Well-known member
I understand that disentangling from what is, can have unintended consequences to those dependent on what is and should be considered. My very elderly mother is on social security. I understand that crony capitalists need reining in.
Do you understand crony capitalists are not the same as free market advocates?
I understand most billionaires got to be billionaires by unjust means.
Do you understand that adopting crony capitalist unjust means and hoping to ignore it will NOT put you on some kind of higher moral ground?
Anyhow, you never answered my question or pointed me to where you did if I may
have missed it.
But again!!??
...I am increasingly leaning towards the amphetamine theory...
"It none of my business to dictate a master plan, nor should it be."
Ha, that's the best part... It sounds like: "I have no fucking idea how to achieve that world of "totally free individuals in a free capitalism to infinity and beyond"; but I don't care either, because what I do know is that I want to destroy the Welfare State."
So, in the end it is only about the same thing:
Ultra-neoliberalism trying to privatize and make a business out of the last public services that can remain in the hands of the State (which in democracy and the more democracy, is more and more of the society aka people).
Continue stealing from contributing workers to give to the rich, and in the process get rid of the poor who do not contribute and have very little capacity to consume capitalist goods (although the ultra-neoliberal Reagan administration previously exploited that very little economic capacity by offering them crack at "irresistible" prices), with the excuse that they also "enjoy" public rights.
That, plus the probable social crime that means letting even more people die who cannot pay for their cancer treatment, their transplant, etc., because they cannot pay the millionaire rates of the companies of your "friends", the "free and unlimited capitalists."
Your "Totally Free Capitalism VS Crony Capitalism" is nothing more than the old Marxist-Leninist differentiation of "Ultra-free Capitalism VS Capitalism tending towards corporatism/monopolies/imperialism"... And it is the first, your sacrosanct ultra-free capitalism, which is behind and is self-interestedly directed towards the second, which is nothing more than a way of being able to develop and grow, of the first
(in Marxist language: "Crony-corporatist-monopolist-imperialist Capitalism" is only a superstructure of Ultra-Free Capitalism.")
Infraestructura y superestructura - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
...Hey, Captain: You wouldn't exchange a kilo of that meta for me for some private Class Consciousness classes, would you?
Joking, only...