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Low's Grow Log v.01


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hi High

Depends on your RH in the ambient air I think. Live in Florida? The stem snap test isn't too important I reckon - I dry my buds (as you've seen) with all of the stems still together and not chopped up (which is apparently a no no) so when I go to jar they don't always snap.

But there are some other things you can try if you wish to have them dryer, like putting them in a paper bag, or having a small oscillating fan near your buds (but not directly on them, it can cause speed drying, leaving a wet centre and then mould) just to keep air moving in the room.

How wet is the bud? does it grind up nicely? I hang the buds in my grow room at 45%rh for about 5-6 days, then they get chopped up and into jars. I then give them a shake in the jar and open the lid for about an hour or so every couple of days.

If they grind up fine (but not to a powder) then I stop the burping. If they grind up into larger stringey chunks then the buds still a bit wet and I carry on burping them for an hour with a bit of a shake every 2-3 days.

I've kept bud for over 4 months (technically almost a year in the case of that Master Kush I found in my cupboard) with no moulding or anything after stopping the initial burping. Just make sure they're in the dark, and in a cool place (heat + light = degradation of thc)

(just realise I've gone on a big stoner ramble)

Keep on doing what you're doing and if you don't manage to smoke it all by then, the stems will start snapping eventually :D


Hi evryone,

Here's me garden update:




HashBerry groupshot:

HB#2 on the left, HB#1 on the right

Now I should mention that they hadn't been watered or fed, I did that after taking pics..:bashhead:As far as I can tell Safmix is definatly female, HB#1 is female and HB#2 is still on the fence..

Replies in my next post..
:wave:, Low


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey low ,stop calling urself a newb ...ur the man bro
love ur grow show ,glad to see the erbs putting a smile on ur face
the safmix is looking great
mmm hashberrys gonna be some good smoke

:joint: :joint:


@ Sammet:
Thanks for the tips, nope! don't live in Florida (thank god, cause I honestly couldn't handle that much humid heat I think..) The thing I just realised after reading y'r post: I didn't have any kind of oscillating fan inthere..the previous go I did, I'd put in a 12" PC fan..forgot to do that in my haste this time :nono: :spank: so that might be the reason for the not snapping...although if i keep some buds a lil longer on top of my pc-case..they do dry out enough for my liking..although my liking might be a bit too dry for other's tastes though..

Been smoking a joint with four different types of weed in: something called shiva, some NL scraps..some left over grinded Stumpybud from last night and freshly ground Blady buds..that :joint: had me nicely going for about two hours or so.. I just ground up some more BLadybud put it in the bong and just took a hit before starting with the updating and replying :bigeye: can ya tell i'm stoned yet??:biglaugh::pointlaugh:
Here's some pics of that Blady session:
Blady buds ground up:

This is what she looks like broken up:

In her natural buddly state:

And loaded up..

Oh by the way: that black stuff in the lower part of the bowl is a conical gauze..blackened a bit perhaps...Been smoking much lately? Who, Me? Naw not really..:YaRight: :biglaugh:

@ M@rg:
Wow, snuck in a post! :D thnx for the compliments, ya really think i'm already beyond the newbstage? I've still got a lot to learn I think..although so far evrything does go very nicely even if I say so meself..:smile:
I'm looking forward to that safmix too mate, i'm gonna go and see if i can find out which it is..Kalichakra or White Satin..she should be showing me some characteristics/smells/looks by now to find out yeah?

Thanx for the visits gents..see yas lataz:D
:wave:, Low


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Plants look great :yes:
Glad to see the ladies poppin up for you :ying: Hope you get what you need.

Some great advice from Sammet :D I generally follow an identical process. Computer case drying for any stringy buds is also a good recommendation.

Always gives me pleasure to see others enjoy the fruits of their labours...now pass that bong over here :joint: :biglaugh:

Updates, get'em while they're hot!

Updates, get'em while they're hot!

Hey everyone,

Well here's my safmix



Hashberries groupshot :nanana:

Pistil shots

That's Safmix showing her pistils

And this is HB#1 showing me very little but still...

