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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member

I got it down, not my first time, but will cob
half of this and smoke the other half as buds.

Cobbed some wide leaf too, good process, thanks for the tip.

Chewing the cobbed product is a real treat!
Picks or it didn't happen, just joking, but I would love to see some pics.

I tried some 2 months old KaliChina x Zamaldelica cob today its like being on valium but with lots of energy I could use this instead of valium on long flights.
I've never had a high quite like it I'll see how it develops. I am still going up at the 2hr mark from chewing 0.25g not bad.

Rory Borealis

Well-known member
Here is my first batch of cobs. It's ACE Malawi x Panama. I wanted to start small, perfect the technique before I increase the quantity. It has been in these cobs for 2 weeks. I will vacuum seal them, today. They should make for some really good smoke in 30 days.



Well-known member
Here is my first batch of cobs. It's ACE Malawi x Panama. I wanted to start small, perfect the technique before I increase the quantity. It has been in these cobs for 2 weeks. I will vacuum seal them, today. They should make for some really good smoke in 30 days.

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Hi my friend have you sweated them? Or just wrapped the buds in maize husk.
Have they been in a vacuum bag for 2 weeks?

If not they have probably either dried out or got moldy. Please check the contents before you seal them up for 2 weeks.
How were they stored for the 2 weeks just gone?

I am all for experimentation but be careful doing it without checking at each stage.
It would be good if I could see some pics of the results before you seal them up.They should be cured/fermented at this stage and only need sealing for aging from here.
Pics of the contents would tell the story better than a thousand words.

Rory Borealis

Well-known member
Hi my friend have you sweated them? Or just wrapped the buds in maize husk.
Have they been in a vacuum bag for 2 weeks?

If not they have probably either dried out or got moldy. Please check the contents before you seal them up for 2 weeks.
How were they stored for the 2 weeks just gone?

Tangwena, your advice is much appreciated. :tiphat: I allowed them to sweat while loosely wrapped in the corn cobs- inside of a plastic bag. I noticed a small amount of moisture inside the bag after the 2 weeks. I then taped the ends of each cob(like you see in the picture). I checked for mold, I saw no mold. I then vacuum sealed them in vacuum bags. So, now I am patiently waiting for the microbes to do their work.

Lactobacilli is separate living culture project that I work on, so I have some experience watching the stages of growth/decomposition.


Well-known member
Tangwena, your advice is much appreciated. :tiphat: I allowed them to sweat while loosely wrapped in the corn cobs- inside of a plastic bag. I noticed a small amount of moisture inside the bag after the 2 weeks. I then taped the ends of each cob(like you see in the picture). I checked for mold, I saw no mold. I then vacuum sealed them in vacuum bags. So, now I am patiently waiting for the microbes to do their work.

Lactobacilli is separate living culture project that I work on, so I have some experience watching the stages of growth/decomposition.
Hi my friend its not the way I would have recommended but there is more than one than one way to skin a cat.
Please post the end result some nice pics would be good best of luck with your cure.


Active member
The cobs do seem to get better and better all the time. I can't get over how smooth it is and how much more enjoyable it is to smoke over jar cured buds. Some of the rough edges or negatives of the high, racinesss and paranoia, also seem to be greatly reduced without any loss of potency. It's a more refined and more enjoyable experience all around.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
The cobs do seem to get better and better all the time. I can't get over how smooth it is and how much more enjoyable it is to smoke over jar cured buds. Some of the rough edges or negatives of the high, racinesss and paranoia, also seem to be greatly reduced without any loss of potency. It's a more refined and more enjoyable experience all around.

This has been my experience with cobbed weed, to the last detail. I cob ALL my buds now, and would not have it any other way.

May I raise yet another toast to the Always Mighty Tang The CobFather, whose quiet revolution is sweeping the weed world, one convert at a time.


Active member
I think some people are reluctant to try cob curing because it reduces the volume so much and it appears to be a big reduction in the amount of weed you have. One ounce/28grams, reduced to a couple of cobs seems like you are risking large amounts of your harvest in order to simply try something new.
I can tell anyone considering this method that there is no risk involved, it does work and the end product is so good that any thoughts of having less weed is quickly forgotten.
I think everybody keeps trying different strains looking for keeper phenos, not only because when you find that keeper it is special but also because we are all looking for something that stands out. Many strains give a similar experience and we want something new or something that stands out from the crowd. Cob cured buds stand out from the crowd!:peacock:
Wow, this is some truly exotic shxt! Thanks for sharing!

Not that I could ever pull this off being such a noob, but I'm just curious: when you say "cob" are you referring to the actual corn cob (center part that corn grows on), or just the husks? In the pictures I can't tell what's being used. Looks like the weed is wrapped tightly in the husks with no cob present, but I may be having a brain fart ;)


Well-known member
Wow, this is some truly exotic shxt! Thanks for sharing!

