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Man Dies From Marijuana!



That really pisses me off. fuck the police. :mad:

On another note -
A marijuana seed could burst in your pipe, sending shrapnel into the eye and causing severe burns and vision loss. That dope is dangerous!

Seriously though, your friend probably suffered an episode with low blood pressure. Or there was another cause. In other words, something happened when your friend consumed cannabis, and it could have been set off by other things as well. I believe that cannabis consumption is a legitimately safe thing to do, although sometimes there are other factors that make it somewhat hazardous - such as extremely low bp, or police tazers :mad:


Now in technicolor
He was arrested for allegedly assaulting a female. Either way, it sucks - he was 23.


i know a woman who i allergic to cannabis...if u smoke it around her she swells with hives, it was my ex girlfriends mom so it was no joke


I guess my point is this - just because somebody is a douche, doesn't mean that they should die for it. If the police couldn't chase him down and tackle him, then somebody needs to hire better police. It's been said before and I'll say it again, he would have had a better chance of surviving had he smashed his head on the ground than had he been electrocuted.


He died from an overzealous, aggressive LEO - yes.

I respectfully disagree.

Since this was in the US Please understand that I am only speaking of LEO in the US.

So a the police get called to a disturbance call, that someone fitting this individuals description has assaulted a woman. These are the calls that have the highest percentage of police getting killed, this fact is drilled into their heads over and over and over so when they arrive to one of these calls they tend to be a bit on edge.
So they arrive, to find this Floridian 1998 eminem clone and he decides that this is prime time to resist, mind you if he hit the woman he knew he was going to jail. IF he hit her and then stuck around long enough for the police to arrive, with a still totally illegal substance in the state of Florida; well then I'm pretty sure we can all agree he was not the sharpest tool in the shed.

According to the police.....He tried to swallow a large plastic bag, I don't care what it was filled with, everyone who has parents of any value have been told not to play with plastic bags because you can suffocate.

Lesson learned: Unless you are a world class runner and there is zero chance of a helicopter being called in, don't try to run or resist. If they are there YOU fucked up somewhere along the line. I have been arrested I can tell you it was 100% my fault. I did zero time in a cell, I was in a zero tolerance state, I was not a prick to the police and my bail was zero USD.

Hands up high, Palms towards the officers, drop anything in said hands particularly if its black or a dark color. Be polite, even if they are wrecking the place. They are armed, mostly under educated, and will defiantly take out thier personal issues on your face if you give them a excuse.

I think allot of the people on these boards need to wise up and realize that the police are not the ememy. If you want to know who the real culprits are just look to your congress person. They refuse to address these laws, they fund the federal law enforcement agencies, and fund the worldwide eradication efforts against our plant. Do you really think people in LEO's sign up to bust cannabis users? Really? Most of them join to fight big time violent assholes whom anyone of us would rather see dead or in a cage, or they join to protect the country.

Think Obama is the man? Why is he dragging his feet? Why is the DEA and DOJ putting old men in jail for farming? Were is his support for Frank and Pauls hemp bill? Why does he not allow the VA to look into MMJ even though the people at the white house know that this would help the vets that have lost limbs, suffer from PTSD and can't get a decent nights sleep? He has spoken about cancer and MMJ yet does nothing to help those in non-med states. For someone that talks day and night about health care during two wars and the worst economic times since the 1930s you would think that he would be hot to reschedule the plant. Is it covered in the health care plans that they have released? Nope. They covered it in Holland why not here? This group loves to worship Europe, why are they not following the lead of such a liberal country? Power. That's why. If they don't reschedule they can arrest patents at will regardless of their current condition of mind and body.

That sounds like tyranny to me.

The people that run these boards are not in a position to demand these things because they are not US citizens. Our Drug policy's have a effect on a vast majority of the worlds Cannabis laws, this needs to change. Think of the economics for third world farmers. You want hope and change there is some hope and change.

These laws ought to be recognized as the tools of tyranny, and labeled as so in popular culture.

Its not the police its the congress.


Active member
I guess my point is this - just because somebody is a douche, doesn't mean that they should die for it. If the police couldn't chase him down and tackle him, then somebody needs to hire better police. It's been said before and I'll say it again, he would have had a better chance of surviving had he smashed his head on the ground than had he been electrocuted.
This is the real reason he died. Police are LAZY! So much easier to taser someone than run after them. Hey the cop might fall and tear his trousers if he runs! So much easier to pull out a taser.

You know sometimes BULLETS ARE SAFER THAN TASERS! If he had shot the guy in his foot, he would still be alive today.

Whatever happened to the words "Stop or I'll shoot!"? That used to work pretty damn good!