HB#2 isn't showing still...:chin:

B/R: well Safmix is starting to spit hairs..HB#1 also..the only one still not sure is HB#2 but if I am to believe the local weathermen we're gonna get some great summer-like weather so the budding up should commence in a week or so? Thanx for stopping by man

TML: here's that bong man, take a hit :D
I kinda followed Sammet's advice as well as a lil PC-case drying and the stems are a-snappin' The only "problem" i've got now is, either my tolerance get's way way high way to quickly or the bubl-buds aren't as potent because my stash jars are getting emptier already and i had anticipated to not have to buy for a considerable amount of time..:frown:
:chin: we'll see..i prolly have to finish flowering indoors..we might be getting some good summer-weather the next few days/weeks but october is notoriously wet in my neck of the world so..how's the fam doing?

well that's it for now, till next update
:wave:, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Some healthy looking plants bro

Tolerance is a bitch, I really have no cure for it other than, try smoking joints if you smoke a bong, or even try a hash pipe, normally the coughing will get you off as well
Hi Dr D!
Thnx for the compliments!
Yeah tolerance can be a bitch but to be fair:
The Blady buds do stone me nicely for about 2,5 to 3 hours..the Stumpy buds are also more of the indica variety I'm glued in place in front of my 'puter!:biglaugh:
Thing is: I harvested not all that much and even now I just smoke about three bowls a day and still the bottom of the jars is getting in sight already! :cuss:
And i've still got a good 8 to 9 weeks to go before my Mandala gear is ready
If I do smoke a joint I do so within half an hour, it's a leftover practice from my tobacco smoking days, and around here everybody still mixes their weed with tobacco when they smoke joints so the '' smoking a joint like y'r smoking a cigarette" is still happening for me...old habits die hard right? :biglaugh:
I did buy a vaporizer just now, along with some other goodies like Elements rolling papers and a very handy jointrolling tool..I do know how to roll, cones even, without the aid of anything..I'm just a lazy bastard and this thingy gives perfect cones:

I even bought some femmed seeds: Big Bang by Greenhouse Seedco.
The description of the stone/high was to my liking and they were relatively cheap for 5 femmed beans..
Alright well that's it for now
:wave:, Low
Aannnddd another update!!

Aannnddd another update!!

Hey all :wave:

Here's this weeks pix:



HB#1 is on the left and is a girl!!
HB#2 on the left

Well as ya'll can see, HB#2 turned out to be male, so he got chopped and thrown in the compost bin

That's all the news for now. Good thing I don't believe the local weather people..we've had anything BUT good summer like weather!! :cuss:
Luckily, my babies are sheltered from the worst weather..

PS: the postman was supposed to drop off a packet, of course i wasn't home when they got to me..so i'll be picking up my parcel tomorrow! Smoking goodies and some new beanz :rasta:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
They do look so natural and healthy in that environment :yes:

I hear ya on the stash thinning out quickly. As a 3 plant grower, I often have the same problem. Also with tolerance, because I'm a chronic toker. There's not much you can do except to try and plan and budget better.
The only thing that helps me with the tolerance is trying to have multi-strains available. Varied as possible.

You always seem to be getting new toys :smile: You must love toking as much as I do :kos:

I did notice when I was over there that everyone mixed their joints with tobacco :nono: Even when I smoked cigs I couldn't mar my precious ganja with that stringy brown stuff.
I shocked a few people when I was toking full out cone joints of straight Super Skunk :joint:
The cones that a dude gave me were already formed though. You just had to stuff them with a little stick. I still prefer rolling my own.

Never heard of "Big Bang" any lineage available on her?

Maybe mother nature owes you a good blast of some decent summer like weather before the season is over :ying:

:wave: @ everybody

@TML: Hey T! :smile: thnx for the compliments...My stash has now dwindled into nothing :yoinks: I've preserved two nugs, one Stumpy nug and one Blady nuggy..I've put those in another small jar and tucked it away for somewhere in my near futureI just wanta know how wellcured buds taste like :pointlaugh:
Since my stash is gone i've had to buy me some, and i bought..White Widow ! Coïncidental huh :biglaugh:
Went to the postoffice on Saturday: closed because of electrical malfunctions...so I went today figuring the malfunction had been restored..NOPE! So now i'm going to a different post-office tomorrow because that's where my package is now..*grumble* I do like toking (although i'm nowhere near as experienced a toker as you are :D) and I'm just now getting into collecting as much smoking toys as possible:yes:
Straight out cones filled with Superskunk huh, how did ya manage to stay upright man? That stuff's usually pretty strong!! That's also the reason a lot of dutchies who smoke can be smoked under the table by tourists who do not have as much access because overhere most peeps mix one whole cigarette with a bit of weed or they make 50/50 mixes..Haven't seen anybody toke pure around here..although most peeps will say they use tobacco to keep the joint burning evenly..as I have now experienced myself: ya don't necessarily need that, you just need to roll less tight or tighter and have properly dried weed and y'r joint will be burning evenly..ah well, *shrugs* i'm not gonna be the one to teach my fellow dutchies how to roll or smoke differently, to each his own right? I'm pretty sure you astounded some people when ya did that...Those cones can be bought in pretty much every shop around here, they are handy when ya feel like being lazy but i'd rather roll my own just like you.THey even have those cones in SuperSized form, i'm sure you've seen them.Those are party-cones for sure man!:D

Lineage on the Big Bang:
They're femmed seeds from Greenhouse Seed Co, here's their description:
Big Bang ® (Feminised)
Skunk, Northern Light, El Niño.
Very well known for its medicinal properties, it is sold in the Dutch pharmacies as prescription medicine.
Relaxing and calming effect.

