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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Panama x Honduras cob

Panama x Honduras cob

I have dried this bud for 2 days as the temps are in the low 30's so they are drying faster.
If I had to sniff the Panama and thePanama/Honduras blindfolded I would choose the Panama x Honduras as the smell is a lot deeper and sourer also more skunky.
The Panama was a sweet skunk lemon, this is a sour lime skunk smell.

I think its going to be really strong going on the smell of the flowers as they dry. Really stinky weed so far.

Heres some pics of the cobbing and the canary bud (indicator bud).
Both are in the yogurt maker for 24hrs at 40c.



Altruistic Hazeist
Whoa.... wish there would be a Green Santa! (I know what I will asking him for :biggrin:)

Kudos for the macros :tiphat: they're more impressive on each post!

Is that a single central cola on the Panama? :bigeye:


Well-known member
Whoa.... wish there would be a Green Santa! (I know what I will asking him for :biggrin:)

Kudos for the macros :tiphat: they're more impressive on each post!

Is that a single central cola on the Panama? :bigeye:
Hi my friend yes they had no vedging just straight into 11/13 from week one.
They both grew fast and strong straight up one huge cola.
If I had vedged them they would have been too big but either scrogged or LST'd would have filled my grow area easily.
They were both easy to grow easy to feed and well worth growing.
I cant wait to try them but they will need at least a month or three of curing/aging before they shine.
By the smell I can tell they will be very potent.
Fingers crossed for the clones which I will take more matured.
I had to cut them at 12 weeks because I will be away for the next 3 weeks and didn't want to risk loosing them if the blumat watering system malfunctions.
But the clones are already budding up like crazy so more to come in the future 5 star pot so far.


Well-known member
Panama and Golden Tiger cobs 5 days cured.

Panama and Golden Tiger cobs 5 days cured.

Here are the cobs I sweated 5 days ago and looking perfect to me.
I will dry the cobs at room temp about 30c untill the maize skin is dry to the touch probably a couple of hours as the RH is very low around 50% RH.
Then vacuum sealed to cold cure for 3 weeks and they will be ready to dry about 50% from what they are now.
Then vacuum sealed to age for 2 to 3 months.
After that they will be trippy and very very strong.



Altruistic Hazeist
:bigeye: yummy!

Tangwena said:
Hi my friend yes they had no vedging just straight into 11/13 from week one.
They both grew fast and strong straight up one huge cola.
If I had vedged them they would have been too big but either scrogged or LST'd would have filled my grow area easily.
They were both easy to grow easy to feed and well worth growing.
I cant wait to try them but they will need at least a month or three of curing/aging before they shine.

Was that a feminized or regular Panama from ACE? Impressive!

Tangwena said:
I had to cut them at 12 weeks because I will be away for the next 3 weeks and didn't want to risk loosing them if the blumat watering system malfunctions.

I love and use blumats, have you had issues with them?? I just posted some tips on my Grow log...
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Well-known member
:bigeye: yummy!

Was that a feminized or regular Panama from ACE? Impressive!

I love and use blumats, have you had issues with them?? I just posted some tips on my Grow log...
Hi my friend the Panama was feminised the Panama x Honduras regular.
I usually only use fem seeds as I dont have enough room to sex regular seeds easily.

The blumats are great I only use them while I am away as I prefer hand watering usually.
Once they are set up properly they are reliable but getting them tuned in takes a few days.

I am torn between running a clone alone and LSTing the hell out of it for a bigger crop and growing some new testers from ACE.
I dont need a big crop I chew the cob so one cob lasts up to a year when I rotate the strains that I have. Thats using it every day!
Even now I could stop growing and not need to grow again for 5 years with the cobs I have already.

I will get a few more cobs from the 3 clones I have flowering right now. I really dont need much more. I dont sell it but I have a few friends who always ask for any cobs I can spare so I offload a few each year to keep the numbers down.
Its just the growing and curing that keeps me coming back for more.
This lot is the culmination of all the input from fellow cobbers and my own experiences and are the best I have made the smells as they ferment are unbelievable especially this crop very stinky.

The Golden Tiger is especially nice smelling. I cant wait to take the Malawi x Ethiopian down when I return that may be the ultimate high cobbed.


Lookin' delish Tang!:) Did you ran out of maize husks or do you also cure some just in the vac bag for different effect?
My little cob will be ready for a first test on new years' after one month cure.I just worry a bit that I left less than ideal moisture after the initial drying,but I'll try to nail it next time.


Well-known member
Lookin' delish Tang!:) Did you ran out of maize husks or do you also cure some just in the vac bag for different effect?
My little cob will be ready for a first test on new years' after one month cure.I just worry a bit that I left less than ideal moisture after the initial drying,but I'll try to nail it next time.
Hi Syd sounds like a plan dont worry you cant destroy the bud just varying degrees of perfection.
i like to put a big bud in a vac bag along with the cobs so I can gauge the color change without opening the bags to check the cob.
The buds in the bag loose are just as good as the cobs when finished.
I think the cobs are better but the canary buds as McKush named them after the coal miners using canaries to indicate the presence of gas in the old days. Are just as tasty and cure the same without the same level of compaction.

