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Malawi Style Cob Curing.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Which cure brings about the mild psychedelic results? For example I really enjoy closed eye visual with the shifting geometric shapes and patterns. I realize one has to start out with the proper strain, but does the length sweat time affect this attribute?
It's really dependant on the strain, but different cures will change effects.

I have some Golden Tiger that was hung dried until the sticks almost snapped before it went into a slow long cure; it produces a trippy high. I also did a fast, hot cure on some of the same Golden Tiger that had only hung dried for one day. The resultant cob is really dark, almost black and is much more "sit down and space out".


Well-known member
It's really dependant on the strain, but different cures will change effects.
These are the details I need to learn. I don't know if my weed is as strong as it needs to be. My other problem is I'm wondering if my tolerance is building. I pop a cap a day, usually around 7 pm. One cap is one 00 capsule of Cococanna oil and I use that as a bench mark. I wonder if I layed off for a week if my cob would seem stronger but what is the fun in that???
I use a chew (3/16" x 3/4" disc) of cob twice a week, generaly starting my chew at 7 pm and chew for about an hour. I still need to kill the flavour with a few dabs of butter in the beginning. I'm not sure how long it lasts as I am usually asleep by Midnite. Still have a month or so to go untill the most of them are ready for a true comparison. The quest continues.



Well-known member
Two of my cobs after 7 days baking at 27°C-31°C (81°F-88°F).
They where dry, so I just vacuumed them again. They probably started out a little on the dry side to begin with, but that is fine since it´s my first try. How do you guys think they look?


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Well-known member
Two of my cobs after 7 days baking at 27°C-31°C (81°F-88°F).
They where dry, so I just vacuumed them again. They probably started out a little on the dry side to begin with, but that is fine since it´s my first try. How do you guys think they look?
Definitely didn't start too dry!
Even if you start to dry them now they will continue to develop over time, and so end up darker over the long rest.
They look good


Well-known member
Thank´s a lot for the feedback @Tangwena and @Taima-da

Peace of mind to know everything looks good:)

Do you think I could just leave them for a month or so, or should I check on them regularly?
Yes now they are at the set and forget stage if they are dry to the touch monthly is fine.
But slice off a piece each inspection to try its how you get to understand the process.


Well-known member
Aloha Gang!
Beautiful work Hombre:)
Tang, any fishing pics? Those big grouper, whatever else you use for bait and those pretty squid. Or wildlife from the area?
I wish my friend this time of the year we get strong winds for weeks at a time followed by 3 or 4 days of fishing weather.
I'm patiently waiting for a break in the weather then it will be on ha ha.
Thank the Gods I have plenty of cobs to test I'm getting tripped out every day its a holiday in itself.
The other day I bumped into a 2mtr King Brown snake we both went our separate ways it knew I meant no harm.


Well-known member
This morning is broken out the zamal x Tom Hill haze from the back end of 2022, so about 14 months old. This is the most lysergic of all my current cobs. Very different to what it was a year ago.

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Have a great day guys!, I'm pretty sure we will😉
Masterful work brother the aged gear is the best it just improves out of site.
I've been using 2 year old Mulanje all week it still packs a punch.
When I'm going up people just talk to me strangers I've never met tell me their life stories?
I'm always thinking "do I know you?"ha ha. It must be the blissed out smile that invites them in ha ha.


Well-known member
Which cure brings about the mild psychedelic results? For example I really enjoy closed eye visual with the shifting geometric shapes and patterns. I realize one has to start out with the proper strain, but does the length sweat time affect this attribute?
The closed eye visuals are really cool sometimes its like real life and I'm in the vision and able to do things that are really enjoyable the best therapy ever. I sort out all the things that bug me or worry me.
Its usually part of the trip and when I return I'm happier and higher than when they started.
The thing that brings out the deep inner trips is time.
At least 6 months aging provided its got the power to begin with.
Malawi is a sure fire strain also Golden Tiger from Ace.
But anything euphoric and trippy to begin with will do it.
The basic recipe at the beginning of this thread will do it every time. 6 to 12 hours sweating of semi dried buds.


Well-known member
These are the details I need to learn. I don't know if my weed is as strong as it needs to be. My other problem is I'm wondering if my tolerance is building. I pop a cap a day, usually around 7 pm. One cap is one 00 capsule of Cococanna oil and I use that as a bench mark. I wonder if I layed off for a week if my cob would seem stronger but what is the fun in that???
I use a chew (3/16" x 3/4" disc) of cob twice a week, generaly starting my chew at 7 pm and chew for about an hour. I still need to kill the flavour with a few dabs of butter in the beginning. I'm not sure how long it lasts as I am usually asleep by Midnite. Still have a month or so to go untill the most of them are ready for a true comparison. The quest continues.

