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63 days would be early 70 days would be early for cfls be patient unless you like smoking swag. It might smell ripe but when it dries it will smell like grass.

Pun Worg

New member
Yeah, you don't want to waste all those months of waiting because you can't wait a week or two more! The last week or two is when the real potency builds up.

You can pick up a 40 times magnifying jewellers loupe for a few bucks, the trichomes never lie.

EDIT: (Oops, such a negative first post :badday: )
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dudes. i did say that the trichs looked right, didn't i? we have a jeweller's loupe. we used it to look at the buds. the trichs were all milky white, with some amber in there. what the fuck else should we be waiting for? i don't mean to be rude, but it's already too late anyway. we did it. it's drying right now. we rolled up a little hash ball from our clipping scissors and smoked it and it was awesome. last week we cut a test bud off, dried it out for 4 days, and then smoked it. and it was awesome. so thanks for your concern and advice, but ultimately we're doing what we think is best. and if we fuck up, then we've learned something, haven't we?

Pun Worg

New member
Oh sorry buddy, my brain didn't seem to register that sentence. :puppydoge
From the pics they didn't look as finished as they could be, but of course your liking is the only thing that matters!
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really nice grow, please check out my grow, somethings is happend... one of the plant leafs start to crumple, the ph:7 hps: 250 Philips Son-T Pia, 2 fans, and one computer fan..... thanks for any advice

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