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Man Dies From Marijuana!

yes, i also know a chihuahua that OD'd on nugs (why they eat them i dunno- my dog knows~ do not eat nugs- owners needa keep watch that was death by owner not mj, possible the little racy hearts cant handle the stuff to begin with, cant take that extra mile...man, chihuahuas are weird anyways, no offense to anyones obviously super sweet chihuahua dog :)

He died from a taser - yes.

He died from an overzealous, aggressive LEO - yes.

^^^ The way I see it, another LEO related death...someone should make them illegal or something, maybe decriminalized LEO, you can use the taser, but i will fine you like hell as a civilian.. he he ....i'll keep dreaming,

i think yer wrong, someone ate most of it already so it must be wicked tasty :pie:
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That is too funny and true! Thanks for the laugh.

Maybe if this guy would have been carrying several smaller baggies, like little dimebags, he would have been able to swallow them. No wait, then he would be busted for distribution!


Active member
That is too funny and true! Thanks for the laugh.

Maybe if this guy would have been carrying several smaller baggies, like little dimebags, he would have been able to swallow them. No wait, then he would be busted for distribution!
Once again you can see it's the LAW that caused his death, not marijuana, not suffocation.
Dying with the weed in your mouth or digestive tract....that may just be considered the ULTIMATE BOGART move right there.

Hit the joint and stop chewing on your nails.


ha that's crazy people with wawa's and pot related incidents.....
i was over a friend's once we were smoking on the balcony his chihuahua comes
out, we finish up, head back in. puts the dog down and starts convulsing! wtf!!
doggy is flippin out, foamin at the mouth

i dunno i think he's always been dumb though


This story to me is something I feel pro cannabis activists will be able to use

This story to me is something I feel pro cannabis activists will be able to use

If only it had been more potent, it's really sad that someone DIED trying to swallow a bag of plant material just to avoid some jail/fines. Hash might have saved his life. I imagine that no matter how 'dangerous' they think this plant is, his parents/family would prefer he was still alive using it.
Personally I feel pro cannabis activist will be able to use this story after an appropriate time has passed to mourn the poor guys death. But the fact that the fear of the reprecussions a person must face because of a plant which in many peopls opinions is not as dangerous as tobacco or alcohol and is definetly the least harmfull when compared to either. But when the fear of arrest because of this plant which is quickly approaching a majority of the population supporting the legalization of causes a person to attempt to swallow it and end s in his death this is a testament to the failure of prohibition to protect people from the danger of cannabis ,if the prohibition of cannabis is to protect us from harm then this is a grade a example of how it has failed when just trying to avoid prosecution causes death then prohibition is not protecting anyone it is infact creating more dangers.

If the govt would just legalize Cannabis and charge a licencing fee to posses and grow your own pot equal to the fee that doctors are charging for recomendations then not only would the Govt generate revenues on a massive scale, not to mention the savings that would be freed up from law enforcement no longer pursuing a war on a plant that any analyist in the war dept of the pentagon would tell you based on the goals of the war ,the funds and resources expended. the present level of success they have made towards there goals etc when all these are calculated against the prevelance of the use,availability and demand for cannabis any govt analyst will have to concede that the combined forces and funds expended weighed against there level of success analysts have to admit the US is having its ass handed to it by a plant which doesnt use guns, satelites,wire taps, and every other form of detection known not to mention the systems that have been developed just to fight marijuana .

So when a non sentient ,creature devoid of any type of higher intelligence is still winning there is a problem. And as the point of this prohibition was to eradicate the supply and lessen the demand but in fact when you consider that before the prohibition started in the 1930's cannabis was a relatively unheard of drug and was not commonly used to any degree but after prohibition the demand and supply of cannabis has steadily risen over the years proving that this prohibition has proven once again that no prohibtion has ever been successful.

Starting with God prohibiting the consumption of the fruit of the tree of knowledge or the apple to the prohibition of alcohol which only last 10 years and during its attempted enforcement gave rise to some of the most violent criminal organizations in US history. And as we all know cannabis has done the same but not only does it provide revenue to criminal organizations seeking riches, it also provides revenue to major terrorist organizations , which the us must spend further tax payer money on fighting. But if they were to legalize cannabis and regulate it as we all know is the logical solution to these myriad problems, the funds generated by taxes and licencing for those who wish to grow there own cannabis the income generated for our economy from taxes and from not having to expend billions to wage war on a plant that for thousands of years up to 1930 was never considered a problem in fact it was the exact opposite it was considered a beneficial medicine , a source of fuel, the seeds can be consumed as food and from the infromation i have read are an incredibly rich source of nutrition containing many of the vitamins, minerals,proteins and amino acids our bodies require.

