not yet served it's full life service.
Take notes kids...and keep a smoke alarm and fire extinguisher handy near your grow!
btw...that duct tape was silver in colour orginally.

Flower Tease
A quick look into the flowering cab before the next update :lurk:


^ -----------WW2-------------Goober------------WW1
More on these plants soon :lurk:

Thanks for checkin out the update! :wave:

D Rock

Man the WW is lookin good! I like the sound of Goober, hows the taste?

holy crap that could have turned out bad with the duct tape falling on the bulb. I need to get a spare bulb and a extinguisher. Thanks bro.
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Sweet looking cab bro. Nice score on the goober clones too, it's a keeper for sure. Hope to pop some of em soon. Too bad about the light, but like you said it could have been worse.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:laughing: I'm sure we just rocked Red Greens world FreezerBoy :biglaugh:
Thanks again for another laugh :yes:

D Rock - Thanks :smile:
Goober has a nice slight berry to citrus taste. It's pretty light and can be slightly skunky when busted up. It's not pungeant, but definately aromatic. I'm pretty much immune to it's smell now.
Better to be safe than sorry with the grow. Plus, I'd rather get my own fire under control rather than have to call a fireman to come put out my weed growing fire :yoinks:
I'm just thankfull nothing bad happened. Maybe the low heat of a 250W is yet another blessing.
Glad if i can help keep anybody safe :wink:

BR - Thanks man :smile:
I think my favourite part about Goober is the high yields. It's good smoke too which makes big yields even better :canabis:
I'll take my losses with the bulb and thank my lucky stars it wasn't worse. I'm thinking I caught it early :ying:

Thanks for the replies and laughs gents :wave:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey tml things lookn very nice in here right on hey that bulb if your very careful and lucky ya might be abel to clean it up. remove the tape carefully dont worry much bout any glues from it take some rubbing alchol and a green brillo scratch pad for washn pans. soak it in rubbing alchol and gently scrub the glue erea after awhile it should start to dissolve the glue and wash it away. continue untill bulb is clean i had a light fire up just as i was cleaning the cool tube melted some of the duster on it lol. what i described above is how i removed the melted stuff on a 1k hps bulb couldnt tell anything ever happened to it. bulb worked as it should afterwards n/p if ya still have the bulb tis worth a try just be gentel on the pressure and patient on the bulb
Hey TML!
Wow good thing ya nipped that almost-fire in the bud(no pun intended,...:wink:)
Gooooobbbeeerrrr, heh, I likey !
It'd be interesting to see what that 3rd one is going to be, WW or Goober, keeps things adventurous right?:biglaugh:
I'd do what Maj. says though..rubbing alcohol cleans of the sticky stuff from those pricetags too! Ya know when you've just bought some new CD and the pricetag just won't come off without a mess...the rubbing alcohol takes care of the sticky mess easy-peasy and ya can let the bulb serve his/her/it's lifespan to it's fullest :smoke:
oh by the way; thnx for reminding all us growers to keep things safe gonna start looking for fire-extinguishers now
:lurk:, Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
wow the Ganja gods are surtenly with you my friend..;this could spell disaster for shure...but its like Maj is saying ...there might be something you can fix the lamp with....i think its not totally lost...just try and see if it still works ^^

D Rock

yeah Im with Maj Pothead. se if you can clean that bugger up. If you have mineral spirits or paint hinner that would work well too. I use Mineral Spirits on a daily basis to remove adhesive and it works great.

Karma Genetics

oh boy ................................ Hope you can change your roof of your growspace so this can not happen again.

Whising you all the best.

I am also for trying to clean it.


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Maj. - Thanks for the tips! :bow:
I'll give it a try. I don't think I'll have much success though. I've tried to peel off the remaining tape and it's like clear coated to the bulb. It almost turned into a clear hardened like plastic. For the cost of rubbing alcohol, it can't hurt to give a shot though :yes:
:laughing: @ your bulb dusting story :biglaugh:
Patient and gentle....this is gonna take alot of weed :rasta:

HL - :wink:
I like the way you think. It will be adventurous to take a "wait and see" approach to the next grow :biglaugh: I think it's a WW though.
I think I may just soak the taped part of the bulb in some rubbing alcohol :chin:
Safety always comes first :joint: Fire extinguisher and smoke alarm are indoor growroom necessities.
Thanks for always being a part of my garden :smile:

Core - Yes...I'm very happy this didn't turn into a "sticky" situation :nono: (all these puns)
If I do lose the lamp. I'm lucky that's all I lost. If I can save it, I've still learned a valuable lesson.

D Rock - Thanks for adding to the tip :yes:
I believe the only househould item i have at the moment is rubbing alcohol. I'm sure I could come across paint thinner or mineral spirits quite easily or cheaply though.
I'm gonna give these ideas a shot :smile:

Karma - I agree. It was actually the tape from the door. You can see in my cab ^ I use the duct tape to hold up the reflectex. Because of summer heat and humidity, some of the duct tape on the door came loose. A small design flaw in the cab. I plan to try and borrow a pneumatic staple gun this week and remedy my situation.
As for the cleaning...um..I'll have the maid get right on that :YaRight:
Thanks for the well wishes :smile:

I love ICmag for the fact that someone always has a solution or at least a solid idea as to what to try for almost any situation. Thanks for the ideas guys! :smile:



Registered Medical Patient
Whats up brother up north?? Bummer on the bulb bro, but Id try to save it too...if u still got it!!!Lets see some girls in here mang!!!!Peace

- Z