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London cannabis seed seller Gypsy Nirvana faces extradition to US

Is he who sentenced you wrongfully time in prison for 30 months serving that same sentence him self now?
because untill that happens, is justice really served?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Indeed, well said brother Gypsy.......

Thanks for the inspiration cactus.

Wow this is great news! Made my day reading this! I can imagine the relief you must be feeling!

Best vibes for life getting back to normal and being reunited with your family soon!

I'm so glad this ordeal is coming to a close.

I will hoist a few pints in your honor!

Yes, it has been a long haul to get to this stage, and I feel exonerated Lester...

Really happy for the news! Stay strong Gipsy

....My resolve has just increased thru all of this, you can't keep me down El Tigre!

Great news! The bastards have put you through hell the least they could do is allow you to be with your family.

That's the next step, but first I need my passport back to make the application for the wifes visa rev.

Good to hear, mate...

Best of luck in your future endeavors

Thanks Rex...

I want to hear the whole story, In your words man.

One day I will get the full story out there, believe me when I say its stranger than fiction little wing.

Your going to get this a lot Gypsy

I have to tell people I meet about what happened to me quite often. Its actually helped with my PTSD because things that used to disturb me have got old and more bearable. Funny cos when some near stranger asks why I limp or why my face is like it is, I feel like saying get lost but those people, unwittingly forced me to work through stuff till it was just a memory and no longer an emotional trigger. You'll laugh about this shit one day Gypsy, the close call with death row in Trump town :biggrin:

Yes it is much better to face your demons, and laugh in the face of adversity....I always try and cultivate a positive mental attitude no matter what stress I am under, and it usually works.

Extradition over plant material that has no THC in it?
Such evil! The United States is so far behind the rest of world.
We have the laws of a fundamentalist Muslim Nation in our supposed "free" country.
Marc Emery was a victim of the DEA too. They're all just pure assholes.
The Imperialist United States think it can extradite from foreign countries.
We have clowns occupying the White House.

I think that the whole world is now aware of that. The USA thinks it is the worlds Policemen, but British Justice just proved them wrong Sativan!

Its not that they dont know any better. Its a deliberate action to hold onto as much control as possible, so that they may play things in their favor.

yes ! with god complex's

These Federal Laws on cannabis just HAVE TO GO!...Because they are so wrong, and everyone knows that already.

Is he who sentenced you wrongfully time in prison for 30 months serving that same sentence him self now?
because untill that happens, is justice really served?

Well.....I will have to make the most of the freedom I can get right now because I very much doubt that the prosecutor in Maine called Mr Connely is going to do 30 months in a Philippino shit-hole over this NON-CRIME!


Gypsy we have never meet but I feel as if your an old friend ,Ive been a customer since you kicked of Seeds Direct and I think you handle a phone call I made looking for a late shipment ,I gave my first pack of freebies away [Who's Ya Daddy] to a fellow who grew himself a good looking garden what helped him and his Special Needs Son a Lot, you tought me the value of generosity and for that I thank you , Ive keeped poverty at bay and my self sane thanks to your services and I hope good fortune follows you as it has followed me. Kind Regards Rf
Indeed "It can all start from a seed"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gypsy we have never meet but I feel as if your an old friend ,Ive been a customer since you kicked of Seeds Direct and I think you handle a phone call I made looking for a late shipment ,I gave my first pack of freebies away [Who's Ya Daddy] to a fellow who grew himself a good looking garden what helped him and his Special Needs Son a Lot, you tought me the value of generosity and for that I thank you , Ive keeped poverty at bay and my self sane thanks to your services and I hope good fortune follows you as it has followed me. Kind Regards Rf
Indeed "It can all start from a seed"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

That's really sweet of you Rumblefish, and it makes me feel that no matter what I have had to go thru with this case, it is all worthwhile to hear such accolades from those in need such as yourself...

I will continue what I started as a seed distributor 20 years ago because I do believe that I am still doing the right thing.


