Its hard to make judgement on any one strain as they all benefit from different methods of curing, it takes many harvests of even one strain to find the best curing methods for that particular type of plant.So after sampling 4 diffrent strains from 7 diffrent plants, it is very evident that the RSC malawi gold and TLT malawi gold have benefit from this process way way more than the others, which are ace malawi, and Somali taxi ride from rare dankness. Is there anything to this? Like does it have something to do with the terps/cannibinoids? It's weird because as normal flower both ace malawi and STR are better smoke honestly
Every harvest I tweak the cure a bit more on each different strain.
Dont forget the villagers in Malawi had been growing the same plants for generations.
Every village or area had different plants and different cures usually along tribal boundaries.
We have the luxury of many many strains and hybrids to grow, mastering the cure for each takes many harvests.
As TD said above aging also effects all cures some more than others.
I have found a cob of Panama x Mulanje that ticks all my boxes for a particular type of high. But if I cure it slightly differently it may not have the same appeal.