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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Brother try pressing some of that keif into slab vacuum seal it and bathe the bag in warm water 40c for 24 hours and make sure your sitting down when you open the bag ha ha.
Very interested in your take on the black mixed cob the black cobs I made with Panama a few years back made me get lost in my own house walking from the kitchen to the laundry ha ha.


Well-known member
I must admit I’m a little bit scared of it Tang!!! After seeing how mirror shiny the keif had become in the process of curing into hash; it looked like some of the temple balls I’ve seen. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to try it.
It would be my absolute pleasure to do that; I’ve always wanted an excuse to buy a dehydrator. I’m sure that’ll do the job for the desired outcome.
I’ll post some photos up.
Anyone else got some thoughts on different processes they’d like me to try??


I think some kind of fermentation also happens frozen. Dev not as much as in the cob curing and i'm sure microbially reactions only happen at the right temps.
But i wonder what would happens to fresh kief/hash after some years in a vacuum bag in the freezer:D


Well-known member
I think some kind of fermentation also happens frozen. Dev not as much as in the cob curing and i'm sure microbially reactions only happen at the right temps.
But i wonder what would happens to fresh kief/hash after some years in a vacuum bag in the freezer:D

You would have frozen keif nothing more, freezing does not cure anything properly my friend its warmth and time that changes things and of course the right level of moisture.


Well-known member
I hope you guys dont mind
Fellow southener, I am afraid you will commit the same mistake I did. Treating kief as a cob or treating a cob as kief doesnt work
What really does the trick is to treat kief as kief and cob as cob

BTW, I didnt know what I do is called temple balls. In Nepal or India it is called charas
In the himalayas charas is wrapped in film nylon for long term conservation. Many times nylon wrapping and on top of it some extra sealing but with a thick nylon wrapping is enough. Leave it in a dark place at room temperature. Cold or freezing is good for extracting the resin but for making charas hot weather is the best
After a couple of months of curing at dark place you have very decent quality. After 6 months it becomes top notch if you used top notch materials, this part is similar to cobs, you get what you put in

I committed the mistake to wrap my cobs as if it would be charas. Results were no good, a few got mold because I didnt vacuum them properly and I went back to what really worked for me which is wrapping the cob on a plain banana bark without any extra bullshit and kept it on a vacuum jar. In the jars I used properly(I have Prepara jars and you cant fill them more than half, otherwise the vacuum dont work) all cobs are doing beautiful and curing properly. In the jar I filled it too much, I had all loses except for one Original Haze cob which survived but got overfermented

In order to get the best of kief, you need to press it and make hash. A traditional way to do it is wrapping the kief in a sackcloth very tight, seal it somehow(sewing it is a traditional way) and leave it to cure in a dark place(cool or hot I dont think it matters, but dark place is what all the different peoples I met in the world do for curing)
Another traditional very interesting method is to wrap it in goat leather instead of sackcloth.
Home method is wrapping the kief in nylon film or cellophane

And a complaint for the fellow southerner: Crusaders winning everything is getting boring, I hope McKenzie does the trick on saturday.
Tangwena, in 12 days Mckenzie goes to your town, do you go watch these games alive? Is it any popular over there or the league rules?

I think the same way Tangwena is showing the way for cobs, Frenchie Cannoly shows the way for different methods to get the best hash. You get top notch results with his hash water methods. I personally love dry sift a lot more than water hash because that is what I smoked in my life ,same with charas. It is interesting after all these years to find out indicas(I call them hash plants) I dont like in bud form but I love smoking the charas/hash I obtain from them. And in the case of sativas I love both, buds and cobs. And cobs/bricks are great for long term conservation. Buds are very difficult to make them last long. You can vacuum them and put in the fridge if you want them to last long term(because at room temperature even in vacuum buds will keep curing, same same as cobs, but buds high fades away faster than cobs even keeping them in the fridge)

Sorry for the ramble, have a nice day


Well-known member
Funkyhorse always interested in what you have to say as its based on real life experience I agree hash plants are for making hash not smoking or watering down good sativa genes ha ha


Well-known member
Ok everyone, hold onto your vapes.....


Well-known member
Sorry Funkyhorse but you inadvertently ended upside down for some inexplicable reason and we were fresh out of goat skin so l hope PBA free, chrivac parchment gets your seal of approval?? The black, unbelievably shiny hash in the cobb was cured as you described, left in a dark, cool place. If you think l can do it better let me know.
We’ve still got more keif and the charas in the freezer (l think Funkyhorse is right....Temple Balls are what the charas is rolled into and the shiny exterior protects the inside from oxidation. I’ve also seen pucks dipped in wax)


Well-known member
Hi there
Did anyone make with the same kief fermented and non fermented hash? Any difference on final product?
Wax is good for cold weather environments, the closer you are to the penguins the better it works.
On the tropics wax is not good. Clay, resin or ceramics are used instead, like the ones used on those little elephant or Buddha figures

The nylon film wrapping is used in order to avoid the outer crust that makes what you call shiny exterior. You cant avoid the outer crust forming if it is wrapped in fresh goat skin or sackcloth, but using nylon film makes all the material uniform. I believe what you are using will provide same result, looks very interesting using those vacuum bags

This is an amazing video showing some technique and skill in the hash making from traditional areas who have no access to high technology. Look at the detail that the final product is wrapped in nylon film. It will prevent it from making the outer crust and all the material will have uniformity.
You can practice it at home after fermenting it

Maybe now it works? It seems to have age restrictions so if you are under 18 dont watch this, it is hash porno
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Well-known member
Ok Tang’s 40 degrees C, 24 hours later. Smell has changed a bit and a little bit of melt has started to occur. Can you see the little bits of shine amongst the sea of green?? You may be able to see that it hasn’t changed it all that much to the eye. Any thoughts on what you’d like me to do next Tang??:huggg:
I’ve tried to watch that video but my reception won’t let me at the moment Funkyhorse; l will check it out though.
Does the fermentation process occur with pressing and time or is there something else to do??