And at one time several of the world leaders actually had laws about cannabis that instead of making it illegal to grow were actually laws making it illegal for a person to not cultivate cannabis. Queen victoria had even levied a fine of 5 british pounds for anyone who failed to comply and did not plant at least 1 tsp of cannabis seeds each year ( i did an experiment and 1 tsp of seeds was about 50 seeds on average).

In fact until the original propaganda began to surface in the 1930 claiming that cannabis cause violence in the Degenerate races as they called them (and to this day I am disgusted to know I am a member of the same race who would consider a person a degenerate human due to the color of there skin) they would claim it also caused these people to play frantic devil music ( jazz and more then likely the progenitor music to rock and roll) it would make them want to rape white women and commit crimes as heinous as a negro or mexican walking on the shadow of a white person. But during WW2 they once again did a 180 and decided that hemp was good again and launched a series of campaigns entitled Hemp for victory .

But after the war ended hemp was bad again but this time when making it illegal again they no longer said it was because cannabis cause violence but it was due to cannabis made people into pacifist and the communist's would use cannabis to undermine our will to fight for our freedom . But I have read almost everything I could find that provides the information that lead up to the initial prohibition of cannabis and hemp.

And from everything I have read it all comes back to corporations trying to eliminate any competition that could cut into there profit margins especially when the competition was infact not just able to cut into there profit but was of such a threat that it could and most likely would have made the use of wood in the production of paper when compared to hemp for the same purpose a waste of corporate funds as hemp due to its speed of growth a far cheaper and better quality paper with far greater durability.

So the the pulp and paper corporations lobbyists with the help of one of north americas largest Pulp and paper company who;s owner was also the editor and chief of a magazine with a large reader base comprised mostly of women started the propoganda in the attempt to have cannabis criminalized which was successful as he demonized cannabis only as a harmful and dangerous drug which was accepted and also considering that this happend during the the time of alcohol prohibition was easy to convince congress that it should be prohibited as well. And over the years there have been a number of govt commision reports that have all come back to the same conclusion that cannabis is no more harmful then tobacco or alcohol and is in fact less harmful . But still this irrational and totaly unfounded war continues if the govt of the world actually believed that cannabis was as dangerous as they have been claiming I feel there should be a series of new studies conducted by Govt scientists, scientist who are neutral to the political aspects of this controversy on cannabis and then finally the scientists who support cannabis and then take these results and make the decision on if cannabis is more harmful or dangerous then alcohol or tobacco based on empiricaly evidence . I feel that a study such as this has never been conducted for the obvious reason that the Govt;s of the world are obviously well aware that the outcome would be that cannabis when compared to alcohol and tobacco is by far the least dangerous and should never have been made illegal. And to most who can overlook there programming about cannabis that the govt has subjected them to either thru comercials or made for school educational films have been conditioned to think of cannabis as a dangerous drug that will cause there friends and loved ones to become addicts and have there lives ruined but even when taking all this into account I would like to ask them why hemp which is only related to cannabis very loosely because of its appearance but it has no psychoactive properties cannot get anyone high and cannot be considered a drug in any way , But why was hemp which can be used to produce everything from cellophane to explosives, can be used to create fuel in fact hemp can be used to create more ethanol fuel per acre than corn can produce per acre . Can be used to make clothes, and can be used to make homes and in fact henry ford used hemp to create a fiberglass mixture used to form the bodies of his first car its seeds can be consumed and are an incredibly rich and nutritious food although a bit bland. And the numerous other consumer products it can be use to make. Why was it made illegal with cannabis that is an incredibly effective pain releiver and muscle relaxant, as well as upto the 1930 how it was available in pharmacies and was commonly used to relieve the cramps and pain of a womans menstral cycle.