Well, i'll post pix of my new goodies tomorrow

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
It can be frustrating getting your system together
Be that growing or smoking. Before I was growing I would get all anxious b4 my stash ran out, I would resort to collecting roaches, crystals, resin, whatever I needed to get high. I feel for ya man, I know what it is like.

But once you get growing a few crops, you will be able to tell how much you will need for yourself, I slowed down my grow, mainly due to teh fact I was running out of jars and space to put said jars. Because I am a personal grower, I rely on myself to lower my inventory.

Your plants are looking good, sucks about the male, but hey, could have been worse, might not have ever sprouted.


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey low hows things ,just cruising through. ur plants look happy mate
glad u got a hashberry lady :yes: they rock
nice seed choice ,i had my eye on a pack not so long back...cant remember y i didnt get em
i add baccy to my joints. started with 1 fag,then it went to half ,now im on a little pinch ,i personally think its better,but i roll 1pure joint of every strain,every harvest

keep on :joint:
Hey peepz :D

@Dr D: thnx man, it helps to know that more people have been there and know what it's like..and yeah I still need to get my system together Grow-wise that is...Which is why I was planning on splurging some more later on this month and maybe buy another tent(lil bit bigger) and a good exhaust fan+filter for a budgetprice ofcourse!:D Yeah the male sucks, wasn't a suprise though I always suspected it to turn out male..and it did so.. *shrugs* At least i've got two ladies who are already bigger then either Bubl-plant right now so I'm feeling good about this, if I don't fuck up now and the weather will finally come around to my summery way of thinking then yeah, I think I'll be pulling more of harvest then my Bublicious harvest.

@ M@rg: Hey mate, how are you? I'm doing fine thanx for asking.And thanx for the compliments on my ladies.
I finally got my parcel in today, pic of the Big Bang seed pack: see below :smile:
Yeah, I had to quit smoking so no more baccy in my joints..I kinda miss that smoky taste though..is that weird?LOL And I hope you didn't think I was bashing anybody who does smoke with baccy..because I didn't intend too :nono:
The pure joints taste better though as strange as this may sound: if ya got a really sweeet smelling strain then you will taste that sugar a lil bit more intensely when ya smoke pure..ya just need at least twice as much weed to fill y'r joints though..which can be almost painful when y'r nearly out..:violin:

alright enough with the sob-story :D
onwards with pics

My new vaporizer! :yes:
and sorry for the low-light quality..

Some new rolling papers, my fav brand and a Rollmate for all us lazy bastards :D

And my new beanz!! Big Bang femmed from Greenhouse SeedCo.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey High - how do you like that vape? I bought a 2-piece whip for mine and find it better for toking than the original. At least she'll make your herbs go further.

And snap on the skins :wink: great minds think alike


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I do enjoy the elements as well
I wish I could back their claim that there is no ash, hard to tell when you burn a combustible in them, but a tasty paper none the less

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Hi guys!

Dr Dog:
Do they really claim no ash? I read that and decided to take a pic of my mini cone burned up:

The white ash is the burnt weed, the darker stuff is the burnt paper..as far as I can tell, they do taste nice though, and burn better then Smoking Papers imho..
PS: how big is your 'puter screen man? Looks to be a big one, Bet that's nice for following those big pix-threads overhere.:yes:

I'm enjoying the vapez :D but I can already say I fully understand why ya got another whip for it because this one, can be a pain to clean out..the first time I tried to clean out the stuck crumbs I was a bit overzealous with the poking-stick thingy and promptly knocked the screen out..into the bowl shaped part..then my stoned ass spent 30 mins. working the hose off the bowl-end so I could put the screen back.. I've got a Q about that shop you recommended where you bought your 2 part whip..since I don't own a creditcard..do they accept cash by mail? Cause then I might spring for a 2 part in the near future.. I'm still getting used to the taste and maybe also the difference in getting high/stoned..at least that's how it feels like..I vaped some yesterday and today I tried some different weed...still tasted the same..so I cleaned everything out and i've just now taken some more hits on my freshly bought batch..still has that same weird aftertaste which seems to linger high in y'r mouth near y'r sinus cavity, that's also where ya can somehow feel the hit (s) you're taking..kinda like it freezes ya and slowly thaws out..

ooh, pretty colours :biglaugh:
and thanx for the compliments on the papers, it's a good thing to find so much great minds over here that think alike my own :smoke:

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