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Making seeds. Question.


You should be able to tell that one cotyledon is like 33% bigger. And can you respect that there is 3 of them and not two? That's 50% more light gathering happening not to mention one of them is also bigger. I think that's like just normal growing just 50% more at all times. It's like the checker board and then grains, just count me as one square ahead from the get go. it's not double, or a flat increase. It's not a step and step, but just one leap ahead.

One thing you should note is how I got these seeds. Through selection.

I asked in a group: "Who has the biggest, fastest seeds?"

It just so happened someone messaged me and from there I got seeds. So as you can see I can already select seeds.

and arid: I once posted pics with a quarter to show how big and got made fun of for doing that and people downplayed how big they were and didn't give me credit.

That's why you'll see no quarters in my grow anymore.


Now I know what you might say. One's shorter. Is it, but it's also fatter. Regular size, not shaped. Now look at the other coty. See?

I don't need a dime or quarter, you should be able to tell.

Now since you've seen how big, you might say how's it matter in the end?

It doesn't. Because bigger seeds have lower growth hormones than smaller ones.

I aim to fix that.


ICMag Donor
Seed size determined by environmental factors. Buds that have been pollinated sparingly generally produce larger seeds than buds that have been pollinated extensively. This is largely because the sparsely-pollinated seeds don’t have to compete as hard for nutrients.

Certain marijuana seeds in a certain bud may have experienced a better environment than other seeds. Regardless, seed size and plant size are not necessarily related.


yes already noted arid.

And you could be saying "bigger plants produce the same size seeds and are genetically determined."
Or two: "bigger seeds don't equal bigger plants"

Are you talking about the parents of the seed, or the plant itself. Or are you talking about a big seed's plant that IT produces? That's gold. get your act together I don't understand you. :) Just kiddin' man.

that and you can select seeds, but again that's what youre still talking about.

It's all about selection and who falls out and is the weakest, yet you want the phenotypes of that generation to have a lot of plants and related lines to come back to each other so it know what it's doing is right 100%.

The plant does know.

And it being diecious, only a few different factors are at play between male and female. this means both can be screwed with environmentally. From cold. To blue light. Anything.

What if you grew a plant in the cold and blue?

If you guys really want to know the biggest seed it's Sam's that he made for Canada, Chinese Hemp, or some other one that I'm not getting.

Anyway, the plant has in it the capacity to go crazy. Not in these increments, but over doing things to it, it may have an "unlock" threshold.

Anybody remember the Co2 days in the Earth's history? Everything was big yo.

What if you bred plants like this?

And if you take Uv completely away or any light that productions mutations beneficial to the plant, the plant after generations...does it start to naturally self-mutate more?

And no I don't mean "hey does it mutate" It already does please look that up. I'm asking if you take UV away and any light that produces mutations like blue that produces reactive oxygen at a quicker rate than red. And then after generations of the plant know it's bigger, does it know to rely on expressing more phenotypes or different strategic plants based on environment?

(sorry if it all sounds weird. I am just typing my thoughts and high. Just playing with ideas.)

by the way. my deal just happened. I am getting 10 big seeds. I will show you guys the way. Ok?

Do we all understand that if you produce REALLY big seeds. That they can REALLY be sold as sovenirs? Haha sorry, I'll go away for now.


ICMag Donor
What if you grew a plant in the cold and blue? = environmental factors.
You have much to learn.

pumpkinpie eyes

bcuz you are all over the map with different stories, agoob we don't know what to believe from you. you talk about size- well, give us something showing ratio.


I have it in my other thread the big seed next to another.

aridbud, I wrote paragraphs on paragraphs and all you can tell me is those are environemental factors?

I knew that?

And you get two helpfuls? I am the one talking about new stuff and doing new stuff.

You said something that I and everyone else knows, and you're helpful? Hahaha. That's funny.

Re-post and respond to each of my lines in my comment that you tried to school me on, then we can start talking about seeds. Instead of talking about what we already know like YOU are revolutionary new artist. Who do you think that is? You?

