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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Okay, under the heading of "Pics or it didn't happen"... today's activity. This is the most amazing smelling, and vigorous growing, sativa I've ever grown - Columbian Gold x Mulanje x Dream Latcher (or is that "catcher"?), anyway, thanks to the brother who shared the goodness! :)
I see many cobs of this in my near future. I do wish these were easy to share with everyone here, there's going to be heaps of them!

Top buds...

View attachment 18917976

Closeup, pre harvest....
View attachment 18917977
All in, ready for drying... It's hard to show all of it, there's a lot heading off in the dark behind what you can see here. Wow, what a plant!
View attachment 18917978
I can imagine the smell as I'm familiar with both parents ha ha.
The cobs are going to rock thats for sure brother.
Try a few cobs with no sweat the buds in the cob will take care of the rest after a month the aroma is going to knock you off your feet.


Well-known member
The first afternoon, I weighed out a little less than a gram and ate it and it didn't do anything. I haven't weighed it since but the last few tries had to have been a few grams (I'm not going to deny that I took a big bite straight from a cob this morning), tried it on an empty stomach, a full one, and before I ate. An hour or so in and I think I feel something, get the thought that I ate too much and think of all the things I read about starting off slow, and my heart beats a little faster. After a few minutes it fades away and I'm left wondering if I didn't eat enough. Seems it goes that way every time I eat an edible. I've never had an edible from a dispensary, I've had a few chocolate bars from the smoke shop that said they were 100mg and was left wanting more those times as well (along with 100mg worth of gummies from the smoke shop (which gets my wife blasted off ½ of a 5mg), whatever I've tried making, and some cookies I got once which smelled strong enough 🤷).

I need to find a guinea pig to eat some of these cobs, my wife sure as hell isn't going to want to try them.
Your not alone my friend I have a few heavy smoking Aussie friends that have the same problem.
Just smoke some it should be better and longer lasting than the same buds jar cured.
If its the same or less then its both the strain and the cure.

Heavy smokers have a big tolerance to overcome thats why most cob chewers no longer smoke or vape.
The effects to me at least are way better than smoking and I was a very heavy smoker for 30 years.
I only gave up when my lungs pact it in so I was clean for a few weeks before in desperation i thought to chew some cob and found it very much to my liking.

But I cant stress enough that you need good weed to start with that is already strong in its own right.
Have you any pics of the plant or buds you used to make it?

The cob process enhances the high component not the stone component so heavy stony weed may seem weaker after cobbing.
Whereas weed with a euphoric or energetic high def gets a big boost in effects.


Well-known member
I can imagine the smell as I'm familiar with both parents ha ha.
The cobs are going to rock thats for sure brother.
Try a few cobs with no sweat the buds in the cob will take care of the rest after a month the aroma is going to knock you off your feet.
Thanks @Tangwena! Always appreciate your thoughts on this. One question, how dry would you like to see the buds before cobbing without the sweat, approximately 65% RH? Or, just wet enough that a joint would need a re-light between hits if one were to smoke it? I'd really like to do this correctly, she deserves it! :)



Well-known member
Thanks @Tangwena! Always appreciate your thoughts on this. One question, how dry would you like to see the buds before cobbing without the sweat, approximately 65% RH? Or, just wet enough that a joint would need a re-light between hits if one were to smoke it? I'd really like to do this correctly, she deserves it! :)

If you have enough try both 65% and needing to be relit after each drag.
With sativas the drier cures are the terpier cures.
They just take a bit longer to cure but its worth it.
But a moister sweated cure if dried after a week can give killer results also its worth experimenting.


