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Louisville man arrested for marijuana operation

Well I hate coke. Coke is meant to be chewed by the natives and only used for medical purpose, temp pain relief. They have drug that neutralizes the with draw effects of cocaine but the DEA don't like that, it hurts their business. Coke is made through a synthetic process and the antidote is also.

The thing is this is KY. They would of thrown the book at him regardless if he had coke or not.
these hard drugs are ruining america.
No it's the drug war. It creates more users than no drug war.

A lot of my friends died from Heroin. I have a theory that they never would of touched if the drug war was not waging.

You could just buy it at the drug store and it would of been controlled properly and not a street epidemic.

What's really ruining America is people who cannot see the above sentence.

Even worse if they see it they refuse to except it.
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ICMag Donor
ya and here in this state all they would have to do was go to court and say they was there for another reason and smelled it even if they didnt have a warrent at the time they dont need it once they have proable cause..the common wealth state laws are so much differnt then other states..i think there is 6 commonwealth states out the 50..i agree with u on the guy who sold him the coke :biggrin:
The part bolded ciuldnt be more incorrect.
It matters NOT what type of state your under for two reasons...
#1 ALL States are guaranteed a Republican form of government per The Constitution of The United States of America.
#2 The 4th Amendment has, as a requirement for the issuance of a warrant, "probable cause, supported by oath ir affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Any searches beyond the scope of the warrant are illegal and any evidence obtained during an illegal search cannot be used in court.

I'll reiterate...
Probable cause is not an excuse for an illegal search!

Dude in the news article was ignorant of his Rights when the cops showed up in the first place. He should have never opened the door or should have gone outside to speak with the cops.


ICMag Donor
i dont understand how the fuzz can weigh wet bud which cant get you high because it hasnt been decarboxylized and use this evidencs in court.if a chemist or botanist was in the courtroom couldnt they argue that the pot they have as evidence is non-psycoactive if its not dryed properly.another thing by definition pot isnt a drug.a drug is something you have to produce like meth or tylenol.if someone had a ton of cash for an attorney is it possible to rebut what they say in court about weed if you had the right people on your side?why hasnt some rich celebrity whos been busted for pot try this.what the fuk paul mcartney.

i really think folks with a lot of money who get popped for ganga could pay to have experts in the courtroom rebutting everything the court is saying.i mean dont we live in an age when science is king.the cops lie like crazy about stuff that can with science be proved wrong and if enough cases started showing up with better evidence in favor of the grower would judges across the country get sick of every pot case going to trial with experts rebutting what the cops say.all im seeing is growers and users getting popped and just trying to get off real quick and not putting up enough of a fight in the courtroom.im sure its scary to some to face jail time and many people have families to take care of and i understand that but the growers that are solo on there projects should fight more.i personally have done 3 stints in the slammer for not takin plea bargains.it sucks but i want the last word with the court.ive been popped for ganga 4 times and i got off of all of them it took a attorney and a shit ton of court dates but ive ended up pleading out to pharaphanalia charges instead so i know you can beat pot charges that are small in some states.

i am by no means rich i am a poor ass bastard and i learned to open my mouth in the courtroom and defend myself,it def helps to be vocal in the courtroom.


The problem with the justice system is NOT the justice system.


Hank Hemp

Active member
Every last one of you have the same GD problem. Tell them Pinball, sitting back stoned no doubt, getting a good laugh. I got me a nice Blue dream buzz going but I digress, people don't try to be rational about that police dept.

Look it's comical the tonnage they figure on a plant. Indoor, outdoor it's all the same and fetches primo dollars.
People don't try to be rational about this, okay. There's no formula or what have you. It's been like this so long the TV and newspapers except these ludicrous numbers with blind faith. If you don't you want to give reefer to the children. You can't have medical cannabis because a child will see the cannabis use and start shooting heron, it's true. Happens all the time. Somewhere I'm sure. There's research somewhere I'm pretty sure. Why do you hate children?
Tell them Pinball.


Active member
ICMag Donor
This was also in that article.<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

An Atlanta man was also busted for growing marijuana in his home after police seized 85 plants and shut down the illegal grow operation estimated to be worth more than $1 million.”<o:p></o:p>

How do 85 plants equate to a $1 million operation? You got to wonder how law enforcement (or the press) are able to come up with those kind of numbers. What the hell was he growing…gold.<o:p></o:p>

I had a few 40+ plant grows myself in Atlanta. That's over half a million per grow, right? I had no idea I was that rich at the time. Lol.


Well-known member
Every last one of you have the same GD problem. Tell them Pinball, sitting back stoned no doubt, getting a good laugh. I got me a nice Blue dream buzz going but I digress, people don't try to be rational about that police dept.

Look it's comical the tonnage they figure on a plant. Indoor, outdoor it's all the same and fetches primo dollars.
People don't try to be rational about this, okay. There's no formula or what have you. It's been like this so long the TV and newspapers except these ludicrous numbers with blind faith. If you don't you want to give reefer to the children. You can't have medical cannabis because a child will see the cannabis use and start shooting heron, it's true. Happens all the time. Somewhere I'm sure. There's research somewhere I'm pretty sure. Why do you hate children?
Tell them Pinball.
you tell 'em Hank! I'm so mad I can't fucking type...:tiphat:


Active member
My eyes! My eyes! :biggrin:

Pinball post musta got deleted or sumpin. GD it. Strange weigh methods though, so what else is new in pigtown? :laughing:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
yeah, I was sorta wondering who "pinball" was after reading Hanks post...:tiphat:

There's nothing about the LPD, that I don't know about. There was a time when the City & County police was your friend
...as long as you didn't hurt anybody.
More than once: pulled over a car load of teenagers & poured all OUR beer out; and sent on our way. :wave:

I remember when Mitch the Bitch was Jefferson County Judge.

Then they switched to the Nazi SS uniforms.

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