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Making seeds. Question.

yea im just trying to make the plant think it's rootzone ran out of nutes so it produces seeds faster
Stress a plant and often it will flower prematurely in order to complete it's life cycle. Starving the plant may well induce flowering but it won't improve the plants capacity to make seed or make them faster.

I barely need them to be viable. I just want them to adapt to this overtime.
Nothing you do to a plant during it's life cycle can or will be passed on to future offspring. Maybe you need to read Darwin's theory of natural selection to understand how adaptation and evolution actually works.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Natural high is correct. This is not an esoteric subject, there are thousands of books on the subject of seeds. Cannabis seeds are not different due to prohibition.

Go look up the information and then apply it. Re-inventing the wheel here is a waste of your time, especially when the answers to your questions are already known.

Hit the library. ;)


Only the fast will survive.

I will introduce cold. methione. and enhanced UV.

Along with starvation periods. Once in seedling. once in veg. once in seed-making.

Re-inventing the wheel though? (I could say something about if you doubt something is possible, please don't interrupt the person doing it.) Same as your phrase right there. I got counter quotes. Ya like?

Anyway, people do re-invent things.

Wait bro, you don't believe in mutation or epigenetic traits. (you believe in God not evolutions. haha) Don't tell me to read. Describe what I'm saying first and apply it. You apply it first man. I been applying.

You know what I am trying to say and believe in me to a degree. I have time and passion. I also have the best help - you guys.
Wait bro, you don't believe in mutation or epigenetic traits.
Of course I believe in mutations, but for them to be passed on to future generations they have to occur in the germinal cells. Are you planning to poison your plants with a mutagen?

As far as epigenetics go, sure you can methylate some genes in a lab and that will block the expression of that gene. Again, for it to be inheritable it has to happen in the germinal cells and remain that way following meiosis and fertilization. There is no evidence that this can occur naturally via an adaptation to stress or the environment.



Autistic Diplomat in Training
You missed my meaning, because you're focused on naysayers. Reading back, you won't find I posted it won't work. I posted your methods are backwards and wasteful. It's quicker to educate yourself on the most up to date information possible, before using your own time/resources to duplicate what has already been done. Hell, there's a chance someone has already chased down the exact same rabbit hole and left you a very useful map.

Did you look?


doug. ya naysayers right? you said it not me. lol.

and yes nico. I be using everything at my capacity.

doug. Of course it's been done man, I've read. Did you read that I read?


You cant help when your words fall on deaf ears. Teach on, preach brother! Kinda entertaining

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Don't talk about it be about it.

Start a journal and document your grow. Show us man.

A bunch of words doesn't do much. Let's see some pics and some details of your experiments.


aight ppl I'll get some screenshots going, alright?

They have dates and times.

I wish I had my germ video though. I created room on my phone for other stuff.

Do you realize how many science articles researching this about making seeds? I don't think you know how deep I've gone. Or how many ideas I have. I'm not talking big, that's just what is is.

SamSkunkman told me how to breed like I want a little. That's helpful but I already knew what he was talking about anyway. It kind of did re-enforce the idea of plant numbers though and made me re-remember that the plant it diecious.

Bigger seeds have bigger cotyldeons. This doesn't mean bigger plant..sorta. See there's seed energy root energy and stalk energy.

These bigger seeds I am getting. They have super dark but still bright green leaves.

They're not only big, but fast. There are multiple reasons why I want starvation period. The plant works in many different ways. It has thoughts throughout time.

In about two weeks im sending for the seeds. I'll show you the bigger seedlings you get. This is important when working with autos.


I did show you my bigger seeds I have, didn't I?

Trifoliate present one time. Now that's worth something bigger and more betterer leaves. But then again bigger doesn't mean better.

There's specific hormones regulating it's growth. it doesn't matter how big the seed is (too have so much energy)...it really matters that it's tap finds nutes right away. then get it to shift over time by making it fight for light. Simple over time it'll adapt from roots to shoots.

Look up roots and shoots hormones seed and outcomes. You'll get a bunch of people doing research. And not it's not a TED talk or BigTHINK or a magazine. It's articles by people with PH'ds. :)

oh and you'll never get the second idea on why big seeds are great. here i will tell you: It's bigger and more durable. It doesn't care it will search and search with it's large root and bigger cotyledons and maybe trifoliate. This is best for beginner.
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I posted on the wrong thread. Woops.


It would've been great, but I'm new.

Last time I used same soil. This time no.

But guess what my 3rd grow the soil was compacted. The one before with the same soil, I used live worms.

They make the holes man. They make the holes. And seed microbes.

I'm all organic and I flushed. No point? Eh. well. you can cure it well, but there is totally a point as letting it do it's thing at it's own rate. Which is 85% power compared to synthetics.

Good thing is organics don't really release a ton of N unless it's super soluble. And I know sythetics dont need to be broken down and are organic, but the microbes breaking down urea and stuff are inorganic until broken down.

People be using molasses for flushing. So you wanna feed the microbes? Your yield will increases, but molasses is generally good anyway without the sugar or whatever.

PDX yes bigger. So were the regularly formed plants ALso, but I have no pics? Where did my pics go? other phone? shit. Those were even bigger like floppy bunny ears basically. The plant needs leaves for reactions, not specifically energy production though. it's an unlock rather than a powerer. of course bigger coty's gather more light, but also it's this reaction and signalling of light and a bunch of light pigments and colors that activate them.

Seeds that are big put out a 6 inch tap in 4 days. Got it from a facebook person breeder. She's very nice.


Man wheres the skunk MAN!? Dudes just droppin knowledge like hes forgotten more then all of us have learned lol. Shit man u sure you should be givin that kinda gold away for free? :woohoo:


ICMag Donor
Put a dime, a quarter, a lighter, etc. next to the plant to show ratio/size.


see. I had big coty pics. but they're gone now. One's good, but that's not my BIG BIG seeds.

I asked who had the biggest fastest seeds. I can get these things that finish in 55 days.

55 days total.

Not flowering, but total cycle.

EDIT: let's see what my other phone has. I swear I took pics why would I delete my timeline of growth? I should have it in water, to 54 days after giving the seed water. that's when I stopped taking pics.

sourpuss: skunkman's helped me enough. he's good.

we need the how to select male audience in here also.
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