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Malawi Feminized, Green Haze Thai, and Lebanese


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello inquest,

the haze and haze thais will likely re and re flower in stable 12/12 photoperiods, especially if the temps are warm and you are still feeding them with fertilizers. The Malawi has less tendency to re flower. If you want to finally mature your hazes i'd recommend you to lower down the photoperiod and stop to feed them. Decrease the room temp also helps. Good luck!


It seems that Chaco wasn't the only one who had a bit of misfortune. Last weekend I decided to harvest them early. Due to a recurrence of mites before I moved the strawberries outside. With the Luang Prabang project nearby and just getting into flower I needed to respray the area.

So, I clipped the buds and put the girls into reveg.

The group:

GHThai revegging:

Malawi revegging:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello inquest,

Spider mites could be a real trouble indoors, sometimes is better to stop the grow, clean it correctly and re start, better than wait and finish with flowers full of mites. Fortunatly sativa genes you are working with are very easy to re veg.

As i commented in other threads, abamectine is the most efficient product i know against spider mites. Hope it helps!


Thanks for the info Dubi!! I just wish Abamectin wasn't sooooooo expensive!!! lol

Yes, these girls are already vegging! Very fast to come around! Even the Malawi!

I've had some GHT#6 x Leb and Malawi x Leb seeds sprout. So, I'll be able to see how they fair against their parents. I plan to re-flower the parents in about 3-4 weeks.

I should have a GHT#6 clone and a Malawi clone (plus a couple GHThais) to reverse (STS).
I plan on crossing:
GHT6 x self
Malawi x self
GHT6/Leb x GHT6
Malawi/Leb x Malawi
GHT6 x Malawi
and GHT6,9,3&2 x GHT7&1

-Malawi: Potent, relaxed high, Super sweet mango/carrot smell. Never smelled anything like it!
-GHT6: Most potent, electric high, spicey smoke, piney scent (really it smells just like SAAZ Hops or maybe it was Sterling Hops....)
-GHT9: largest, most productive, potent, piney, electric high, spicey
-GHT7: Nice structure, productive, potent, piney, electric high, spicey
-GHT1: Potent, very electric high, piney, spicey
-GHT3: Large, electric high, piney, spicey
-GHT2: large, electric high, potent, piney, spicey

I'd like to use larger containers and a few hids this time around, too. :) We'll see how things shake out, though...


Malawi Leaf:

Here's a clone of the Malaw that I took months ago. :)


Dubi, at this height and getting potted to 5 Gal (19 Liter) container when placed into flower, how big do you think she'll try to grow??? I have two 400's over her and the Luangs. She gets one all to herself, though. I'm betting I'll have to get another one or two lights as she and her sisters grow....

Anyhow, enjoy the pics guys!! :thank you:


ACE Seeds Breeder
High inquest,

The clones looks healthy and ready to start the flowering. Place them close the fan in the next weeks to strenght up a bit the stems.

The smoking tests sounds good :) Hope you have found the sativa and aroma effects you are looking for your breeding projects, the best green haze thais pollinated by your (reversed) favourite malawi mum will produce a great sativa hybrid, very powerful and high yielding.

The abamectine should be cheap to find in traditional agriculture shops. I think is like 8-12 euros for one liter here in my area. 1 liter is enough for a field. Usually 1ml/liter dosage. Hope it helps. Best wishes!


Active member
you'll forgive me for posting. i've never dealt with spider mites so i'm only posting 2nd hand information.

i know they are the bane of many indoor growers and that general thought is you have to hit them hard and fast. IIRC 'azomax' (spelling?) is often considered the only solution.

what i have heard that resonates with other things i know is that a lavender tea can be effective, prepared from steeping the flower heads. heard from growers i've followed for a few years. but i guess you need to clean everything really good.

good luck, beautiful looking plants otherwise :)


Active member
OK, Here's that weird ass bug.