Active member
That time is Gone ... I always saw that warning as the clue to move faster and in a zig zag type stylee. Unfortunately the standard seems to be Shoot first, ask questions later.


Americans are the NAZI`s in the world.

Wow what a massively insulting thing to say. I think you owe every American on this board a pack of seeds and a apology.

As the decedent of American Jews who fought Nazis in WWII I have to tell you..... I really want to violate the TOU right about now. Instead I'll allow you to prove exactly how foolish you are.

Prove it. Show us all how smart you are by giving clear historical examples of how we Americans are like Nazis. You can't because its a bullshit thing to say. Perhaps you remember we killed them when the Europeans could do nothing but line up to be slaughtered, have their wives rapes and lands pillaged. Except the British. Take that island? I think not. No British, Russians, or Americans and the EU would a twisted version of Nazi Germany.

So professor, exactly how are we like Nazis?


This is the real reason he died. Police are LAZY! So much easier to taser someone than run after them. Hey the cop might fall and tear his trousers if he runs! So much easier to pull out a taser.

You know sometimes BULLETS ARE SAFER THAN TASERS! If he had shot the guy in his foot, he would still be alive today.

Whatever happened to the words "Stop or I'll shoot!"? That used to work pretty damn good!

If someone is resisting and its between sustaining a career ending injury a tazer is the way to go. Perhaps don't make contact in the first place or don't resist.

Skip- unfortunately Lawsuits have ended the possibility both of the other options you suggest.

I would like to see any of you who are pissing on these cops, try to arrest someone who is resisting. I am sure you would have a different opinion of this article then.


You are correct sir. We did not kill them all, and some we employed to catch up on technology; which in turn helped the civilized world defeat the soviets in the cold war.


Active member
A television production crew just happened to be on the scene at 2:30 am??? WTF?

Was this an episode of some TV show, like Cops?


A television production crew just happened to be on the scene at 2:30 am??? WTF?

Was this an episode of some TV show, like Cops?

I dunno Skip, I do know that some news crews will listen to police scanners on slow news days to try to fill some content time with a "incident". I do think its odd though.
One more taser related death from an over zealous "peace" officer. And one more possible admission to the Darwin Awards for sticking a plastic bag of weed in your throat while running from cops. Damn.
Our Drug policy's have a effect on a vast majority of the worlds Cannabis laws

So true Kiffen. US Drug Policy is one of the leading factors holding back policy reform up here in the Great White North imo.


Active member
i know a woman who i allergic to cannabis...if u smoke it around her she swells with hives, it was my ex girlfriends mom so it was no joke
dude, my old art teacher would die if he even smelt it on your breath or clothes, fuckin nutty, d


Freedom Fighter
Wow what a massively insulting thing to say. I think you owe every American on this board a pack of seeds and a apology.

As the decedent of American Jews who fought Nazis in WWII I have to tell you..... I really want to violate the TOU right about now. Instead I'll allow you to prove exactly how foolish you are.

Prove it. Show us all how smart you are by giving clear historical examples of how we Americans are like Nazis. You can't because its a bullshit thing to say. Perhaps you remember we killed them when the Europeans could do nothing but line up to be slaughtered, have their wives rapes and lands pillaged. Except the British. Take that island? I think not. No British, Russians, or Americans and the EU would a twisted version of Nazi Germany.

So professor, exactly how are we like Nazis?

Kiffen...may I respectfully ask you to chill the fuck out??
C'mon...the word "Nazi" is used way differently than what you are depicting!! That person meant nothing at all about Jews...they were simply using "Nazi" as it is mostly used these days...to depict a very single minded view!!
Sorry to meet you this way, and hopefully this will not piss you off--


New member
I am in my mid-20's and have seen ONE cannabis O.D. in my life, it is possible.
Honestly I didn't believe it was possible to O.D. but my friends VERY small dog (skinny little chihuahua) ate an unknown amount from some extremely large heavy outdoor colas that had dropped to the ground. We still aren't certain where the buds were from or how much, although I'd estimate the bud at 70/100 rating fresh with no growth problems at all. The dog was acting loopy, falling down, so they hopped in the car and on the way to the vet it stopped breathing and had to be mouth to mouth resuscitated in the car on the way there.

The vet totally knew what was up...
Vet: "Well sometimes rarely it could be this or maybe that, but 95% OF THE TIME ITS THC POISONING."
<Awkward silence>
"Oh it must've been the neighbor hes an old hermit he hates our little yippy dog! HAHAWEIRDHA!"

Dog is still alive, and stays away from the nugs now, though.

tl;dr You CAN O.D. on weed, my friends dog did and went into respiratory arrest, a cause of death.
Also, don't let your dog eat a ton of bud, its expensive to fix and difficult to explain.

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