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Los Angeles ordering hundreds of dispensaries to close


LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles Tuesday gave final approval to an ordinance slashing the number of medical marijuana dispensaries, which have grown to almost 1,000 since sale of the drug for medicinal use was approved in 1996.

By a 9-3 vote, the Los Angeles City Council said 187 dispensaries would remain open for now, but it intends to reduce the number to no more than 70 over time.

Business owners and people taking marijuana by prescription vowed to take legal action against the ordinance, including the possibility of raising the issue in a referendum.

The ordinance, which also includes a series of new restrictions on the sale of marijuana, will take effect after being signed by the mayor.

It will close down hundreds of dispensaries in the city, where between 800 and 1,000 shops have sprung up since 1996, thanks to legal loopholes in the sale and distribution of marijuana.

The new rules require that marijuana dispensaries be at least 1,000 feet (300 meters) from schools, public parks and libraries, and must close by 8:00 pm.

California law stipulates physicians must have no relation with dispensaries and can only prescribe marijuana as a therapy, allowing patients to apply for a license to purchase and sell the drug.

The ordinance comes one year after California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called for a debate on the possibility of taxing marijuana to help recession-hit state finances.

Wow, I have a hunch this is going to get nasty. Amazing that legal users can support roughly 1,000 dispensaries in the LA area alone.

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There was an article recently where some reporters actually did some leg work calling every listed dip/collective and found that there were actually between 400-500 operating dispensaries.


New member
What will be the criteria for determining if a certain collective/co-op is to remain operational? Will this be affecting only "dispensaries" ie those with storefronts?


70 seems fair, for just LA.. sucks they had ta cap it though. I am not surprised however that they decided to zone them away from schools etc. Good Read!


Active member
70 seems fair,

you would think so but...

the City of LA has around 4,000,000 people. 70 clubs to serve that big of a population is crazy. Also, these places serve more than just the people of LA. Not to mention the 1000 foot and residential bs will wipe most of them out.

70 clubs
that breaks down to 57,000 people. I don't know the percentage of mmj users but say 10%, that means one collective would have 5,700 members. lol


Active member
How many pharmacies are in LA county??
How many places that serve liquor??

How in the hell do they expect 70 dispensaries to provide medicine for the thousands rec. by there doctor to use marijuana??

There are lines going out the front doors with the "1000+" that they claim that are currently in business.

Is the city going to supply dozens/hundreds/thousands of chairs for these sick people to sit in while they wait outside the front door for there medicine??

I feel awful for those people who dont have the space/time/knowledge/money to grow there own meds.

I dont see how this will possibly work??


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
ha ha ha!!!
you fockers who thought the flood was bad this year, wait until 9/10ths of the outlets vanish. then the real competition is gonna start.....
game face on!


New member
If the original 187 are allowed to stay, and 70 are added. that brings the figure to 247 open venues. Is not a bad number if that is the case. However, if it's 70 to serve the entire county, and some folks will have to drive way far in order to obtain their herb, then it's really only going to open the market for the guys selling dope and other substances. And back we go to the gateway theory.... Los Angeles is an effie place. They make more money jailing the herb than taxing the herb.




Active member
If the original 187 are allowed to stay, and 70 are added. that brings the figure to 247 open venues. Is not a bad number if that is the case. However, if it's 70 to serve the entire county, and some folks will have to drive way far in order to obtain their herb, then it's really only going to open the market for the guys selling dope and other substances. And back we go to the gateway theory.... Los Angeles is an effie place. They make more money jailing the herb than taxing the herb.

Sorry it's not 247. The '187' that are stillopen, can stay...if they meet the new requirements...most do not. And what nobody is talking about is out of the 187, there are about 130 left as is. So we will probably only have 130.

Once those 187 clubs fall below 70, then more can open as long as its under the 70 cap. They hope that will happen.


New member
Once those 187 clubs fall below 70, then more can open as long as its under the 70 cap. They hope that will happen.

I wonder if this ever happens how they will decide who gets to open the newest dispensary? Probably whoever can stuff the most cash in an envelope.


New member
L.A. is spread out in a ridiculous thoughtless sprawling fashion. Its next to impossible to find a good restaurant in some areas much less good cannabis/meds. I would love see a study on the average drive time for the average person in L.A. to a dispensary once there are only 70


buncha crap the people decide which coop/disp should stay open by their support,not the ramblings of some self serving buraucrats.

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