Well-known member
There is still a lot of green in that keif not just resin so it should ferment I would re vac it and put it back in the 40c for a few more days it should start to turn black when its fermenting.
The resin I used was just pure resin not sifted more like charas, but yours will turn I'm sure its probably been dried to much to turn quickly.
All the green particles will be of benefit and should aid the cure.
how long has it been since you sifted it?
i just re read your post you didn't freeze it did you? If you did its too dry to ferment.
Also this is going off topic this thread is for curing buds Malawi style there are other threads that deal with hashish and keif.


Well-known member
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Hi everyone,
Tang, l think you might be right. It was dry sifted, green, in a freezer, in a pollinator and left frozen in a vacuum container until l had enough. I, maybe naively, thought it would hold its water content and sweat. The charas was collected by rubbing the left over material. Sorry everyone, a bit of a fail on that hypothesis.
Anyway back to our regular cobbing programme.
I’ve made a few but these ones were particularly interesting. The no dry no sweat one ended up way over fermented and smelt like arse but l let it almost dry out and now it has a really complex smell of powdered milk, sweet flowers and something not very nice off in the distance. I thought I’d have to throw it out but it’s surprising how it’s off gassed to something much more pleasant.
The other one has small, shimmering bits of resin that have already turned black and shiny and has a beautiful sweet, floral geranium smell.
I’ll keep you updated with the progress of these.


Well-known member
I thought as much it has to be freshly made to ferment even buds once fully dried dont cure properly.
The art if there is one in curing is to keep or produce those lovely aromas and sweet taste along with a kick ass effect it takes a lot of experience but once you get it right your hooked for life.


Well-known member
Here are some pics posted by Stunger on 420 forum 2 cobs of each Mango Sherbert, Godfather OG and Strawberry Cough.
He reports these are 18 days fermentation at 28c with slightly drier buds going in.
From the close ups they are going great and should be awesome at the end of 4 weeks.
Bloom crystals are just starting to appear on the surface a good sign of better things to come.



Well-known member
Here's some Purple Honduras x Panama 18 months old and some 5 months old from my last grow.
I just tried some of the older stuff and its truly altered my day for the better in a big way talk about kicking the blues ha ha beautiful day, beautiful life its got everything.
First and second pics show some newer stuff above 2 stick like cobs of 18 month old stuff.
Note the salt like white blume crystals once your cob get this appearing its going to be potent.

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Active member
Are the bloom crystals THC? It would make me think so allthough on the rare occasion it has appeared on a cob of mine, that cob is allways better


Well-known member
Are the bloom crystals THC? It would make me think so allthough on the rare occasion it has appeared on a cob of mine, that cob is allways better

I doubt it my thinking is its from salts, terps and or oils and resins that sweat out of the buds during the cure it just seems to indicate that the cure is well aged.
Aged cigars are known to have the same thing happen and are considered to be good when it happens.
But in an aged cob the effects are usually more intense from a cob with these crystals present.
The trippiest cobs I ever scored in Malawi back in the 70's always had bloom present like diamond dust the tourist sun dried cobs never had it.
probably because they were rushed to market without aging or proper sweating.
The older more traditional growers took their time in both growing and curing but these aged cobs got harder and harder to find as people became less fussy and would buy anything, even uncured cobs as they had never seen the really well aged and cured cobs they didn't know what they were getting.
Personal growers and curers can take their time in everything and always get better and better as they seek out the things that make their cures special it is an art to be sure.
The knowledge you gain is very personal and results in unique individual cures no two people will cure exactly the same as you can see from the cobs by others in this thread all good all unique.


Active member
Zo, after 3 months of curing the Kali China cob, I took 1.5 gr, chew it & held it under the tongue for 30 min.

And ? And ?

Dissapointment : hardly any effect.

So I'm wondering :

If I let the remaning cobs cure for one full year, after that year of curing, will I have a MUCH more intense effect ?

Or, as the enzymes activity also diminish with times, the difference between 3 months and 1 year is not so big ?


Well-known member
Zo, after 3 months of curing the Kali China cob, I took 1.5 gr, chew it & held it under the tongue for 30 min.

And ? And ?

Dissapointment : hardly any effect.

So I'm wondering :

If I let the remaning cobs cure for one full year, after that year of curing, will I have a MUCH more intense effect ?

Or, as the enzymes activity also diminish with times, the difference between 3 months and 1 year is not so big ?

Well that is curious the cobs looked ok in the pics.
1.5g is a big dose if it was strong you would have felt something for sure, all I can think is either you have a huge tolerance or the pot is very weak.
Any chance of seeing a pic of the plant before harvest?
All I can say is there are many variables and I cant really comment without trying it myself its very difficult to advise from far away without seeing and touching it.