This bag cured bud from Redeye24/7 says it all, to me that looks dangerous I can only imagine the taste and effect smoked but from reports his cured buds are off the scale.

I quote a report from the man. Smoking the cob cured buds and listening to music you dont just hear a different song you become the song. He said he was dancing and tripping out and he doesn't dance normally.
Thats how I feel I get taken away on a cloud just like I am vapor I leave my body and this world and move around in my mind sometimes as multiple personalities in the same dream.
When I return I am a different person better and enhanced able to see and feel things I dont normally.


Active member
Tangwena!!!! Beautiful buds and cobs superbly prepared. All looks so delicious and appealing. Mmm.
I am eager to learn the African sisterhood combo of Ethiopian and Malawi.... It was what I thought I would breed. However, with Ace already there doing expert breeding I am already excited to be trying their superb genetics.
I am waiting for Feb to grab the new fem cross and more!
I have also found due to scarcity of maize husks out here I grab them in season and then freeze the rest I want for later. Then just take out what we need for rolling n cobbing. Seems to work.
Maybe try it on my Auto Malawi x Northern Lights. (Recommended Tangwena!!!! ).Sativa expression has amazing foxtails!!!Pure resin overload with intense terpene attacking the senses even from just a stem rub.
Love how the Golden Tiger cob came out. Was that a fem ? Or reg?
Have you noticed any difference in a seeded cob and a sensi cob? I find seeded adds a dimension of completeness to the plant and its life cycle. Also the joy of finding the seed from a macka draw of herb and planting it to keep the strain alive is such a beautiful process I find a few seeds in a cob beneficial.
Enjoy the bounty of your harvest in due season with your candy store of cobs!!!
Peace and Happy Growing My Friend!


Well-known member
Tangwena!!!! Beautiful buds and cobs superbly prepared. All looks so delicious and appealing. Mmm.
I am eager to learn the African sisterhood combo of Ethiopian and Malawi.... It was what I thought I would breed. However, with Ace already there doing expert breeding I am already excited to be trying their superb genetics.
I am waiting for Feb to grab the new fem cross and more!
I have also found due to scarcity of maize husks out here I grab them in season and then freeze the rest I want for later. Then just take out what we need for rolling n cobbing. Seems to work.
Maybe try it on my Auto Malawi x Northern Lights. (Recommended Tangwena!!!! ).Sativa expression has amazing foxtails!!!Pure resin overload with intense terpene attacking the senses even from just a stem rub.
Love how the Golden Tiger cob came out. Was that a fem ? Or reg?
Have you noticed any difference in a seeded cob and a sensi cob? I find seeded adds a dimension of completeness to the plant and its life cycle. Also the joy of finding the seed from a macka draw of herb and planting it to keep the strain alive is such a beautiful process I find a few seeds in a cob beneficial.
Enjoy the bounty of your harvest in due season with your candy store of cobs!!!
Peace and Happy Growing My Friend!
Hi my friend you and I think alike on this herb.
I didn't know Ace was releasing new fems in the New Year they are a must in my book.
The Golden Tiger was fem seed I will be grabbing the new GT using the Chang Mia male sounds amazing.
If they make a fem release of the Malawi x Ethiopian I will get that for sure.
Also seeded versus non seeded cobs big difference in the high much more complete with a few seeds. Both are good but seeded is the full experience IMO.
I am in heaven at the moment this new batch of cobs are the best I have made everything went to perfection the aromas are amazing as they ferment.
Have a fantastic Christmas my friend I am off to my desert camp for some fishing over the Christmas break when I get back in 2 weeks my cobs will be waiting for me to open and see what they have evolved into, they should be ripe for the drying and storage by then. Bliss.
Well Tangwena, Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have a great time fishing. Take some pics of what you catch to share with us all. Sounds like fun!


Also seeded versus non seeded cobs big difference in the high much more complete with a few seeds. Both are good but seeded is the full experience IMO.

I agree that seeded bud (lightly, not heavily seeded) has a high that is more complex, deeper than sensi bud. I haven't compared seeded and non-seeded bud that has been cobbed, just non-cobbed bud. I do think that heavily seeded bud is not as nice (edit : it can be a subtle difference, but usually noticed as not quite as potent with a heavier lower hitting high) as lightly or non-seeded.
Though I have read that testing (on dried bud, not cobbed) shows that terpene and THC levels are higher on non-seeded bud compared to same clones that were seeded (though I don't know to what extent the bud were seeded, were there 300, 100 or just two or three seeds per square inch of bud?). Which reminds me about when scientists said that the nutrients in indoor, hydro grown tomatoes had the same or more nutrients than outdoor ground grown tomatoes but everyone knows which tomatoes tastes best, much like most people who compare cob and non-cobbed bud tend to prefer the high from their cobbed buds. I tried some bud recently, the high was definitely different to the cobbed buds, the uncobbed bud high was speedier, less centered and the impact was more immediate and the high shorter lived and a slightly scattered while the high from the cobs was not stronger, but a little more satisfying, longer duration, nicer high
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does anybody know what qualifications are required for a thread to become a sticky? this thread has the second most posts and the second most views of any thread in the harvesting and processing section of this site. seems this thread should have been a sticky a long time ago.