When all of this is considered it becomes obvious that during a time of extremely conservative people by using a campaign of fear and propoganda to make people afraid of cannabis it was an excellent poster child to increase fear and gain support to prohibit cannabis and along the way lump industrial hemp into the situation which was the actual product they wanted to eliminate so it would not be in direct competition of other paper products.

And during a time where our own negligence has our planet in a terrible state of polution and with fossil fuels runing out we need a source of renewable bio fuels that will not perpetuate the destruction of our ozone layer cannabis is the answer there is a study that shows that cannabis can produce more ethanol per acre then corn and due to its incredible rate of photosynthesis it creates so much oxygen when growing that once turned into ethanol and burned for fuel it only burns off as much oxygen as it created in the first place making it a trully excellent renewable fuel source as it doesnt destroy the ozone layer and is able to replace the oxygen it woud burn off when used. And if cannabis was planted in place of the trees that are cut down each year in the rain forests and other logging areas of the world it would be an excellent replacement for repleneshing the oxygen producing plants that were destroyed to make papers. So by legalizing cannabis it would give us a way to start immiediately revitalizing the rain forests by no longer having to cut down these trees which are essential to our continued existance and thru cannabis and hemp there would no longer be a need to cut down the incredible amount of trees killed each year. But we could begin replanting the rain forests and use hemp for paper but also plant large amount of hemp to make up for the loss of oxygen that the clear cutting of the rain forests has cost the world due to the fact that hemp which can easily replace the need to cut down trees to create paper. All of the trees that have been cut down over the years have cost us more then money they have shortend the length of time that our planet will be able to sustain life and the continued practice of year after year of cutting down our rain forests and other trees for paper or lumber for building material which hemp can be used to replace as well as hemp can be formed into building materials just like particle board and I would think even 2x4's and other building supplies. Then to aid in the replentishment of the oxygen that is no longer being produced due to clear cutting of the rain forest all we will need to do is keep large plantations of hemp kept growing at all times untill the trees of the rainforest have been replaced. Obviously this will take many generations to repair the harm we have done to the rain forest but as long as we have hemp we have all we need to generate oxygen, create fuel,clothes,cellophane and thousands of other products without the need to destroy the rain forests which we must depend on to survive . So ending prohibition and allowing consenting adults age 21 or older to use cannabis as they see fit , which will generate much needed revenue in this depression as well as freeing up funds that are meant to be dedicated to eliminating cannabis, it will also effectively cripple criminal organizations who depend on its sale for the bulk of there profit, also it will leave terrorist organizations who rely on the money generated thru the sale of marijuana essentially bankrupt, Thru regulation minors will no longer be able to obtain cannabis just because they have enough of the right colored money they would need an id showing they are of the age of consent. It would also create jobs as people would be needed to tend the crops as well as to prepare it for sale plus the jobs that would be created in markets that merely supply the necessary equipment and supplies needed to produce cannabis. Thru regulation also the chance of contaminates finding there way into the product such as pesticides being chosen for cost and not wether they are suitable for use on plants which are for human consumption, or being contaminated by coming into contact with other drugs that may be smuggled along with the cannabis and could find its way into the buds by accident. So with a system of regulation preventing minors from obtaining cannabis and thru quality control to prevent contaminates finding there way into the marijuana at least if these things were addressed parents could rest a little easier knowing that there childrens ability to obtain cannabis wont be decided by criminals who only care about money but by professionals who will not serve anyone without Identification but if they are able to obtain it as teens still manage to do with alcohol at least parent will know there kids are only getting cannabis and the chance of them being poisoned because of pesticide getting into the buds or being exposed to hard drugs which could have been smuggled along with the cannabis and possibly gotten into the buds and contaminated a young persons cannabis. There are many good reasons to legalize it and i know there are many studies that say it should remain illegal but from all the research I have found it seems there is more reasons to support legalization then those that support the continuation of prohibition. What really needs to be done is to put it to a national vote in the US and Canada explaining all the benefits of legalization and regulation of cannabis for consenting adult and stiff law being impossed on those who would try to profit from selling it to minors . These people should face a minimum mandatory sentence fro supply minors with cannabis of 2 years for a first offence 5 years for a second and 20 years for a third and each subsequent sentence therafter a mandatory 20 years .

