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Louisville man arrested for marijuana operation

i really think folks with a lot of money who get popped for ganga could pay to have experts in the courtroom rebutting everything the court is saying.i mean dont we live in an age when science is king.the cops lie like crazy about stuff that can with science be proved wrong and if enough cases started showing up with better evidence in favor of the grower would judges across the country get sick of every pot case going to trial with experts rebutting what the cops say.all im seeing is growers and users getting popped and just trying to get off real quick and not putting up enough of a fight in the courtroom.im sure its scary to some to face jail time and many people have families to take care of and i understand that but the growers that are solo on there projects should fight more.i personally have done 3 stints in the slammer for not takin plea bargains.it sucks but i want the last word with the court.ive been popped for ganga 4 times and i got off of all of them it took a attorney and a shit ton of court dates but ive ended up pleading out to pharaphanalia charges instead so i know you can beat pot charges that are small in some states.
i am by no means rich i am a poor ass bastard and i learned to open my mouth in the courtroom and defend myself,it def helps to be vocal in the courtroom.


Active member
Dear Kentucky growers, you have my prayers and sympathy, but my state is just a fucked up on cannabis laws as yours. This made my vacation trip west to winter park and Denver all the more fun. Shame it's not nationwide. Important points on traveling west on I70 in Kansas. Every god damn state tropper car in the median also had an suv tropper car with drug dog painted on its side. And they were pointed west towards Colorado. Our politicians and cannabis laws suck in too many states and Kentucky is one of them. Oh, get a few carbon filters, seal the room, burn incense and candles, but too late for this guy.
"...complete with equipment and over 20 plants."

Give me a break, wow. There's a reason why I refuse to ever go back to the South, and this thread is a perfect example.
How do 85 plants equate to a $1 million operation? You got to wonder how law enforcement (or the press) are able to come up with those kind of numbers. What the hell was he growing…gold.
No, they elaborate and hype up prices.....
It's my possibly incorrect understanding that cops count all the plant matter as 'bud,' including roots(?) and substrate(?), so the whole plant weight and its substrate is considered a salable product (I wish!), therefore 85 plants are worth $1,000,000 due to the crazy high gram prices claimed as fact in the Bizarro World of cops and prosecutors.


Well-known member
It's my possibly incorrect understanding that cops count all the plant matter as 'bud,' including roots(?) and substrate(?), so the whole plant weight and its substrate is considered a salable product (I wish!), therefore 85 plants are worth $1,000,000 due to the crazy high gram prices claimed as fact in the Bizarro World of cops and prosecutors.

friend of mine got caught with 4 plants sprouting in Dixie cups in the late seventies. when it came to trial the plants were nearly 5' tall & weighed nearly two pounds. judge threw it out however, realizing that the cops had watered & fertilized it for 5 months...


warehouse in melb Australia got busted few days ago with 500 PLANTS lol. now that's a grow.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
How do 85 plants equate to a $1 million operation? You got to wonder how law enforcement (or the press) are able to come up with those kind of numbers. What the hell was he growing…gold.
No, they elaborate and hype up prices.....

ya they are nuts..they count all plants even if they got no buds on them or not and then hype it up on the news..LMAO funny growing gold :laughing:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
It's my possibly incorrect understanding that cops count all the plant matter as 'bud,' including roots(?) and substrate(?), so the whole plant weight and its substrate is considered a salable product (I wish!), therefore 85 plants are worth $1,000,000 due to the crazy high gram prices claimed as fact in the Bizarro World of cops and prosecutors.

ya this is correct..this state is still liveing 10-15 years behind everwhere else,especially in my area where its a small town and i do mean small like 2400 peeps..hell in the part i am from we just recently like 3 months ago got the 4g network here if that gives u any ideal..they are still judgeing pl on the basis that cannabis is a drug just as bad as herion and meth..i just cant understand how that is because there are so many proven facts of cannabis that proves it helps people from wounded vets to hard ass working coal miners with back pain..its all about money here!! the polictians are getting their pockets lined with money from the pharmacutical companys...they would rather give someone a script of 120 30mg highly addictive,life wrecking oxycodone pills vs a few joints:fsu:
Kygiacomo!!!: All in the name of Harry J. Anslinger, their master that they serve.