Señor Member
Yeah Gypsy great to hear that!!!

......and i really hope it's all over!!!!

Boom boom!

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Great news Gypsy! So many folks are relieved to hear it. I can't imagine spending time in a Filipino jail and coming out with such a positive attitude. You are one tough dude!


Cannabis Helper

(lots of bad words) that was a very close call!

I am so happy that you are SAFE and you won!

This years cup, you will be in my heart as we put on a great 420!


I will continue what I started as a seed distributor 20 years ago because I do believe that I am still doing the right thing.

Thats the spirit Gypsy , Nelson Mandela didnt let the bastards that incarcerated him win simply by not letting himself become consumed with hate and anger, he found it within himself to forgive rather than retaliate, to shine the bright light of love rather than
cast the long shadow of hate but he never cowered and he stared his adversary's down knowing all the time he spoke the words of truth, Truth will always prevail, sometimes it may feel
as if its a lonely road your on but the truth is simple ,it can't be other than what it is, dont let the bastards win Gypsy look them in the eye and stare them down and eventually the triumph of the thruth will lead to the victory of a just cause. Rf
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah Gypsy great to hear that!!!

......and i really hope it's all over!!!!

Boom boom!

I do have to wait another 10 days or so, just to see if the feds will try and take their loosing battle to the Supreme Court in the UK, but this is unlikely since it was indicated at the recent appeal (that the feds lost) by their legal team, that they were not interested to take it any further....

Great news Gypsy! So many folks are relieved to hear it. I can't imagine spending time in a Filipino jail and coming out with such a positive attitude. You are one tough dude!

...Yes, it is amazing how resilient the human spirit can be, especially when confronted by the tyranny of injustice.


(lots of bad words) that was a very close call!

I am so happy that you are SAFE and you won!

This years cup, you will be in my heart as we put on a great 420!

Do enjoy the 4/20 for me Growdoc, for it is unlikely that I can be there. But there is a miniscule hope of an outside chance that by the 20th April It might be possible that I have had the charges dropped stateside, and my name removed from Interpol as a wanted man......and then, and only then I could attend.

Thats the spirit Gypsy , Nelson Mandela didnt let the bastards that incarcerated him win simply by not letting himself become consumed with hate and anger, he found it within himself to forgive rather than retaliate, to shine the bright light of love rather than
cast the long shadow of hate but he never cowered and he stared his adversary's down knowing all the time he spoke the words of truth, Truth will always prevail, sometimes it may feel
as if its a lonely road your on but the truth is simple ,it can't be other than what it is, dont let the bastards win Gypsy look them in the eye and stare them down and eventually the triumph of the thruth will lead to the victory of a just cause. Rf

...Always smile in the face of adversity, never cower and back down from injustice. Keep a stiff upper lip in your darkest hour, and your chin up when it seems like your whole world has fallen to pieces.......and NEVER, EVER let the BASTARDS GET YOU DOWN!

HEAR HERE! Rumblefish.....HEAR HERE!

Write a book.

...I have many notes and photos, its just a case of organization. Someone said that I should approach the National Geo channel in regards to doing a 'Locked Up Abroad' film....

Im glad that shit is over. long live to father of icmag and ICMAG!!

Yes....ehhh...hmmm... VIVA LA PRESIDENTE'!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am so fucking happy to read this post. :biggrin:

Came here to find out what was going on as of late and could not be better news.


Just this guy, ya know?
Please, I don't care if it's NatGeo, but somebody has to make this into a documentary. Netflix comes to mind. This story has to be heard by the people at large. They have to know what their government is doing in their name.


New member
Great news! So happy for you, what a relief it must be... Ive read your posts with much interest and respect, looking forward to all the great things to come! Thank you.


Please, I don't care if it's NatGeo, but somebody has to make this into a documentary. Netflix comes to mind. This story has to be heard by the people at large. They have to know what their government is doing in their name.