Well-known member
The marvel of abundance allows to play and experiment
Banana bark cure dont dissapoint and never leaves you on foot
These ones I didnt dry totally, they went after a few days drying. I am curious about the late ones I did and took notes because there are a couple of dry ones and I want to see if there is difference with these ones

Once you find the proper cure, all is left is to find the proper weed for this cure with good high and this is a lot more difficult to find than the proper cure in this modern weed world of hybrids bred for indoors under artificial lights.
I find modern weed incredibly boring, weak and dissapointing, I cant believe the hype around modern weed

With brick you just lit the joint once and it smokes smooth. I am talking about how it smokes and not about the high. How it smokes is objective, the high is subjective and according to everyone's experience and points of reference. If you are used to traditional weed, then this modern hybrid world is very dissapointing and the opposite, if you are born into the hybrid world and all you know is indoor coffeeshop bud, then this cure might be trippy for you
Brick always smoked muuuuuch better than the bud, cannot compare.
And clearly hits a little more than the bud in most cases, I am comparing it side by side brick and bud of the same strains

Thaidelica vegbox brick 5 months cure.
It has no smells because I didnt totally dry, just a few days.
I just totally dried the latest bricks made and marked them
Thaidelica vegbox brick (8).jpeg
Thaidelica vegbox brick (7).jpeg
Thaidelica vegbox brick (6).jpeg
Thaidelica vegbox brick (5).jpeg
Thaidelica vegbox brick (4).jpeg

This method banana bark dont fail, now I am sourcing fresh bamboo cane for this winter harvest, it is dry
I am curious about the bamboo cure if it works same like the bark
This is the winter harvest waiting for the fresh bamboo
Thai haze winter harvest (2).jpeg

Have a nice week everybody


Well-known member
The marvel of abundance allows to play and experiment
Banana bark cure dont dissapoint and never leaves you on foot
These ones I didnt dry totally, they went after a few days drying. I am curious about the late ones I did and took notes because there are a couple of dry ones and I want to see if there is difference with these ones

Once you find the proper cure, all is left is to find the proper weed for this cure with good high and this is a lot more difficult to find than the proper cure in this modern weed world of hybrids bred for indoors under artificial lights.
I find modern weed incredibly boring, weak and dissapointing, I cant believe the hype around modern weed

With brick you just lit the joint once and it smokes smooth. I am talking about how it smokes and not about the high. How it smokes is objective, the high is subjective and according to everyone's experience and points of reference. If you are used to traditional weed, then this modern hybrid world is very dissapointing and the opposite, if you are born into the hybrid world and all you know is indoor coffeeshop bud, then this cure might be trippy for you
Brick always smoked muuuuuch better than the bud, cannot compare.
And clearly hits a little more than the bud in most cases, I am comparing it side by side brick and bud of the same strains

Thaidelica vegbox brick 5 months cure.
It has no smells because I didnt totally dry, just a few days.
I just totally dried the latest bricks made and marked them
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This method banana bark dont fail, now I am sourcing fresh bamboo cane for this winter harvest, it is dry
I am curious about the bamboo cure if it works same like the bark
This is the winter harvest waiting for the fresh bamboo
View attachment 18918325

Have a nice week everybody
Beautiful fall colors there brother you can really see the difference when you compare the fresh uncured green buds.
I think you are right about modern weed for sure but everyone to their own as long as people are happy with what they have.
In the near future the old strains and cures will be just for the few that know of them. Its important to keep them alive and kicking like you do.

high monster

Active member
damit man r u stateside or in canada, your tolerance level like mine, most days i'll smoke 6/7 j's.
I'm over here in Illinois, but yeah, I've probably been messing around with the carts and disposables for too long! They're just way too convenient. There's a dispensary coming to town any day now, so I guess we'll see how my tolerance holds up to what they've got.

@alvin88 I had the same thought. I'm not sure if I screwed something up, so there's still this uncertainty whether everything I've eaten actually would have gotten anyone high (besides the gummies my wife eats that she says work good). Definitely going to try to get to the bottom of it when I get my hands on some lab certified stuff. I read about some supplements or something that potentiates edibles, can't remember what it was. Have you tried anything like that or those nano emulsion drinks?


Well-known member
View attachment 18918591

This winter I can definitely run few COB party’s :) 3 excamples.

