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MadMac's haze and haze hybrid's grow & show

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far beyond driven...
just for documentation...
next seeds are in the ground for getting hazed next...

Purple Zamal x A5
Zamaldelica x A5
Green Haze #19 x Zamaldelica
C5 Haze x Zamaldelica
A5 Haze x Zamaldelica
Palmera THCV
Royal THCV
Durban THCV
Kullu Valley

Kullu <- after long research ...
that's the one to pair with the OHz like Zamal and Kerala/Thai etc...
be in close contact with Khalifa genetics... longer time now....
can really recommend there gear... https://khalifagenetics.com/
and with Angus from RSC and TLT Seeds ...
by all what is available... and that is a lot this day's ....
Kuamoni, Kullu and Kerala are those who get testet first...
i'm looking for similar terpene profile as OHz has...

last batch this year that get hazed... ;-)
will be autuum ... and winter the results get popped and the best bx to da haze...
than focus on the rest of the OHz i'll have...
i'll smoke the last effort every day... the bx crosses to da haze...
and they are really amazing... each different but that's what i'll like...
that's something i'll would love to release... because i'll know it is all good...

and here some outdoor shots...

Iranian auto/OHz x OHz S1

and here few other to test as well... AK47, WW, C99 and RKS

RKS ... Reserva Privada... this pheno has lot's of thai/colombian blood ... less afghan... can't wait... it's a keeper... also get hazed next... 11 fingers !



dry dry here... but have a solution... a hand pump....
keep growin'


far beyond driven...
@MadMac what’s your thoughts on the Manipuri? How does it compare with your hazes?
i've grow'n a few.... only found one that was ok... hazed her with THH... not testet...
well Mainpuri was the only strain that gave some usable output...
Kuamoni was not so good ... got new seeds different batch... did also some other from RSC...
but all where tooo wild... fluffy ... impotent most...
had also a nice kerala back than... but she was also too fluffy compared to haze and others...
high was really racy...
have 3 other Kerala coming... lets see if there is something... ;-)
heard good stuff about Manipuri ... but i'll had no luck...
if i'll hunt ... and there is nothing i'll move on... there is so much still... and no time...


far beyond driven...
tomorrow i'll be on MaryJane in Berlin....
if someone is there ... let me know...
have all t-shirts prepared...
Shirt + 3 stickers + 10 OHz best selection : 100€
all are hand washed packed and vacuum sealed ...

and some bud shots from cured haze ...

all the best


far beyond driven...
a few impressions from Mary Jane Berlin...
... sold 5 shirts without advertising... people just asked us where to get those shirts hehe...
and where they surprised as i'll told them only together with 10 OHz S1 best seeds...
one guy bought 2 shirts ... he could not believe ... was looking sooo long for true haze...
met some nice breeders too... lot of offers...
lot's of bad weed there too ... gave some test drives for interested peep's ...
was lot of fun to see how those where reacting...

very impressed and full on fire


far beyond driven...
A lot of people don't know yet that's the type of high they are looking for..
How's about a white T-shirt for the warm weather?
Is it legal there yet, of is it ike a tolerated grey area before legalisation?
YES ... that is true and all i've let test ... they could not believe ...
there is no real old school strain as F1 on market @ all anymore ;-)

White t-shirt is coming for sure :) got some more requests ...

it's all still illegal in germany... but on the Mary Jane everyone was smoking hash & weed...
also funny that a few companies sold weed & hash there... also seeds etc...
yep in Berlin it is all much more tolerated as in the rest of the country ...

a woman in my town got lot of trouble only because she had 4 small cut's in her window...
the neighbour call the police... now she has to pay 5000€ + other things... Car diving licence is gone... etc...
the german police controls now the main streets and do drug test in the morning when people drive to work... truly assholes... because they are against legalisation and want to show now how many they catch...

so seeds and all related are still highly illegal here and that's why i'll had also trouble and had to clean my house... but i'll don't give up nor let me down... i'll fight for my rights !

next step is now to ask for a legal license to breed and make seeds but not sell weed ... only seeds...
in most country's seeds are allowed .. -> souvenirs ... but in germany it's strong illegal...
why are nature products illegal i'll asked the police ... they never gave me a answer...

and if all is going worse here... i'll will find a solution to ... met some nice guy's @ mary jane ... they told me the possibilities i'll have if germany say's NO ...

