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Mantises - The Aliens in my Living Room



wow...the spider looks freaking awesome.

I loved your thread at OG Genkisan.


Cannabrex Formulator

I am one VERY happy camper...one of the ooths I brought back from my visit to my UK bug chappie in November has hatched out (albeit a very small hatch), so I am the proud pappy of about 25 baby mantids.

Hierodula patellifera patellifera is the name, and here is what they'll look like as adults (3.5"-4.5", dependin on diet):

And here are some pics a buddy with a shit-hot digi-cam took today (keep in mind they are at L1 (first instar, and the size of mosquitoes now):

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cannabis enthusiast
Genkisan those are some wild looking little critters you have there, do any of em ever get loose in your house?

Whoa. Those are awesome.

Is this deal you have with your entomologist-friend a secret kind of thing? Cause, isn't importing and exporting foreign fauna highly restricted? I went to a butterfly exhibit once and the curator said they had to incinerate every single one of them at the end so they wouldn't have any chance of escaping into the wild. What does he do, mail you egg cases hidden in peanut butter jars? ;)

That said, I would be very interested in hatching out some exotic mantids myself. Where should I look?

Air Freshener Mantis


Absolutely beautiful Genkisan. I have a few terrariums waiting empty and been thinkin about getting some mantids, wife dislikes many other bugs. I think I'll go with some middle african species as they will be food for my Bosc's monitor and a nice computer table "pets". I'd like to keep his diet as natural as possible, so locust, crickets, giant mealworms, mantids, cockroaches and giant millipedes are going to invade our house later in the spring when I can order some from europe without them freezing. Wife wasn't too happy when I bought a 20cm millipede more than a year ago. I think it was Julus or Lulus terrestri/-s. Next up might be Archispirostreptus gigas, they're nice. Just going around eating some rotten and dying plantmatter. And they will be great snacks for adult savannah monitor.

I've been a bugbrained for my whole life, people think I'm a bit weird for talking about how beautiful almost all bugs are when they're talking about how nice juggs and arse she and she has. Few friends even call me bugboy for giving them links to different kinds of bugs you never thought even existed. Insects are such a wide area of interest, they're simply so beautiful. I still know almost nothing about them but I've been reading some biology as a hobby and bugs and animals have been around for my whole life.
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Cannabrex Formulator
Air Freshener said:
Whoa. Those are awesome.

Is this deal you have with your entomologist-friend a secret kind of thing? Cause, isn't importing and exporting foreign fauna highly restricted? I went to a butterfly exhibit once and the curator said they had to incinerate every single one of them at the end so they wouldn't have any chance of escaping into the wild. What does he do, mail you egg cases hidden in peanut butter jars? ;)

That said, I would be very interested in hatching out some exotic mantids myself. Where should I look?

Air Freshener Mantis

Actually, with carnivorous bugs, the powers that be are much less 'noid.

Once I get them into the country, it is not a problem...and since I liason for one of the larger institutions here in my town, I have very few problems getting permits or shipping issues dealt with.


That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. You have inspired me to pick up this hobby! Im going to start researching now =]


Cannabrex Formulator

A colleague of my entomologist buddy was in Cameroon, and collected a bunch of ooths for my friend, including some from this species:


Dunno wot the species is, but it seems to be at least 6-7 inches long...mebbe more!!!

Now thats a mantis!

h^2 O

Mantodae have always struck me as intelligent, bordering creepy/alien. Cool bugs mang

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Aren't they poisonous? or whats the trick for not making them bite...

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
LOL, cause I just crushed one of those bitches about 2 days ago. It was real slimy under my shoe.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Real cool pics there especially the ones next to the Cannabis.

What if there was an outdoor grw and I were to put some of these in a grw would they stay at the grw spot or would they all leave? and how many mantis's are needed per meter?



I guess the praying mantis aren't poisonus. Feeling guilty for killing one.



I dont know much about mantises, I did find two babies but they left my indoor garden, I'm assuming when I had the window open one night.

How are they at controlling bugs in the garden? They can't get at spider mites can they? I assume the full grown mantises cant, but what about babies?


New member
Those are awesome!

Can you find and repost those pictures from the early post? I'm really interested in seeing how you store them all.