But as the prohibition of cannabis has not lowered the demand or availability of cannabis and harsher sentances have done litte more then allow the larger criminal organizations with increased profits as it is common knowledge that these types of criminals employ a fall guy who will take all the blame and criminal consequences while allowing the leaders to walk free and just set up shop in a different area . So after 70 years of fighting we are no nearer to eliminating cannabis or lowering its demand and availability this statemnt is supported by a poll that was done of high school students who have admitted it is far easier to obtain cannabis and any other type of drug they would ever want to try then it is for them to purchase tobacco or alcohol. So as a parent i want to keep my kids from using cannabis even though I use it presently as relief for my pain caused by a 1999 mva but I have told my children when they are 19 if they want to try it they can but untill its legal or if they have a medical need for it that a Dr will support I will not tolerate them using it regularly or keeping a supply of it in my home. But I do realize that regulation will protect them from inadvertantly consuming pesticide which could contaminate the cannabis or any other things that might find there way into it because of lack of safety reguations .
If it hasn't already been said:

Keeping a bottle of water in the car is now more important than ever. That's my reaction.

A psychologist once said that cops have the practically the same mental mind set of that of a criminal, only the cop stays on the legal side.
>Does that make any sense? I'm a bit, well you already know now.

Thanks for sharing that story photonstream


The lethal dose of marijuana is something on the order of eating pounds and pounds. If memory serves, its something like 30 pounds to kill 50% of the people eating that much (ld/50). If you eat 30 pounds of anything you will die, so...

No one has ever died of an overdose.

Edit - matter of fact here's the study:

In summary, enormous doses of Delta 9 THC, All THC and concentrated marihuana extract ingested by mouth were unable to produce death or organ pathology in large mammals but did produce fatalities in smaller rodents due to profound central nervous system depression.
The non-fatal consumption of 3000 mg/kg A THC by the dog and monkey would be comparable to a 154-pound human eating approximately 46 pounds (21 kilograms) of 1%-marihuana or 10 pounds of 5% hashish at one time. In addition, 92 mg/kg THC intravenously produced no fatalities in monkeys. These doses would be comparable to a 154-pound human smoking at one time almost three pounds (1.28 kg) of 1%-marihuana or 250,000 times the usual smoked dose and over a million times the minimal effective dose assuming 50% destruction of the THC by smoking.
Thus, evidence from animal studies and human case reports appears to indicate that the ratio of lethal dose to effective dose is quite large. This ratio is much more favorable than that of many other common psychoactive agents including alcohol and barbiturates (Phillips et al. 1971, Brill et al. 1970).

why didnt the cops NOTICE the guy was choking. im not trying to put fault on thier heads but they should have observed the action the guy was doing signaling that he was choking.

instead of tasering him they should have noticed that right then and there. i know for a fact they teach you how to observe when people are choking or anything else in basic training.

well anyway that sux.
should have smoked it before then he wouldnt have had a fight with whoever he was in the car with


Marijuana takes another life

Marijuana takes another life

I heard on the news some kid tried to swallow the evidence.Now this works well for small amounts of pharmeceuticals or illegal powders,but Confusious say thou shouldnst swallow a baggie of erbs lest thy choke to death


So true Kiffen. US Drug Policy is one of the leading factors holding back policy reform up here in the Great White North imo.

We are working on it. I am not sure of the name of the initiative but the tax cannabis 2010 will pass in california unless the drug companies dump billions into commercials against it. The voting population is basically undereducated in the US now, or they choose not to educate themselves about their votes, relying solely on commercials. They seem to fall for tom foolery easily so there is a chance it will fail. I think with Medical states will eventually have enough patients to force the rescheduling of the plant to either nothing or schedule II.

It would help if people would give their freebies away, and if people that profit off the plant would make a very visual presence helping charities. I personally go for the more conservative ones because you are more likely to change someones perspective if they see your not a patchouli stinking dirt ball, living out of a RV on beans. Don't be afraid to deliver a huge bag of toys to the police for there toys for tots drive, do the unexpected; it will shatter the stereotypes used against all of us, if more of us do.


&#9835;All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
That makes 2 deaths from choking on marijuana in less than 1 month. These things usually happen in 3's...so I'm watching for it. This may mean an entirely new trend of stuffing your anus with weed in case of emergency will develop as a safety measure.


Swallowing a bag of marijuana has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read! I can't imagine someone doing that.

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