Not that I could ever pull this off being such a noob, but I'm just curious: when you say "cob" are you referring to the actual corn cob (center part that corn grows on), or just the husks? In the pictures I can't tell what's being used. Looks like the weed is wrapped tightly in the husks with no cob present, but I may be having a brain fart ;)
The cobs get their name because of how they look.
Its a traditional method from Africa I use the husk of the maize to wrap the buds tightly then sweat/ferment them it changes everything about the weed.
Its looks,smell,taste and most importantly the high.
It also makes it available for chewing, chewed it gives a high unlike smoking and lasts a hell of a lot longer.
If you go back to page 212 you can see some pics of how to do it. If you follow the instructions its very easy to get a good result. With a little practice you can get fantastic results very easily.
If you have any questions just ask. Once you get it right its all you will want believe me.


Well-known member
This has been my experience with cobbed weed, to the last detail. I cob ALL my buds now, and would not have it any other way.

May I raise yet another toast to the Always Mighty Tang The CobFather, whose quiet revolution is sweeping the weed world, one convert at a time.
Thank you for the kind words brother the fact that you are getting the results you like is reward in itself.
I love to hear about people finding happiness from their weed.
Its what its all about you are part of the cob club, members need only show there cobs to enter.
I think most members here have found the weed they like already its just the curing they need to master and thats the easiest part isn't it.
last night the first three month old cob was opened. three of us smoked half a regular sized j. we all agreed this was the smoothest smoking weed any of us had ever had, and we've been toking together for about 30 years now. i couldn't feel anything in my throat or lungs on inhale. nothing!!! the high was not racy and not relaxing. easy to think clearly and converse normally. we finished the j about an hour later. we didn't need to, we wanted to. lol

was unsure if the flowers in this cob had been dried too much as not much condensation showed up during the initial sweat. these flowers were wet trimmed and hung by stems for 6 days until dry on outside and still a bit moist on the inside. most all stems snapped. used a 1 1/2" pvc pipe and packed it pretty tightly with flowers and then removed the contents before wrapping in brown paper and tying tightly. the slight moisture content of the finished cob was the same throughout making it roll up quite nicely.

every facet of this cob making experience as been great fun. the best part is having friends who liked the finished cob so much, and this has made me appreciate making cobs even more. it would now appear jar cured buds seem like such a lie.

a big hat's off to you Tangwena! :tiphat:


Well-known member
last night the first three month old cob was opened. three of us smoked half a regular sized j. we all agreed this was the smoothest smoking weed any of us had ever had, and we've been toking together for about 30 years now. i couldn't feel anything in my throat or lungs on inhale. nothing!!! the high was not racy and not relaxing. easy to think clearly and converse normally. we finished the j about an hour later. we didn't need to, we wanted to. lol

was unsure if the flowers in this cob had been dried too much as not much condensation showed up during the initial sweat. these flowers were wet trimmed and hung by stems for 6 days until dry on outside and still a bit moist on the inside. most all stems snapped. used a 1 1/2" pvc pipe and packed it pretty tightly with flowers and then removed the contents before wrapping in brown paper and tying tightly. the slight moisture content of the finished cob was the same throughout making it roll up quite nicely.

every facet of this cob making experience as been great fun. the best part is having friends who liked the finished cob so much, and this has made me appreciate making cobs even more. it would now appear jar cured buds seem like such a lie.

a big hat's off to you Tangwena! :tiphat:
Thats all I need to hear my friend if you liked it and your friends as well something is right.
I am sure you will find some great experiences are in store in the future, every cob you make will be one step closer to perfection.
I still get such a rush from curing this way its almost like magic for me.
Big hats off to you my friend.


Cobbing for smokeability

Cobbing for smokeability

Your post caught my attention concerning your cob time and temperature. 3 hrs. At 110 degres.
You were happy with the taste and strength!
My first cob was 12 hrs at appox 160 degrees in a crock pot.
2nd attempt was 24 hrs. On low in the crockpot.
The 12 hr sweat was way tastier than the 24 hr sweat.
I'm going to play with shorter sweat and temps.

I'M a 40 yr toker. I made a bunch of cob the second time around. I seem to gravitate more to the cob than my traditional jar cure bud. But jar cure is way tastier.....
Keep the testimonials coming. We will figure out how to have our cake and eat it too.