Active member

I didn't follow the proper procedure for doing this method because I found this thread after my buds had been in the jar for a week. The humidity in the jar at that point was between 65-68%. So they were still very moist, I then put them in cobs, put them in vac. bags and put them in a dehydrator at about 110 degrees for three hours; enough to make them sweat.
I cured them for a couple of weeks, let them dry in the cobs for about a day or so and put them back in the vac. bag for a couple of more weeks, took them out of the cobs and let them dry for two to three days.
I feel this method is an advanced curing method compared to jar curing. I didn't even do it properly and the smoking experience is far superior to the jar cured buds that have been curing now for over two months. I feel the smoothness is due to the fermentation which breaks down the plant material far more than jar cured buds.
I can usually only take 4 to 6 hits on a joint and then I'm ready to put it down. Not so with a joint of the cob cured buds. It was so smooth and the taste was so sweet that I WANTED to keep smoking. I finally stopped after I had smoked 3/4 of a joint, not because I was tired of smoking it because I wasn't. I stopped because I thought if I kept smoking the high would be too intense.
The high is a deeper more soul satisfying high. It's more of a hash high for me. Deep, rich, satisfying and long lasting. I can't wait to do this method properly after my next grow. Highly recommended. Don't even think about it, just do it; it works exactly as advertised.
A little tip for doing it when corn is out of season is to buy the dried corn husks you can find in the Mexican food section of the super market. The instructions on the bag of husks says to soak them for 10 minutes in warm water to rehydrate them. It works. After the ten minute soak I gently shook the excess water off and then gently dabbed them with paper towels. I left them moist hoping it would help with the fermentation and I believe it did. Good luck.


Well-known member
Thanks man you made my day.
Sounds like you did a good cure the fermentation/sweating is the key along with a good cure/aging.
In Malawi there were many variations on this theme all revolving around the fermentation/sweating technique.
They all give slightly different results all good in their own way. Just keep varying the parameters eg time, moisture, temps ect you will be amazed at the results.
Welcome to a new/old world my friend. Sounds like you did a good job.


Well-known member
Panama, Panama x Honduras cola cures.

Panama, Panama x Honduras cola cures.

I could go on and on about the smell the terps ect because they do blow me away but unless you have done this before you cant begin to imagine the smell with no reference.

Suffice to say it smells like a drug not a dried flower to me anyway.

Deep sweet fermented flavors so much more dense and refined now.
Dangerous smells you couldn't help but think your going to get wasted if you were to smell this smell.

The nearest to it would be very aromatic fresh hashish its that dense.
It now gets dried and resealed under vacuum to age a minimum of 1 month, 3 is better if you can wait that long.

I cut the tips off of each cola to test in a few days. Its a bit early but it smells so good.

From left to right. Panama x Honduras, Panama, Panama on left Panama x Honduras on right both pics.



Well-known member
Fresh ripe cobs

Fresh ripe cobs

Amazing array of colors on those buds.
Thanks man its the smell thats really powerful though.
The smell goes away as you dry them.
But when you chew a rock or break up a lump to smoke you can smell the terps like a perfume far away in your mind.
These are the cobs I made at the same time now slightly dried and resealed.
I will probably open the bags and dry/sample them again in a week or two.
This is where the magic happens during the cure and age stage.



Well-known member
Vacuum jar sweated GT picked early

Vacuum jar sweated GT picked early

I have had to kill off my second grow of the clones I made due to loosing the fight against the white fly.
I have heaps of cobs from the first grow so no big problem.
I picked the GT at the first harvest window so its not very much and the resin was all clear.
24hrs in a vacuumed mason jar at 40c has matured the resin nicely.
I will dry these and then vacuum seal up to cure in the jar for a month.
I also took the Malawi x Ethiopian cob I made a week ago that has been curing for 5 days.
The smell is the best I have come across after one week curing and I will be drying this baby 50% then resealing it to cure/age a bit more.
I want to slow the cure at this point because the smell is perfect.
Give it a month and I predict this will be the best pot I have grown.
Get your hands on the cross if you can you will not regret it even compared to the Panama and Golden Tiger I love so much this is going to be one of those special releases that will be rare and sought after in years to come mark my words.

Ha Ha because I am high I posted the wrong cob pics thats actualy the lower buds from the Panama x Honduras that I cobbed.
It also stinks like high heaven ha ha
