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Making tea from pot


anyone ever make tea from green pot leaves or dried leaves or bud? I'm wondering about the health benefits, if it's anything like green tea's health benefits


Active member
thc is fat soluble but not with water. you'll do better by using a high fat milk or butter then adding it to whatever you want to injest...search 'ghee' and check the recipe or cooking rooms here and other cannabis sites...much info and oodles of recipes are out there.


well actually some cannabinoids are partially water soluable. Personally I find it makes a great tea that is very calming and reguevenating. Probly the best thing for my health is at least some amounts of cannabis in everything.

Not for the "I want to get high!!!!!" group, more for the I love the herb and everything about it (not that those two are mutually exclusive... hopefully yall get what I mean)

Storm Crow

Active member
I enjoy cannabis tea........

I enjoy cannabis tea........

And as you said, it's not going to get you high, but it can apparently ease pain due to the water soluble cannabinoids. You might find these interesting.

Cannabis tea revisited: A systematic evaluation

Cuppa Gives A Better 'ooh'

With the use of cannabis tea only a small proportion of THC in the cannabis is ingested

And with MS, "cannabinoids may not only offer symptom control but may also slow … disease progression". http://norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=7704

Cannabis- ya gotta love it!
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don't care about getting high from it or thc, was wondering strictly about the health benefits of the tea. Was wondering what else is in the plant that might be good for your heart, liver, blood, ect. strictly talking tea for health from pot. there's hundreds of chemicals in these leaves, thc is just one, many others or most others are water soluble so wondering about there health effects on the body. Like garlic has chems in it that are good for you
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I'm talking things like anti oxidents, vitamins, stuff like that. are they in pot tea like they are green tea?

Storm Crow

Active member
China has a very ancient herb-based medical tradition which includes cannabis. Run a search, it would be a place to start. One of the earliest mentions of medical cannabis is from a Chinese text.



no wuckin furries!
queen victoria used to chug down her tea once a month.....i dont mind it either ...mellow buzz...nice and calming.....dosnt beat the bong but has its place..HH. =]-~

Dr Psycho

Cannibis can be mixed with steamed milk and chai seaosoning for a mellow buzz, my late father used this as a sleep and pain tonic well into his 90's...


It´s no problem, that cannbis is not water soluble, cause the ingredients of the cannabis will float on the water surface (like oil in water). Just boil a gram of weed for about half an hour and drink the tea afterwards. If you also eat the boiled cannabis that is swimming in your tea, i promise you, you will get as high as you could never get by smokin herb!!!
If you want a real psychedelic expierience, give it a try!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I like to make swiss miss weed hot chocolate half water, half whole milk, a little of half and half and some marsh mellows.

Step1. get a tea infuser or empty out a tea back and then fill it with weed an sow it back up.
step2. boil a cup of water, with the weed (a half gram for me) in it for 10 min to activate the thc.
Step3. Let the boil slow for a second and add the milk. Then slowly bring it back to a boil and add the chocolate. stir and let it back down to a simmer. add a little half and half. simmer for 20 min. to bind the thc with the fat.
Step4. pour it through the tea defuser or pull out the tea bag. let cool a little. drink slowly it can be really strong. it can last 4 to 8 hours

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