One Lemon, one haschishin and the mermaid in the middle ?! I don’t like her - it’s better if she is wearing her panties :cry: haha first she comes sweet but then she shows off her deep sea ancestors xD 😝
Nice looking work brother your def going to be able host a few parties just on those in the pic ha ha.
One Christmas I ground up a big chunk of good cob and left it for a week in a bottle of Mezcal boy the shots we took really got the party going many people who drank them didn't smoke pot and didn't know what hit them ha ha.
I prefer chewing without alcohol but that was when I was younger and reckless ha ha.
We also had a non alcoholic punch for non drinkers a friend of mine dropped a dozen blotters in it.
When a friend noticed and told me I warned everyone but it was too late and most of it had been drunk ha ha.
There were a few straight people who came to the party who had a great time and I'm sure were turned on big time.
One couple had brought a Christian friend along she had had a fight with her husband that night and they brought her along to cheer her up ha ha. She had some punch and spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing totally wasted ha ha.
I bet when she got home her husband had the shock of his life ha ha.


Well-known member
Beautiful fall colors there brother you can really see the difference when you compare the fresh uncured green buds.
I think you are right about modern weed for sure but everyone to their own as long as people are happy with what they have.
In the near future the old strains and cures will be just for the few that know of them. Its important to keep them alive and kicking like you do.

G'day Tangwena
I can't agree more with you when you say to everyone their own as long as people happy
I understand you have no commercial interests in canna world, thats why I post here and answer, otherwise I wouldnt because I feel it is a waste of time exchanging views with modern weed breeders or people having commercial interests in this canna business, things get too easily biased and distorted from the real life experiences, I am not interested in futile debates. I am interested in the exchange of knowledge

Point of reference is important because it is part of our expectations
That Sinai sounds unique as well. I knew some guys back in the 70's who drove down to South Africa down the East Coast of Africa and smuggled heaps of super potent cobs into Zimbabwe as its known today.
They said Southern Sudan had the most trippy pot they came across. There is or was lots of strong pot in Africa mostly unknown to the cannabis community of today.
The guys I met who did have very strong cobs from Malawi rated Southern Sudanese as stronger thats all I know for sure.
I lived 6 years at Sinai desert between 80s and 90s, very good weed indeed, some batches were certainly making you lose the plot, I love that kind of weed. Without good traditional weed I dont stay anywhere. I went to Europe, Canary Islands end of 90s and the moroccan hash available was horrible, after 45 days I got pissed off from that quality of drugs and I went immediately back to SE Asia. I like to stay in countries with decent traditional weed availability
So my dissapointment is huge when I grow all this modern weed carrying subsaharan names. Nothing in this modern canna is like that quality I smoked in Sinai and other parts of the world that I like so much
I never expected Sinai to be the best african weed, but I also never expected the modern weed to be the quality it really is

Modern weed is rehashing of the rehashing of the same strains:Blueberry, Skunk and NL5
This is traditional cure thread. Traditional cure without the traditional weed is a waste of time. better do hash or rosin with anything carrying those genetics in your polyhybrids

Allow me to use some analogies
The traditional weed I love makes big guys fall down on their knees and cry out of joy like this:

Now you see. You have the tradition(Wallabies) and you take out from a traditional team traditional players like Quade Cooper and Michael Hooper, no matter if you like them or not, what you get is souless team, a hybrid team without any spirit getting thrashed by Fiji and Wales. Socceroos did a lot better at the football world cup, at least they advanced round. How come you will host next rugby world cup at your city?

What happened to traditional weed as soon as it lands in untraditional sativa places like Europe or Usa? First thing in the morning they make the famous "taming" cross with some indica turning the crosses of it into sativa CBD with boring lame high of 30min first spliff, 15 min high 2nd spliff and good luck getting high at the third spliff of any sativa CBD the market is full of this shit being hyped for smell and taste

Modern weed is dry cleaners weed. It is washed, rinsed, ironed, perfumed and the high is gone down the drenage. Canna nazis making weed soap

I think we need to treat weed properly. From any modern genetics containing skunk, NL5 or blueberry it is better to make hash
To keep this cure is important. To have the weed to make this cure is not less important. This cure is about getting high, this cure is not about raving on taste and smell

I probably have many things to say about this different perspective/point of view my neighbours have as well, it is not just me. We think legalization is a disaster. It has ruined and killed traditional weed and now the local market is infested with these spanish garbage flowers without any high, placebo of ganja