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Any other medication especially canna based will effect your results my friend.


Well-known member
Would it make a difference if it was just a daily dose of Cob?? I would generally only be doing one or the other. Sometimes if my hips are giving me hell I will try a little something during the day.
Sounds like me I'm a wreck if I'm not high ha ha.
I cant be bothered doing anything at all until the cob kicks in then I'm full of energy and interested in life and everything in it.
Theres only one way to find out I dont think you have anything to loose.
I use one or the other of my cobs every day I cant function without it ha ha.
Well thats a lie I'm always blown away how well I can cope straight ha ha. I just prefer coping with life high ha ha.
Of course it depends on the strain you made the cobs from obviously some are better than others.
PM me if you want to try some of the stuff I grow I have loads of seeds.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
@Buzzzzd , my wife takes cob daily and her tolerance remains low. She can get nicely high from as little as 30mg and wasted on 200mg.

My tolerance remains pretty high as I still like to partake of a spliff or vape occasionally with friends, but saying that, 50mg chewed gets me nicely high and anywhere from 100-300mg and I'm away with the fairies.


Well-known member
the cob kicks in then I'm full of energy
Energy....I vaguely remember something like that !!!!
my wife takes cob daily
Thanks for the relies. All you guys are a great help. I may be overthinking this. I usually try to forego the fun until evening just so that it hits a bit harder....but.....I made some Canna chocolates and this time I tried to get the dosage right...measuring and everything!!!....they are real hard to resist !!!!
So far, for me, the cob hits a bit harder and lasts much longer. I am looking forward to them aging the full amount. It's a good thing I made so many!!!:dance013: My next experiment will probably be figuring out the dosage for ground cob and use that for chocolates....oh dear.....so much weed, so little time!!!!:whee:


Well-known member
So, with great excitement I ground up 8 g. of this cob....

This cob must have been compressed pretty tight as it was really hard. I ground it up and mixed it into about a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips and melted it in a double boiler (sort of). I added about a teaspoon of coconut oil to try to make it thinner and then "poured" that into 20 chocolate molds. So that should be less than .5 g. per dose.
With great anticipation at 7 pm I took one. The trick is to let the chocolate melt but keep the cob in your mouth without swallowing. Worked out OK. I had just got over the buzz from "licking the bowl" at about 11 A.M.
So about 2 hours later (9 pm) I was well under way...I can tell it's working when my legs get fidgety and I had a real nice buzz going on until I fell asleep at about midnite. Sadly, I still had to use a dab of butter to kill the taste.....but still.... I love cob!!!! :whee: :dance013::whee:
Tonite I will try the same dose to see if there is any difference with that being the first dose of the day. The first dose always seems stronger. I'll letchaknow!!!!:wave:


Well-known member
So, with great excitement I ground up 8 g. of this cob....
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This cob must have been compressed pretty tight as it was really hard. I ground it up and mixed it into about a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips and melted it in a double boiler (sort of). I added about a teaspoon of coconut oil to try to make it thinner and then "poured" that into 20 chocolate molds. So that should be less than .5 g. per dose.
With great anticipation at 7 pm I took one. The trick is to let the chocolate melt but keep the cob in your mouth without swallowing. Worked out OK. I had just got over the buzz from "licking the bowl" at about 11 A.M.
So about 2 hours later (9 pm) I was well under way...I can tell it's working when my legs get fidgety and I had a real nice buzz going on until I fell asleep at about midnite. Sadly, I still had to use a dab of butter to kill the taste.....but still.... I love cob!!!! :whee: :dance013::whee:
Tonite I will try the same dose to see if there is any difference with that being the first dose of the day. The first dose always seems stronger. I'll letchaknow!!!!:wave:
Forgive my bad memory but what is that cob made from?
I know mine is starting to work when I suddenly remember all the things I have to do, that I REALLY want to do ha ha.
No way I can sleep on it.


Well-known member
Forgive my bad memory but what is that cob made from?
OK, so you guys wil laugh but..... Bripey is a cross between "Brian" and "Peyote". Brian is a neighbour that gave me some branches from a plant that he grew. He didn't know what to do after the growing part. Anyway, there were some seeds in it. He mentioned that the guy (he is a botinist at a University) that gave him the plant might have mentioned "Cookies". The weed seemed pretty good so.....and the Peyote is from seeds from another friend. Anyway, this a cross between those two. I'm not sure how good the Peyote is - I am reserving judgement on it.
As I type this I have just taken a chocolate and was not able to save much to chew - this might not be a good delivery system.
So, Tangwena, you don't have a bad memory as I have never told this sad tale before!!!:wave:
I realize that I am probably not working with the best genetics here but they suit me and it is what I have.
I have more cobs that I have made from Blue Cookies crossed with "Brian" that I think is better.