And you say I have to learn. It is you who needs to respond, listen, and communicate and repeat the past.

You're saying I can't change it. I am saying I can. Eh? Is that it? What are you disagreeing with? Can you quote where I said it's not environmental? I know changing the light and stuff is ENVIRONMENTAL!!

I don't even get why you repeated that, because I knew that. Everyone knew that.

Anyway, this post isn't even about seeds now, it's more trying to clean up and get you to respond to my previous post. Because obviously you pick it apart and say the most disagreeable thing.

If a is not wrong with me, sure b is. Right?

Because when I posted an obviously big cotyledon plant, you should have been like "OH ANGELGOD I know what you mean now?"

Been then you just came up with someone else, that wasn't helpful. Instead of agreeing with me, the thing we were talking about I backed up. When I did, you stopped talking about that single argument and moved on to more criticism. You keep crap flinging but it's not sticking at all. You don't believe me at heart and think I am dumb.

At least I can prove myself right though. Sothere's that. Plus you're not doing anything new, or having new ideas. You're probably inspired in way by me.

Please respond about seeds and my PREVIOUS post. thanks.


~~ Auto Ninja ~~
ICMag Donor
A sample of very big ones !

A sample of very big ones !

I permit myself to post this picture to illustrate the discussion about big seeds . (sour rocket 60 autoreg)
And of course, those are millimeters :)


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ICMag Donor
Just like fruit trees....cut back branches, pick off smaller fruit, you get larger specimens. Similar goes to cannabis seeds along with species (sativa, indica, hybrids)....spot pollinate, you reap larger seeds, if following the fruit branch....or entire plant, heavily pollinated...it results in smaller seeds.


true that aridbud.


People been saying red light too. Maybe it was far red.

Hahah someone said I should take CBD cause I screwed up typing out my words. C'mon now I'm not driving im internetting.

You know what the problem with this big seed idea is? Most big seeds use that energy for a large taproot. I mean insane tap rooting guys. I got some seeds here that in 4 days from touching water, the tap was 4 to 5 inches down!

I wonder how co2 and hydro, perfect spectrum light like CMH or a special LED unit would do for producing bigger ones. I want it to build on itself though over time. I just don't want one beefed up generation, but again...these seeds are using it for a taproot. You gotta focus on the coty's and first true leaves also.

I wonder if you can rootbound a seed fast to make the plant bigger at the top? See coz when root space runs out it flowers. I think. Kind of in a way. Or so I've been told.

I hear some 11ft trees put out 30 feet down roots. I don't know how true that really is. but as long as it's a bush, I buy that.


gotta play the waiting game. should've planned better.

I'll document as much as I can. I am always takin pics. it's not too hard.

skunist your pic didn't show man. but yea you makin the big seeds copying me? share yours with me. man.


~~ Auto Ninja ~~
ICMag Donor
Me copying you ? LOL

Is it about seeds or your magnificent ego ?

Apparently It was a mistake to post here . So... UNSUBSCRIBE .


I was just joking.

I thought it'd be funny since you were doing the same thing to say you must be copying me.

You know like if someone's in the library and they're also reading a book? You say "stop copying me" That's funny, if not that's my humor we don't find everything the same.

anyway got my seeds now. some are bigger than others.


I hope it all works out for you one day. Just keep dreaming big and working hard to make those dreams come true.


I am doing the best I can with slow germers now. got 12 regs germinating right now.

all eggs in one basket.

wait? did I mention another person is working with it? I can get seeds from this or him later. Either way it's solid having two people breed vs one.

I have to figure out HOW he is breeding. He said cubing and selfing, which is what I thought for real.

I have to take the fastest male. I know I've read different. but I need the fastest, not the 65 day phenotype. In fact that's 20% longer than I want them to be. 55 I need.

Mr Jay

Well-known member
You don't know how to work cannabis, period.

You've never posted anything but pictures of sick plants.

So, I'm calling you out.

Results, goob.

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