Look, I grew up smoking the best weed the world had to offer. I find this current situation shocking, I wasnt aware. I simply cant believe how breeders, doesnt matter nationality, breed against traditional weed and how they ruin it

I grew up eating porterhouse stakes every day. I love Angus. I love grass fed steaks. I love hunting meats like deer. But I also learnt to eat yak and love it too. I learnt to love shapale against all odds.
I love it because it is traditional food made with love, zero ego in this food https://www.tasteatlas.com/sha-balep

I am growing tomatoes, I am sprouting and growing over 20 different varieties. Many similar things with canna world. Tomato breeding of pure races/heirlooms is done in Usa and Russia. I am trying from both countries.
The russian tomatoes just have their name to it.
The american tomatoes most of them have the breeder's name attached to it. The american tomato breeders same as the canna breeders think the products of their breeding are part of their ego. And breeders are certainly getting very very high smoking from their own ego
This is the problem of the modern weed. Too much ego and too little high
Modern breeders dont know shit about traditional weed nor traditional cure. So the breeding for this cure sucks and we need to breed it ourselves
Traditional weed has no ego and shatters your own ego to little pieces

Sorry for the runt, back to brick cure
This is Northern Thai happy family brick. This brick is made of early immature harvest buds of many different Thai plants and all at different stages of drying. I will not do this experiment again
It is better to make just without mixing because the quality is not consistent at all in the plants. Need to search too much in order to find good quality in all this mess. The stocks available are not consistent at all and need to dig/fish the good plant from many many samples. The 5% keeper is an exxageration. I think the number is a lot lower than that
N Thai happy family brick (4).jpeg
N Thai happy family brick (5).jpeg
N Thai happy family brick (6).jpeg
N Thai happy family brick (8).jpeg

Tangwena, I am not against modern weed. Everything has a place, most people grow indoors today and everybody have different starting experiences and point of references for weed
I just sprouted over 90 seeds from rehashing of genetics done by somebody born in your own city including a hybrid I luckily made myself which is the best hybrid I have
From this batch I am expecting to score a couple of penalties at most. My best hybrid is a very hard faught try.
The weed I like makes you sing zulu warrior songs together with Siya Kolisi and make you dance Kapa O Pango

Have a nice weekend everyone. I hope the difference between traditional weed and modern weed is a little bit more clear to everyone reading this.


Well-known member
G'day Tangwena
I can't agree more with you when you say to everyone their own as long as people happy
I understand you have no commercial interests in canna world, thats why I post here and answer, otherwise I wouldnt because I feel it is a waste of time exchanging views with modern weed breeders or people having commercial interests in this canna business, things get too easily biased and distorted from the real life experiences, I am not interested in futile debates. I am interested in the exchange of knowledge

Point of reference is important because it is part of our expectations

I lived 6 years at Sinai desert between 80s and 90s, very good weed indeed, some batches were certainly making you lose the plot, I love that kind of weed. Without good traditional weed I dont stay anywhere. I went to Europe, Canary Islands end of 90s and the moroccan hash available was horrible, after 45 days I got pissed off from that quality of drugs and I went immediately back to SE Asia. I like to stay in countries with decent traditional weed availability
So my dissapointment is huge when I grow all this modern weed carrying subsaharan names. Nothing in this modern canna is like that quality I smoked in Sinai and other parts of the world that I like so much
I never expected Sinai to be the best african weed, but I also never expected the modern weed to be the quality it really is

Modern weed is rehashing of the rehashing of the same strains:Blueberry, Skunk and NL5
This is traditional cure thread. Traditional cure without the traditional weed is a waste of time. better do hash or rosin with anything carrying those genetics in your polyhybrids

Allow me to use some analogies
The traditional weed I love makes big guys fall down on their knees and cry out of joy like this:

Now you see. You have the tradition(Wallabies) and you take out from a traditional team traditional players like Quade Cooper and Michael Hooper, no matter if you like them or not, what you get is souless team, a hybrid team without any spirit getting thrashed by Fiji and Wales. Socceroos did a lot better at the football world cup, at least they advanced round. How come you will host next rugby world cup at your city?