Guerrilla grow. Props to you. That is not easy. Did that a few times and almost died of dehydration one time. I did not bring enough water and the water was all warm. I had to use some of it to get the freaking dirt out of my eyes that flung up and hit me from digging. Came out with 20 ticks on me, cuts from thorns and dodging snakes I can't see bush whacking. I even forgot where I planted and walked around in circles crawling on my hands and knees cause I took a wrong turn. Avoiding the farmer with the shotgun and hunters. I never plant on the farmers land where it can be seen when I was doing. Far out in the deep woods. In fact I don't do this anymore because If I was a farmer I realized later on I would not want someone going deep into my woods planting. Respect the farmers property. Did a split grow in the woods one year with a friend. That was fun because it was close to the road and did not require a lot of hiking.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kygiacomo!!!: All in the name of Harry J. Anslinger, their master that they serve.

Guerrilla grow. Props to you. That is not easy. Did that a few times and almost died of dehydration one time. I did not bring enough water and the water was all warm. I had to use some of it to get the freaking dirt out of my eyes that flung up and hit me from digging. Came out with 20 ticks on me, cuts from thorns and dodging snakes I can't see bush whacking. I even forgot where I planted and walked around in circles crawling on my hands and knees cause I took a wrong turn. Avoiding the farmer with the shotgun and hunters. I never plant on the farmers land where it can be seen when I was doing. Far out in the deep woods. In fact I don't do this anymore because If I was a farmer I realized later on I would not want someone going deep into my woods planting. Respect the farmers property. Did a split grow in the woods one year with a friend. That was fun because it was close to the road and did not require a lot of hiking.

lol i hear ya bro! ya its not easy at all..i watch that show moonshiners on discovery and it reminds me alot of myself and other guerillas since its same priniciple..evertime i hit the hills i come out bleeding and with ticks and those little annoying burs that stick all over my clothes..i refuse to pay the cartels and violent drug gangs for their shitty weed that we have no ideal what chemicals they have sprayed all over the shit..my dad always said if u dont bleed then u are not working hard enuff lol now i know what he means :laughing:..its a rough way to get ya weed but really have no other choice till the dumbass politicans open their eyes..i grow now just bc of the passion i have about this plant..its just amazeing to take something from a little small seed and turn it into a 10 foot monster!
lol i hear ya bro! ya its not easy at all..i watch that show moonshiners on discovery and it reminds me alot of myself and other guerillas since its same priniciple..evertime i hit the hills i come out bleeding and with ticks and those little annoying burs that stick all over my clothes..i refuse to pay the cartels and violent drug gangs for their shitty weed that we have no ideal what chemicals they have sprayed all over the shit..my dad always said if u dont bleed then u are not working hard enuff lol now i know what he means :laughing:..its a rough way to get ya weed but really have no other choice till the dumbass politicans open their eyes..i grow now just bc of the passion i have about this plant..its just amazeing to take something from a little small seed and turn it into a 10 foot monster!

I feel ya. Set it and forget it.lol. I wish. To make matters worse, I did not go back there in time to check for males. Weather was so hot that month so I was like f' it. Then I finally get back there to discover the biggest plant was a male. I had a couple spots. I only got a quarter off one plant that survived in this one spot. I made it out with my backpack on and hoped on the bicycle I stashed. Then a cop passes me on the road going the other way and turns around at the top of the street. Luckily I was peddling fast and made it home. I bet that asshole would of cleaned me out. Wooo piggie, you got my 5 oz's total. You da man. You serve and protect Harry J. so well. You should get 5 medals and a gold star on your ass hat.

I remember a story on here of an older gentlemen who fell down a cliff and died while trying to get to his grow. Does any one recall that story? If you get bit by a snake out there, you are pretty much screwed.


Well-known member
on the weights, my understanding is this is routine for certain jurisdictions, i.e. love to hate weed
the intent is not to go to trial, plea deal is the plan
you don't see this too much for small grows anymore, the hard core preservers of Amerika's 1950's drug law culture


Active member
they busted a coke fiend growing weed.. whatd you expect.? lol. u do drugs and grow weed u do things that make you hot. u get busted .. most of the busts i been seeing . have coke involved or heroin. and the grower is the user addicted and doing shady shit meeting shady people to sell as much weed as quickly as they can put the drugs into there bodies.. so ya it happens.

id have more compassion if he wasnt caught with coke and trafficking coke. honestly.

these hard drugs are ruining america.

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