We already know what Bush and Blair did to thousands of Iraqis, on the basis of a lie, in our names. Im not diminishing what Gypsy and others went through but don't expect too much outrage from ordinary, non weed heads about the war on cannabis and its proponents and advocates. It takes something really big before people give a shit about anything that doesn't directly affect them.

moose eater

Glad to read that Darth Vader got bitch-slapped by Luke, Gypsy. Every now and again the Good Guys win. Can't hold your breath waiting for it, most often, but accept it with a smile when it happens!!

I'll crack a Guinness Export Stout in a toast for you, and have a toke of hash, in between painting my son's snowmobile parts.

Fuck tyrants everywhere, no matter -whose- passports they carry, or where ever they were born.


Just this guy, ya know?
We already know what Bush and Blair did to thousands of Iraqis, on the basis of a lie, in our names. Im not diminishing what Gypsy and others went through but don't expect too much outrage from ordinary, non weed heads about the war on cannabis and its proponents and advocates. It takes something really big before people give a shit about anything that doesn't directly affect them.
Those groups were already painted as "terrorists" and "the bad guys" so I think it's easy for the average person to not give it much of a deep thought when it happens. Gypsy is just a normal guy with a family. That's what it takes to get the attention of the layman. Something happening to somebody they can relate to, somebody that except for luck, could have been them. But, this is just like, my opinion, man :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I am so fucking happy to read this post. :biggrin:

Came here to find out what was going on as of late and could not be better news.

Not as happy as I was to write them....lol Good to see ya back around, and thanks for caring.

. hehe :D happy birthday Mr. President :D I dont know you, but Icmag and people here gave me a lot. thank you and all of them. have good time Gypsy.

Thanks for the positive feedback.

Please, I don't care if it's NatGeo, but somebody has to make this into a documentary. Netflix comes to mind. This story has to be heard by the people at large. They have to know what their government is doing in their name.

What happened to me is not exclusive, and similar events have occurred with many others over the years to the point of illegal rendition becoming almost commonplace. Perhaps awareness has to be increased about this?, even so most people probably wouldn't care so much about their government trying to snare someone abroad for trial in the USA.

Great news! So happy for you, what a relief it must be... Ive read your posts with much interest and respect, looking forward to all the great things to come. Thank you.

Yeah...Phew! If I could bottle this relief, there would be quite a few cases of it, that's for sure.

We already know what Bush and Blair did to thousands of Iraqis, on the basis of a lie, in our names. Im not diminishing what Gypsy and others went through but don't expect too much outrage from ordinary, non weed heads about the war on cannabis and its proponents and advocates. It takes something really big before people give a shit about anything that doesn't directly affect them.

True, most people are complacent about what ails the rest of the world, and will not react unless it directly affects them.

Glad to read that Darth Vader got bitch-slapped by Luke, Gypsy. Every now and again the Good Guys win. Can't hold your breath waiting for it, most often, but accept it with a smile when it happens!!

I'll crack a Guinness Export Stout in a toast for you, and have a toke of hash, in between painting my son's snowmobile parts.

Fuck tyrants everywhere, no matter -whose- passports they carry, or where ever they were born.

I like you're attitude about it. Just enjoy not having the weight of the state so likely to topple on top of me.....keep smiling, keep shining. Yeah its not often the good guys win......but have I really won after loosing so much? Sometimes I wonder.

Those groups were already painted as "terrorists" and "the bad guys" so I think it's easy for the average person to not give it much of a deep thought when it happens. Gypsy is just a normal guy with a family. That's what it takes to get the attention of the layman. Something happening to somebody they can relate to, somebody that except for luck, could have been them. But, this is just like, my opinion, man :biggrin:

When the powers that be think nothing of separating you from your family, friends, life, livelyhood and robbing you of your liberty, without charge or trial over something as natural and vital as seeds, then the world has arrived at a very strange place indeed.

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