What happened to traditional weed as soon as it lands in untraditional sativa places like Europe or Usa? First thing in the morning they make the famous "taming" cross with some indica turning the crosses of it into sativa CBD with boring lame high of 30min first spliff, 15 min high 2nd spliff and good luck getting high at the third spliff of any sativa CBD the market is full of this shit being hyped for smell and taste

Modern weed is dry cleaners weed. It is washed, rinsed, ironed, perfumed and the high is gone down the drenage. Canna nazis making weed soap

I think we need to treat weed properly. From any modern genetics containing skunk, NL5 or blueberry it is better to make hash
To keep this cure is important. To have the weed to make this cure is not less important. This cure is about getting high, this cure is not about raving on taste and smell

I probably have many things to say about this different perspective/point of view my neighbours have as well, it is not just me. We think legalization is a disaster. It has ruined and killed traditional weed and now the local market is infested with these spanish garbage flowers without any high, placebo of ganja

Look, I grew up smoking the best weed the world had to offer. I find this current situation shocking, I wasnt aware. I simply cant believe how breeders, doesnt matter nationality, breed against traditional weed and how they ruin it

I grew up eating porterhouse stakes every day. I love Angus. I love grass fed steaks. I love hunting meats like deer. But I also learnt to eat yak and love it too. I learnt to love shapale against all odds.
I love it because it is traditional food made with love, zero ego in this food https://www.tasteatlas.com/sha-balep

I am growing tomatoes, I am sprouting and growing over 20 different varieties. Many similar things with canna world. Tomato breeding of pure races/heirlooms is done in Usa and Russia. I am trying from both countries.
The russian tomatoes just have their name to it.
The american tomatoes most of them have the breeder's name attached to it. The american tomato breeders same as the canna breeders think the products of their breeding are part of their ego. And breeders are certainly getting very very high smoking from their own ego
This is the problem of the modern weed. Too much ego and too little high
Modern breeders dont know shit about traditional weed nor traditional cure. So the breeding for this cure sucks and we need to breed it ourselves
Traditional weed has no ego and shatters your own ego to little pieces

Sorry for the runt, back to brick cure
This is Northern Thai happy family brick. This brick is made of early immature harvest buds of many different Thai plants and all at different stages of drying. I will not do this experiment again
It is better to make just without mixing because the quality is not consistent at all in the plants. Need to search too much in order to find good quality in all this mess. The stocks available are not consistent at all and need to dig/fish the good plant from many many samples. The 5% keeper is an exxageration. I think the number is a lot lower than that
View attachment 18919461 View attachment 18919462 View attachment 18919463 View attachment 18919465

Tangwena, I am not against modern weed. Everything has a place, most people grow indoors today and everybody have different starting experiences and point of references for weed
I just sprouted over 90 seeds from rehashing of genetics done by somebody born in your own city including a hybrid I luckily made myself which is the best hybrid I have
From this batch I am expecting to score a couple of penalties at most. My best hybrid is a very hard faught try.
The weed I like makes you sing zulu warrior songs together with Siya Kolisi and make you dance Kapa O Pango

Have a nice weekend everyone. I hope the difference between traditional weed and modern weed is a little bit more clear to everyone reading this.

It is good to have passion brother it is people with passion that will keep good pot and good methods of curing alive ignore everything else.


Anne enn Normal
You could be immune. There is a small group of people known as non-responders that are unaffected by edibles. I'm one of them 😉 lol it sucks.

We either have an extra enzyme or are missing one, or we metabolize thc differently. There isn't enough study on it yet.

Out of the 100s and 100s of times I've eaten edibles I've gotten high maybe 10 times. Now all of those 10 times absolutely I was wrecked beyond belief. But I can eat multiple bags of dispensary edibles with zero effect. I've even decarbed my own oil in coconut oil, up to a gram at a time, with minimal effects.

