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London cannabis seed seller Gypsy Nirvana faces extradition to US


This is GOOD SHIT.......


What a game changer.

Feel the love. Haters cannot hate this step forwards.


Rocky Mtn Squid

Stay Strong and Bold Gypsy

Stay Strong and Bold Gypsy

I for one am sincerely heartened to read that the UK courts have denied the evil US Government their bid to have you extradited.

Years ago, when I discovered that both Rez and Dutch Grown ratted you out, I stayed away from ICMAG and have rarely posted since. I also didn't appreciate some of the newer members and the politics and nonsense that accompanied them. Enough said on that, since I am one the original members here, having joined on April 30, 2004.

I logged on today to state how much I appreciate all that you have done for the cannabis community worldwide with your activism. I think we all owe you a debt of gratitude.

:thank you:

Your strength, bravery and intestinal fortitude to survive 30 months of anguish and torment in a hell hole prison is something that few people could have endured. This speaks volumes for the real person that you are. I have no doubt that shitty experience has only made you a stronger and better person.

Kudos to you Gypsy, and please keep fighting the good fight.

Much Respect,


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Thank you so much for everything you've done Gypsy. Happy to hear that you're one step closer to reclaiming your life.


Well-known member
Well fought! Keep fighting the good fight gypsy, you're turning the tide worldwide....


Rubbing my glands together
So happy to see you're a free man today Gypsy. It's been a long hard road but you reached the final destination today and a judge told the US to go fuck themselves. Can't get much better than that. Bully for you!!!

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
It is wonderful seeing someone beat the DEA overseas. Very NICE, Mr.
Nirvana, sending them back with their tails between their legs. They
don't get enough of that kind of treatment. If you or your representative
got to laugh in their face I'd love to hear about it. Congratulations!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Technically the feds could take this further......to the Supreme Court in the UK, but when asked if they were going to, after the 2 Judges decision to throw out the USA's appeal, what I saw was the opposition shaking their heads as if to say 'no' that they would not pursue my case any more....

They do have 14 days to think about it and file an appeal at the Supreme Court, but I seriously doubt that this will happen after they have already lost in the magistrates court, and now the court of appeals.

*Thank you all for the kind sentiments, this has really helped me get thru all this BS over the past 5 years.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The High Court today refused to allow the extradition to the USA of Gypsy Nirvana, a British based cannabis seed dealer, on the basis that no offence would have been committed under UK law. The misuse of drugs act 1971 exempts seeds from the definition of cannabis, in contrasts to U.S. law. If extradited, Gypsy Nirvana could have faced up to 20 years in prison in the USA.

Richard Parry from Saunders Solicitors LTD was contacted by Mr Nirvana in 2016 when he was still being held in detention in the Philippines. He advised him to consent to deportation to the UK so that he could fight his case through the British Courts.

Previously, in 2013, The Filipino authorities, at the behest of a US special agent, had detained Mr Nirvana, and, in a disguised extradition attempt, tried to force him onto a direct flight to the USA, which he was forced to physically resist. Had this illegal rendition of a British National succeeded Mr Nirvana would have been deprived of his rights under UK law.

We instructed Mr Ben Cooper of counsel, an expert in extradition law, who drafted strong arguments against the US application and won the case originally in front of the district Judge at Westminster in August 2017.

Although despite loosing their appeal to the High Court, the USA can ask for a point of law to be certified for the Supreme Court, this appears unlikely.

After 4 and a half years of legal battles, it appears that justice has finally been achieved for Mr Nirvana through the dedicated work of his legal team and the sensible approach of the British Courts.

15th March 2018


The High Court today refused to allow the extradition to the USA of Gypsy Nirvana, a British based cannabis seed dealer, on the basis that no offence would have been committed under UK law. The misuse of drugs act 1971 exempts seeds from the definition of cannabis, in contrasts to U.S. law. If extradited, Gypsy Nirvana could have faced up to 20 years in prison in the USA.

Richard Parry from Saunders Solicitors LTD was contacted by Mr Nirvana in 2016 when he was still being held in detention in the Philippines. He advised him to consent to deportation to the UK so that he could fight his case through the British Courts.

Previously, in 2013, The Filipino authorities, at the behest of a US special agent, had detained Mr Nirvana, and, in a disguised extradition attempt, tried to force him onto a direct flight to the USA, which he was forced to physically resist. Had this illegal rendition of a British National succeeded Mr Nirvana would have been deprived of his rights under UK law.

We instructed Mr Ben Cooper of counsel, an expert in extradition law, who drafted strong arguments against the US application and won the case originally in front of the district Judge at Westminster in August 2017.

Although despite loosing their appeal to the High Court, the USA can ask for a point of law to be certified for the Supreme Court, this appears unlikely.

After 4 and a half years of legal battles, it appears that justice has finally been achieved for Mr Nirvana through the dedicated work of his legal team and the sensible approach of the British Courts.

15th March 2018

bloody great news Gypsy what a morning story :woohoo::woohoo:


Altruistic Hazeist
:woohoo:Congrats Gipsy!

Now it's time for you to recover and rearrange with your family, but once you're ok, please find a probono lawyer, those morons should compensate you for the gratuitous hell and hideous approach at Philipines!


pure dynamite
So glad to hear the good news! Also hope americans will quit this stupid run to get you. You should be free to travel the world. You did nothing wrong. I can just hope you get your family by your side soon and get the good news usa quit going after you. Then we can have the big party.

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