View Image

Not the best pic. They're not causing any problems, though. I also found out that my strawberries brought in "The Borg". Lol, good thing this is just a seed run.... They also dont seem to be causing too much of a problem. Thought you might like to know that, Dubi. ;)

Well, all seven GHxThai's have shown pistils and the Malawi Fem.... yup, it's a girl, too! So I'm chucking just the Lebanese pollen this round. I plan to keep/clone/reveg the best girls of the bunch to do some backcrosses, as well as, cross to maybe the VietBlacks or I'll have to get a few packs of OTH, Malawi, etc. to search out some sativa males.

I'll get some more pics of the girls this weekend. They're really starting to fill up the box!!! I cant wait to see what's in there in three months!!!

I Believe those bugs are thrips. Initially they might seem harmless, but left unattented they will damge your plant. Spinosad sprays in veg are a good idea to deal with thrips. Good luck with your project.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Beautiful inquest,

The malawi x lebanese F1 looks strong and chunky, that's hybrid vigour! :)
Good luck!


Thanks for the luck, Dubi!

He is a chunky bastard!! Unfortunately I had to cut him and one more male in that container down due to smell..... :( So, I have one left, hopefully a girl....

The Malawi on the left, M/Leb on the right:

Chunky's stem:

Malawi's root mass:

5 gal fairly square rubbermaid/sterilite/etc. tub. Tub has no drain holes and is clear so that I can gauge how dry the entire root ball is before I water.

I'll probably have to cull the remaining plant for smell, but on the upside I have a number of beans planted in the woods. ;) Hopefully I get some good pics to upload this summer!

Stay safe!


Shortening a tall plant:


Stem crushed in two spots, tri-secting an area of the stem with no buds, and folded upon itself:

Adjusted height:


Some reversed Haze/Thai:

A happy Malawi girl:

A top down view:

Malawi buds coming in:

Canopy temps: approx 76deg
Room humidity: 65-75%
Lighting: 400watts 14,000k HQI and 400watts 4000k street lamp bulb (cheap)
Room area: 38" x 50"


ACE Seeds Breeder
Nice trainning inquest ;) I like how you deal with the tropical sats hehehehhe
The haze thai fem reproduction is going to be very interesting! Thanks for shate it :yes:


Hell yeah Dubi! I cant wait to see what comes out of these crosses! I'm not expecting vigor like the Malawi/Leb cross for sure, but I think I'll have some killer smoke! :D Speaking of the M/Lebs, all that I had inside turned out to be male and so stinky I had to cut them down. I haven't checked the ones I planted outside yet, though.

Well, the Malawi and Haze/Thai are loving the Hid lighting. The Malawi is actually looking like she may come down in a week or two. Her pistils are about 80% brown now. I believe right now it's been 7 weeks since I placed them all into flower. They're under a 10/14 light cycle. The Haze hybrids are just hitting their stride, with fresh pistils everywhere! :)

I have a few buds pollenated on the Malawi and my strongest Haze/Thai by the Luang Prabang. My Haze/Thais and Malawi are reversing well and just now starting to drop pollen. So, in the next week or so I'll have some S1's, Malawi x Haze/Thai (fem), and Haze/Thai feminized seeds to keep track of! :D Super excited!!

Malawi clone:



I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Name of that pest is a thrip. They're pretty weak pests, permethrin being the preferred method of control though others will work nicely.

By the by, Dubi is right. A friend caught mites on his Zamaldelica and it has been a real battle to eliminate the borg.

Keep up the good work!




Hi inquest,
You ve chosen interesting strains to work with amigo.
How did you reverse your plant to get S1? Your own stressing method or chemicals?

Good vibes for this grow.:clover:


I tried colloidial silver a while back with poor results. Used silver thiosulfate this time around with great results, but need to weaken the solution as it burnt the plants a little and a few are having a hard time dropping viable pollen. Those girls should start dropping pollen as the STS starts to wear off in the next few weeks. :)

STS is the way to go, and 50$ worth of supplies will last a loooong time!