well i'm still very positive about the legalisation in germany... the good thing is... all those big bad boy's who wanted to start selling weed in large scale are out of busyness YEAR! ❤️

only grower club's like in spain are allowed and they should grow there own... and share that with the members...

our Minister for this is really into it... he knows what happened if those bad guy's come into the game...
so he keep's them out... and some where disappointed about it... we had open discussion about it where i'll raised my voice that those gangsters destroy the business ... huhhh did i'll get bad vibes from those LOL
there is no gold rush for those gangsters anymore -> Strike :)


far beyond driven...
here some shots from flower room... :)

all OHz (Golli selection) except noted


ThaiStick/OHz x OHz... onset is good... resin already everywhere... steam also... those are the best !

love this stuff... when i'll see resin on stem early... it becomes sugar haze ...
later you can smoke it all ... and lick the stems :bigeye: ... it's all active
get hazed'


Active member
Hi, Mad is it legal to produce seeds there?

I'm from Spain and we've been suffering brutal repression for the last few years.

In Spain it is NOT legal to produce seeds despite having hundreds of seed banks.
They investigated the dinafem bank, they confiscated all the cultivation material, seeds, money... they put them in jail and still no resolution has come out that I know of.

Dinafem is currently accused of criminal organization, money laundering, crimes against health and fraud in electricity.

To produce seeds, the Spanish medicine agency has to give permission and it doesn't.
Only big pharmaceutical companies get it to grow weed and sell it abroad.

The police have searched grow shops and the seeds have been confiscated despite not having thc and being collectors' items.
Sold for more than 20 years.

It is useless to have the largest cannabis fair in the world. Spannabis.

The CBD was also seized despite not containing thc but they say that it cannot be sold for consumption because it did not pass the sanitary controls.

I don't know if this will continue like this...

And cannabis social clubs have also suffered a lot of persecution. Hundreds have closed.
It is true that many were more like a coffeeshop than an association and that is why they put criminal organization, drug trafficking...

Regarding politics, the first cannabis party in Europe is Luz Verde.
It had obtained its first 2 cannabis representatives in Europe in the municipal elections.

Unfortunately, the general elections in Spain have been brought forward. They have not been able to present themselves.

In addition, the right and ultra-right are rising and making their rights go backwards. In other words, we are worse off than 20 years ago, even though it may not seem like it from the outside.

And that we have a "progressive" government...wait for the others to come...
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far beyond driven...
little update... ;-)
left cut's from all those who get hazed next... 2 weeks and i'll start them to flower... just topped them all... right are my fav OHz and a few other cut's from crosses with the haze i'll made... eg Zamaldelica, Thai ...
clearly to see the difference between true sativa and hybrids (left) with shorter fingers.. belly leaf's ...

all 48 OHz cut's loving it outdoors...

here the next and last hybrid making with the haze for some time now...

Purple Zamal x A5
Zamaldelica x A5
Green Haze #19 x Zamaldelica
C5 Haze x Zamaldelica
A5 Haze x Zamaldelica
Palmera THCV
Royal THCV
Durban THCV
Kullu Valley
Sugar Haze
Desert Skunk

Zamaldelica(Double/OHz x OHz ... who want leaf's ?

OHz (Golli) my fav with another

if leaf's ... than resin on it... sugar leaf's only ;-)

best is when the stem's also are covered in resin... and the leaf's booth sides till top

another crazy cross Thai Stick/OHz x OHz ... also to high on N... it's the soil.. next run will be much better

but look here already resin on leaf's ... crazy thai it is :cool:

more next


far beyond driven...
some more...

OHz breeding... those are my fav selection ... my absolute fav is double in the tent... one get's reversed... sprayed yesterday evening first time and put her into the tent... the other are 2 weeks on 11/13...

the queen that get's reversed...

and here some differences... aka punto rojo ... or green or red stripes... all different plants...

see the hairs already and the bamboo like stem

the green's

and here those who get hazed... for smoke test... they get flowered in 2 weeks... they are now 8 weeks and all showed sex... from old day's experience i'll like to veg them also longer as usual ... like 10 weeks + ... did not top them because wanted to see there real structure and grow pattern...