I've actually been following this thread closely and wanting to try the method myself, theorizing and in hopes that maybe the fermentation process may aid in "pre-digesting" or converting the thc into a more usable form. Sounds like your results are not leading in the way I had hoped though. I'm still gonna give it a shot soon either way to try smoking cob.
you might have absorption issues, as in: bile disfunction/inability to absorb fats either to metabolism failure or overly fatty diet/Chron's/IBS/Glutonic plague (sorry, gluten intolerance) might wanna get it checked if you haven't already


Well-known member
I'm over here in Illinois, but yeah, I've probably been messing around with the carts and disposables for too long! They're just way too convenient. There's a dispensary coming to town any day now, so I guess we'll see how my tolerance holds up to what they've got.

@alvin88 I had the same thought. I'm not sure if I screwed something up, so there's still this uncertainty whether everything I've eaten actually would have gotten anyone high (besides the gummies my wife eats that she says work good). Definitely going to try to get to the bottom of it when I get my hands on some lab certified stuff. I read about some supplements or something that potentiates edibles, can't remember what it was. Have you tried anything like that or those nano emulsion drinks?
all the stuff from the dispo's don't even turn the knob for me ,got a homemade brownie about a year ago ,that turned my head around, lighting has yet to strike twice for me ,yet ,cob brownies coming soon!


Well-known member
Sunday is cob sniffing day :)
The smells are amazing, you don't want to give the cobs away.
All three are from this year
Mazar Kush World of Seeds Bank
Lebanese from @aceseeds.org
Zenith from @aceseeds.org when you open the package you think it's packed with lemons.



ZENITH....Pollinated by a Ciskei from Tropical Seeds Company.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Some tropical boogie cobbed up this morning. Got it tucked in my dressing gown to sweat hahaha

This stuff smells like an Indian curry house. It's unbelievable. Sooo savoury, getting a quick sweat with me and out she comes.
Happy Sunday everyone. Been smoking cob since 5am this morning and I think this type might be ceilingless. Mango Thai x (ZamxCon) by the way.


Not ICMag Donor
G'day Tangwena
I can't agree more with you when you say to everyone their own as long as people happy
I understand you have no commercial interests in canna world, thats why I post here and answer, otherwise I wouldnt because I feel it is a waste of time exchanging views with modern weed breeders or people having commercial interests in this canna business, things get too easily biased and distorted from the real life experiences, I am not interested in futile debates. I am interested in the exchange of knowledge

Point of reference is important because it is part of our expectations

I lived 6 years at Sinai desert between 80s and 90s, very good weed indeed, some batches were certainly making you lose the plot, I love that kind of weed. Without good traditional weed I dont stay anywhere. I went to Europe, Canary Islands end of 90s and the moroccan hash available was horrible, after 45 days I got pissed off from that quality of drugs and I went immediately back to SE Asia. I like to stay in countries with decent traditional weed availability
So my dissapointment is huge when I grow all this modern weed carrying subsaharan names. Nothing in this modern canna is like that quality I smoked in Sinai and other parts of the world that I like so much
I never expected Sinai to be the best african weed, but I also never expected the modern weed to be the quality it really is

Modern weed is rehashing of the rehashing of the same strains:Blueberry, Skunk and NL5
This is traditional cure thread. Traditional cure without the traditional weed is a waste of time. better do hash or rosin with anything carrying those genetics in your polyhybrids

Allow me to use some analogies
The traditional weed I love makes big guys fall down on their knees and cry out of joy like this:

Now you see. You have the tradition(Wallabies) and you take out from a traditional team traditional players like Quade Cooper and Michael Hooper, no matter if you like them or not, what you get is souless team, a hybrid team without any spirit getting thrashed by Fiji and Wales. Socceroos did a lot better at the football world cup, at least they advanced round. How come you will host next rugby world cup at your city?

