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Long-time cannabis use linked to psychosis: study


I just want to point out that they said twice as likely.

I'm pretty sure you either have a 1/1000 or a 1/500 (.1% or .2%) of getting it as you are. So, if this study is true, smoking all the pot you can will give you, at most, a 1/250 chance of getting it. Pretty slim odds. And they are very vague about who got what disease, so if you're paranoid (THEN YOU'RE PROBABLY PSYCHOTIC!), then you could ask yourself how many people actually got non-affective schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a pretty broad name for a disease, just like the common cold has well over a hundred causes. There are 3 main types of schizophrenia: paranoid, catatonic, and undifferentiated. Now, one or two more categories are started to be recognized as we learn more about schizo, but let's focus on the last one. Undifferentiated basically means "we don't know what the fuck this shit is." Saying someone has psychosis just means that they have hallucinated and have had delusions (usually delusions of grandeur).

I know I'm jumping all over the place here but I just got up, so go away. One more point I'd like to make is that one of the types of NAP that exist is brief psychotic disorder, which is what it sounds like. For a temporary time, usually with a known cause, someone has a psychotic episode. Let's say you smoke something crazy, you see/hear/smell/taste/feel something that doesn't actually exist, and you believe something that isn't true. You've had brief psychotic disorder! Doesn't that kind of sound like a really trippy high? Doesn't it sound like what people talk about on mescaline, LSD, or any other hard psychedelic?

Lastly, science doesn't rely on one study to make a conclusion. How many studies do they usually go through? It's in the hundreds or thousands before they accept a theory, usually. I think that these studies should continue to be done because I think this really is important research, but for now, ehhhhhhhhhh. Considering how I've never personally heard of anyone who has developed a serious psychosis due to marijuana as well as how broad schizophrenia and even broader NAP is, I'm gonna wait for a bunch of published studies that conclude pot causes bad diseases before I start to care.

There are also a few problems with this. They don't tell you how much the 65 people smoked daily, their method of ingestion, nor what specific disease they had and if they've gotten past it. Also, they even mention that it very well might be the psychotic tendencies that make people smoke the pot. The real conclusion might be "if you have psychosis, you're more likely to smoke pot" which is substantially different.

I'm not trying to belittle these studies; as I said, I think this is important work. But there have been many, many theories just like this about things causing other things that were eventually abandoned. Hell, in the middle ages, people ate off of lead plates. Whenever they ate sliced tomatoes, they noticed people died. They thought tomatoes were poisonous. We have a tendency to link things together that may or may not actually be related.

Edit: And I don't suggest that people totally ignore this article. Maybe just throw it in the back of your mind, be a little curious, and have a little healthy skepticism.


All this study proves is that some sick people tried to self medicate with MJ at one time.



Hey guys, I heard some people with HIV smoke marijuana.

Marijuana gives us AIDS



But seriously, don't discredit the entire experiment. If there's something there, it's best to keep an open mind to it. I doubt I'll stop doing the weed regardless, but I'm not going to 100% ignore the relationship, if more studies from credible sources agree with this one.


Well-known member
It's weird, because the only elderly tokers I know are pretty down to earth, especially for elderly folk. Elderly non-tokers seem to fall into the old person delusional trap easier.


ya know what else can lead to psychosis? sitting in your house with the doors locked watching t.v. all fucking day.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Reality is overrated. I mean how many people really do live in reality? I know of none.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
It's the age-old statistics trick of confusing a correlation with a cause-effect relationship. A correlation does not imply a cause and/or effect. One factor may cause the other, or vice versa, or neither. In other words it's just a likely that having a psychosis makes one more likely to use mj as it is that using mj makes one more likely to be psychotic. Aren't statistics fun?


half cat half man half baked
Interesting that it was led by an Australian. They sure do seem to have demonized the plant there like no other place on earth.


A strange psychosis develops in those who fear the the drug cannabis. Symptoms include paranoid delusions and anxiety. Who are the sane ones?

I hate how Australia is with it's attitudes towards cannabis. It really doesn't deserve the rep it has. Even people who smoke it seem to find ways of blaming it for this, that and the other thing. :gday:


When these guys finally realise that their defined reality is an illusion, assigning a term to the experience like 'psychosis' will be the last of their worries. If you don't realise you are a psycho, you are a psycho :) And so the wonderful journey into the mind begins.


All this study proves is that some sick people tried to self medicate with MJ at one time.

Exactly, I saw this in the weekend paper here in OZ and as someone alreasy said they just like to throw this shit around every now and then to see if it sticks,some (if not all) of the canna report from australia are a joke, I saw one some time ago , a pychyatrist with a group of patients whom have had there lifes shattered by marijuana ,asking for federal funding so he could help these poor souls , it just happens that one of the group he was parading I acualy knew.this guy had a liftime history of mental illness and used to check into drug rehabs because they were the only places that could give him the structered enviroment he needed,the guy never smoked dope or took drugs at all, then he get one of them to smoke dope for the camere's about 1/2 gram of bud mixed with half a dozen cigarets,these guy's had a chronic tobacco substance abuse problem not MJ.Cheers all :gday:


Active member
This study is so bogus, it doesn't show any causality. If they took that same group of people and substituted milk for mj, they'd have a much higher statistical occurrence of milk use than mj use. But so what? It wouldn't mean milk causes psychosis.



When these guys finally realise that their defined reality is an illusion, assigning a term to the experience like 'psychosis' will be the last of their worries. If you don't realise you are a psycho, you are a psycho :) And so the wonderful journey into the mind begins.

I wonder what the psychosis rate is for people who have gone to Vipassana retreats :D

(I mention that because your post rings of Buddhism)


But the relationship between psychosis and cannabis use was complex, it said.

yeah, by complex they mean non-existant..

How many of those used LSD, or shrooms, or crack, or meth, or, or..

How many have family history of mental illness....blah blah blah..



mriko: "...Lots of people suffering from some kind of psychosis are naturally attracted by cannabis, because it makes them feel better..."

Ding, Ding...Winner winner chicken dinner!

gladys: "Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind/soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition) means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality"."

Exactly! It is the folks that are prone to "abnormality" or "losing contact with 'reality' " that are more prone to do things that are not generally acceptable to society's version of the norm as demonstrated through that society's (arbitrary) morays or laws... And, the earlier the kids get "radical"/ rebel, the more "abnormal" they will most likely become :)

Too many folks draw premature conclusions and fall for the fallacy of false causation when reading stories like this. The article title says there is a "Link", not a causal relationship...But too many reports on studies like this imply a causal relationship for too many mainstream readers...


Aussie Gobmint is a sidekick to Amerikan Corporate fascism. ALL HAIL Billbergers/ PNAC/ Council of Foreign RelationsThe crisis is birthed by the Supremes deciding that there should be no limit to corporate bribery of politicians. What benefits the machine is the rage. Big Pharma and all banksters/wallo street and their ilk of self interested vultures have begun the final swirling of the toilet as paradise is buried in shit. Please pass the Soluent Greens. I wonder what % of Amerikan school kids are on Pharmas tit. Slide on in to welcome to Wallmart or sir! yes sir! or Super size that for ya? Or hey Game Boy D(umb)S(hit) and the oh so well named Play station (airy) sugar pharma and exceptional magnetic wave exposure via Jail (cell) Phones. I rantish.

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