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Diary Malawi x Northern Lights + Zamaldelica fem/autos

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Beutiful green leafs, I wish you a very nice flowers full of resin and wonderful effects full of fun, joy and smile in your face with happy effects. I dont remember the year but I growed the Auto Malawi x NL and was amazing, since this I dont underestimate the automatic cannabis plants, a lot of breeding since the first automatic plants.

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Love to all
Thanks 😊 for the kind post ankhori - yes - autoflowering plants 🪴 have come a long way in the past 20 years - that's for sure - I remember when Lowrider came out back then - and it wasn't so impressive as the new auto's -

Here is a pic 📸 of one of the two Zamaldelica's - in the same pot - this sunny afternoon - I've had to pull the other plant over a bit - since it was getting so tall - and tie it to a folding chair 💺 - or the neighbours might see it -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
These are coming on in leaps and bounds,

Will they stretch much more now they are in flower ? never grew autos before, so would be more a custom with photos stretching for a few weeks after the switch over. Maybe autos continue stretching through out the flowering stage?

Good to read your back doing a bit of light training and swimming, happy days man.
As I said before it's hard to keep a good thing down, all the best going forward.
Yes - they are stretching a bit more in flower - but hopefully that will stop soon - and they will just pack on the buddage - for the next month or so - I'm already having to tie a couple of the Zamaldelica's down - for security reasons -


Well-known member
OMG, you have slugs on the third floor?!!!! Flying slugs? Slugs in rock climbing training? I didn't realize that they would climb that far from the ground. I've only lived in one place that had slugs, and we lived 'ground floor', i thought the cat had hacked up something or pooped, went to pick it up with a paper towel and it MOVED! First time that i had ever seen one.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
OMG, you have slugs on the third floor?!!!! Flying slugs? Slugs in rock climbing training? I didn't realize that they would climb that far from the ground. I've only lived in one place that had slugs, and we lived 'ground floor', i thought the cat had hacked up something or pooped, went to pick it up with a paper towel and it MOVED! First time that i had ever seen one.
I think that I may have introduced the slugs to my balcony in some soil that I got from the garden below - years ago - but this year I'm only using some shop bought compost - so I haven't seen so many slugs this year - and those that I have seen haven't been able to get past the crushed egg shells and garlic powder I've used to deter them @Nannymouse -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Glad to see they’re still doing well after the hectic rain yesterday…
Yup - the plants 🪴 are well established now - with strong stems - after all the wind and rain they have been thru - the 2 Zamaldelica's in a pot look like two different pheno's - one plant already has alot of flowers - while the other one is barely flowering 💐 -

Barely flowering Zamaldelica above - in the same pot as another Zamaldelica - with many flowers below -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
How’s things looking mate? Some good sunshine in the last week or two 👍
It's wet today - but the forecast is for lots of sun from next Tuesday for a week or so - so I'll let the plants go and continue to flower under the sun 🌞 - and just take this litt'lun down - 'cos I need to get high - lol

My smallest plant looks ready to be harvested - it's in a my smallest pot - and only 2 foot tall - run out of ferts from the compost - so the buds have pulled out any goodness from the leaves now too - as they turn yellow - should get a few spliffs out of it - looks easy to trim - red stems on this little Malawi x NL - and frosty buds - what you might call 'the runt of the litter' - here on my little balcony -




Well-known member
The weather this summer is the weirdest I've seen in a very long time, I'm not so far from London lat wise in the French Britain, it has rained for most of the time since may/june here. I struggle with mold bit here and there is my indoor garden. I think it would have been a nightmare to have plants outdoor this year and I wish good luck to all outdoor growers close to me; I hope it will get dryer for the flowering period so they'll be able to harvest their flowers safely.
The autos have been really fast to develop and one gave you a little bit of flowers already that's cool, maybe the remaining plants will be able to fill a small glass jar, good luck

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Lovely stuff mate
I’ve often found that to be the best way… sacrifice the smallest and allow the rest to fill out… I’m in kind of a similar situation, one of my lemonade ogs is nearly there, could probably go another week but needs must as they say 👍
Yeah - also it's cool to compare the high you get from early buds with later ones - from the same variety -

These Malawi x NL - are getting chunkier - under the sun 🌞

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