What happened to traditional weed as soon as it lands in untraditional sativa places like Europe or Usa? First thing in the morning they make the famous "taming" cross with some indica turning the crosses of it into sativa CBD with boring lame high of 30min first spliff, 15 min high 2nd spliff and good luck getting high at the third spliff of any sativa CBD the market is full of this shit being hyped for smell and taste

Modern weed is dry cleaners weed. It is washed, rinsed, ironed, perfumed and the high is gone down the drenage. Canna nazis making weed soap

I think we need to treat weed properly. From any modern genetics containing skunk, NL5 or blueberry it is better to make hash
To keep this cure is important. To have the weed to make this cure is not less important. This cure is about getting high, this cure is not about raving on taste and smell

I probably have many things to say about this different perspective/point of view my neighbours have as well, it is not just me. We think legalization is a disaster. It has ruined and killed traditional weed and now the local market is infested with these spanish garbage flowers without any high, placebo of ganja

Look, I grew up smoking the best weed the world had to offer. I find this current situation shocking, I wasnt aware. I simply cant believe how breeders, doesnt matter nationality, breed against traditional weed and how they ruin it

I grew up eating porterhouse stakes every day. I love Angus. I love grass fed steaks. I love hunting meats like deer. But I also learnt to eat yak and love it too. I learnt to love shapale against all odds.
I love it because it is traditional food made with love, zero ego in this food https://www.tasteatlas.com/sha-balep

I am growing tomatoes, I am sprouting and growing over 20 different varieties. Many similar things with canna world. Tomato breeding of pure races/heirlooms is done in Usa and Russia. I am trying from both countries.
The russian tomatoes just have their name to it.
The american tomatoes most of them have the breeder's name attached to it. The american tomato breeders same as the canna breeders think the products of their breeding are part of their ego. And breeders are certainly getting very very high smoking from their own ego
This is the problem of the modern weed. Too much ego and too little high
Modern breeders dont know shit about traditional weed nor traditional cure. So the breeding for this cure sucks and we need to breed it ourselves
Traditional weed has no ego and shatters your own ego to little pieces

Sorry for the runt, back to brick cure
This is Northern Thai happy family brick. This brick is made of early immature harvest buds of many different Thai plants and all at different stages of drying. I will not do this experiment again
It is better to make just without mixing because the quality is not consistent at all in the plants. Need to search too much in order to find good quality in all this mess. The stocks available are not consistent at all and need to dig/fish the good plant from many many samples. The 5% keeper is an exxageration. I think the number is a lot lower than that
View attachment 18919461 View attachment 18919462 View attachment 18919463 View attachment 18919465

Tangwena, I am not against modern weed. Everything has a place, most people grow indoors today and everybody have different starting experiences and point of references for weed
I just sprouted over 90 seeds from rehashing of genetics done by somebody born in your own city including a hybrid I luckily made myself which is the best hybrid I have
From this batch I am expecting to score a couple of penalties at most. My best hybrid is a very hard faught try.
The weed I like makes you sing zulu warrior songs together with Siya Kolisi and make you dance Kapa O Pango

Have a nice weekend everyone. I hope the difference between traditional weed and modern weed is a little bit more clear to everyone reading this.

What an embarrassing post mate, as most of your posts on this forum are. Please let us know how good your farts smell too. Your last sentence really encompasses the kind of person you are. You call people "canna Nazis" in the same post where you are wanking off about how superior you are to everyone else, and lecturing us like you're a college professor. Gtfo clown.

Easy to fool people when talking with such confidence, but anyone who has seen your grow logs should be able to see through your bullshit. You grow some of the most beloved sativas in this forum, with which so many people had amazing results, me included. You do it so badly that you get a seriously distorted image of the strain. But you're so arrogant and superior that you assume it's the strains, and not your lack of skills and care, that produce these abominations you call plants.

You grow these ridiculous sticks with more weight in thrips, PM and spidermites, than the actual weight of the buds. And you wonder why your weed sucks??? You are growing in the most privileged part of the world to have killer results with sativas, you fail like noone else has managed to fail before really, and blame it on the breeders 🤦‍♂️ And call people canna Nazis. The lack of self awareness is shocking.

I don't grow American stuff either, and I don't like that kind of weed, but trying to pretend you are an expert at what is good weed, what are good strains, or anything in general, is laughable and ludicrous.

You live in a fantasy world mate, wake up, learn to grow, and learn to treat others with the respect you want for yourself. Payaso 🤡