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I didn't follow the proper procedure for doing this method because I found this thread after my buds had been in the jar for a week. The humidity in the jar at that point was between 65-68%. So they were still very moist, I then put them in cobs, put them in vac. bags and put them in a dehydrator at about 110 degrees for three hours; enough to make them sweat.
I cured them for a couple of weeks, let them dry in the cobs for about a day or so and put them back in the vac. bag for a couple of more weeks, took them out of the cobs and let them dry for two to three days.
I feel this method is an advanced curing method compared to jar curing. I didn't even do it properly and the smoking experience is far superior to the jar cured buds that have been curing now for over two months. I feel the smoothness is due to the fermentation which breaks down the plant material far more than jar cured buds.
I can usually only take 4 to 6 hits on a joint and then I'm ready to put it down. Not so with a joint of the cob cured buds. It was so smooth and the taste was so sweet that I WANTED to keep smoking. I finally stopped after I had smoked 3/4 of a joint, not because I was tired of smoking it because I wasn't. I stopped because I thought if I kept smoking the high would be too intense.
The high is a deeper more soul satisfying high. It's more of a hash high for me. Deep, rich, satisfying and long lasting. I can't wait to do this method properly after my next grow. Highly recommended. Don't even think about it, just do it; it works exactly as advertised.
A little tip for doing it when corn is out of season is to buy the dried corn husks you can find in the Mexican food section of the super market. The instructions on the bag of husks says to soak them for 10 minutes in warm water to rehydrate them. It works. After the ten minute soak I gently shook the excess water off and then gently dabbed them with paper towels. I left them moist hoping it would help with the fermentation and I believe it did. Good luck.
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Well-known member
The shorter sweats def give more color and taste, also drying earlier after sweating keeps the color and taste.
This also keeps the high racier. The longer you cold cure (after sweating) vacuum sealed the darker the result and deeper the effects.
There are plenty of parameters to play with and they all effect the results.
The main contributers are moisture, temps and time with a little experimentation you will be able to produce a cob cure unique to you and very hard for others to replicate without the recipe to follow.
Its a whole new field of knowledge to gain but once you have it how you like it very easy to replicate.


Active member
Your post caught my attention concerning your cob time and temperature. 3 hrs. At 110 degres.
You were happy with the taste and strength!
My first cob was 12 hrs at appox 160 degrees in a crock pot.
2nd attempt was 24 hrs. On low in the crockpot.
The 12 hr sweat was way tastier than the 24 hr sweat.
I'm going to play with shorter sweat and temps.

I'M a 40 yr toker. I made a bunch of cob the second time around. I seem to gravitate more to the cob than my traditional jar cure bud. But jar cure is way tastier.....
Keep the testimonials coming. We will figure out how to have our cake and eat it too.

Yes I thought it turned out great. I figured that moist bud would probably be sweating at 110F for three hours. Also keep in mind that the Dehydrator temp. shown on the dial is for the INTERNAL temp. of the thing being dehydrated. Actual air temp. is probably closer to 135-140. I put them in the dehydrator in the vac. sealed bag so the cobs wouldn't dry out. I know I'd be sweating bullets at that temp. for three hours.
This is my first attempt at cobbing and as I said previously, I didn't follow the proper procedure and I'm sure they would turned out far better if done properly. That being said, they smell sweet, taste sweet and look similar to other cobs. I like how they turned out doing a shorter time but I think everybody should follow the proper procedure.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Your post caught my attention concerning your cob time and temperature. 3 hrs. At 110 degres.
You were happy with the taste and strength!
My first cob was 12 hrs at appox 160 degrees in a crock pot.
2nd attempt was 24 hrs. On low in the crockpot.
The 12 hr sweat was way tastier than the 24 hr sweat.
I'm going to play with shorter sweat and temps.

I'M a 40 yr toker. I made a bunch of cob the second time around. I seem to gravitate more to the cob than my traditional jar cure bud. But jar cure is way tastier.....
Keep the testimonials coming. We will figure out how to have our cake and eat it too.

Wolfhound, if you want a cob that tastes even better than jar-cured method where it retains the original terp profile, I recommend making a cold-cob. There is minimal sweat, with no elevated temps. When I began cobbing I made such a cob by accident. The cob didn't change color very much without the proper sweat, but the smell factor was off the charts. It didn't smell like the sweet/fermented cobs. It smelled exactly like jar-cured buds but much stronger.

Im sure it wasn't as potent as a good sweated cob, but if you like to smoke for flavor give it a try.

Like Tang said, theres so many variables that can be tweaked to produce different results. Keep making those cobs and experimenting till you get one thats potent, great tasting and smooth to smoke.


Well-known member
Yes I thought it turned out great. I figured that moist bud would probably be sweating at 110F for three hours. Also keep in mind that the Dehydrator temp. shown on the dial is for the INTERNAL temp. of the thing being dehydrated. Actual air temp. is probably closer to 135-140. I put them in the dehydrator in the vac. sealed bag so the cobs wouldn't dry out. I know I'd be sweating bullets at that temp. for three hours.
This is my first attempt at cobbing and as I said previously, I didn't follow the proper procedure and I'm sure they would turned out far better if done properly. That being said, they smell sweet, taste sweet and look similar to other cobs. I like how they turned out doing a shorter time but I think everybody should follow the proper procedure.
Hi my friend the proper procedure is the one that gives you the effects you desire.
There is nothing wrong in the way you did it.
The recipe I have on line is one that gives a specific result that seems popular.
I have done short sweats similar to yours and got the most fantastic golden colored cobs with great taste and effect.
Thats what is so good about this method the range of different results that you can get from the same buds by varying your technique.
Its great that you share your results so others can copy it if that is the result they are after.

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