1. AK47 ...old pack gifted from a friend here
2. Kali Mist ... same old
3. White Widow... same old
4. Jack Herrer... same old
5. Sour Tangie Reserva Privada
6. C99
7. Lao Highland
8. Maroc Beldia ... from my morocco trip
9. Kerala Cherakutti
10. Strawberry Fields Crockett Family Farms
11. R.K.S. »»» Afghani x Colombian x Thailand -> 11 fingers
12. Crockets Tangie -> best Tangie i'll found
13. Silver Bubble »»» {Northern Lights x Skunk} x Haze - old Coffeshop strain
14. Kosher Cookies
15. Kosher Pie
16. White Walker Kush
17. Skywalker Kush

Kerala... i'll picked only one ... she looked most promising compared...

Skywalker Kush... had to pop those old seeds ... and my best friend likes those kushes... so why not haze them and see what comes out... and than do bx to haze or reversed mother...

much much more...


Well-known member

Incredible work

Those Goli haze got me excited, I see why they are your favorites . Leaf is for those trying to find shade . I want to be blinded by the light . Very impressive cross

Truly it’s great to see exactly what to look for , Your pictures tell the story you share

Best wishes with your new projects . It brings a smile to my face still after your long journey . You continue to keep me on the edge of my seat

Can’t wait to see Sams private Haze project for comparison



far beyond driven...
and some outdoor impressions...

the IA/OHz x OHz does well ... looking full sativa dom now ;-)

and a rar guest...

R.K.S. ... 11 fingers ... a cut get hazed... this is the more thai dom RKS ... great plant so far...

had some rain finally .. but not enough...
but i'm happy so far... all in time planted ...
now it's only watering & wait :)
all the best


Well-known member
just for documentation...
next seeds are in the ground for getting hazed next...

Purple Zamal x A5
Zamaldelica x A5
Green Haze #19 x Zamaldelica
C5 Haze x Zamaldelica
A5 Haze x Zamaldelica
Palmera THCV
Royal THCV
Durban THCV
Kullu Valley

Kullu <- after long research ...
View attachment 18856080 that's the one to pair with the OHz like Zamal and Kerala/Thai etc...
be in close contact with Khalifa genetics... longer time now....
can really recommend there gear... https://khalifagenetics.com/
and with Angus from RSC and TLT Seeds ...
by all what is available... and that is a lot this day's ....
Kuamoni, Kullu and Kerala are those who get testet first...
i'm looking for similar terpene profile as OHz has...

last batch this year that get hazed... ;-)
will be autuum ... and winter the results get popped and the best bx to da haze...
than focus on the rest of the OHz i'll have...
i'll smoke the last effort every day... the bx crosses to da haze...
and they are really amazing... each different but that's what i'll like...
that's something i'll would love to release... because i'll know it is all good...

and here some outdoor shots...

Iranian auto/OHz x OHz S1
View attachment 18856083 View attachment 18856084 View attachment 18856085

and here few other to test as well... AK47, WW, C99 and RKS
View attachment 18856086

RKS ... Reserva Privada... this pheno has lot's of thai/colombian blood ... less afghan... can't wait... it's a keeper... also get hazed next... 11 fingers !
View attachment 18856087 View attachment 18856088

View attachment 18856089

View attachment 18856090 View attachment 18856091
dry dry here... but have a solution... a hand pump....
keep growin'
Have you had a chance to test Kerala and Kullu and from which bank?

I've been looking at both TRSC and Khalifa.


far beyond driven...
Have you had a chance to test Kerala and Kullu and from which bank?
Kullu is new... recommend by Dubi & Al from Khalifa to pair with da haze...
similar profile as my fav...
Kerala i'll had a old line from Underground Seeds ... like there C.Gold 70 ...
i'll hazed booth with THH .. some years ago... Kerala Haze not testet yet...
Kerala looks similar to haze but is more spicy ... more pepper ... and strong up high...
but wispy flowers and low yield... 16-18 weeks wait...
Sam said it did not make the haze better... but bx to the haze than makes it better ;-)


far beyond driven...
if growin' the haze....
watch out for those who have sugar stalks and stems...
those are also the most hairy girls... uhh sounds fascinating hairy girls... haha

once everything is covered and dense... yield is there... only thing you can try to change is the flower time... if you're happy with the high... but from experience you often loose this special what makes the difference ...
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