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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Active member
Although TO x BMR is more of a poly-hybrid...but a special one at that considering 'The One' being two knockout landraces.


F1 hybrid is a term used in genetics and selective breeding. F1 stands for Filial 1, the first filial generation

Aha... see! my brain does remember some shit.... lol


Probably kelp and humic/fulvic are worthwhile...the rest is them not giving you a complete formula forcing you to buy some high priced additive
Actually that's an area where some of the biggest scams are played - HA & FA and the whole Leonardite campaign. Black sand is not Humic acid. Then you had Oregon & California giving these clowns a wedgie over the Fulvic acid phrase

The seaweed extract vs. kelp meal is at the top of my list. These products are as different as night & day from every angle except that they share the same elements - past that there's nothing at all to compare.

When you consider that under EPA rules, labels on agricultural and horticultural products must be written at an 8th grade reading level you can see what you're up against when posting with one of these clowns. They're either lying through their teeth or they're dumber than a box of rocks (Leonardite or otherwise)

My plants have never looked better since I started using diluted epsom salts - it was life-changing!

Neo 420

Active member
I just watered my flowering plants with a kelp/neem botanical tea which I brewed seperatly for 48 hours, didnt spray on the plants this time as the other day I foliar fed and the pistils started turing brow form it so I wont bespraying anything from now on... they are 15 days in flower now..

I stop the foilar sprays 2 to 3 weeks into flower. I have found the same results as you when you spray the pistols... Browning....


Active member
On the brown Pistils thing,
I foliar 3 times a week right up until 1 week before pull. The pistils change if a lot of solution was left on pistils but from my observations grow out in 24-48 hours, Not a problem in my book.

Plants love a mineral foliar in the end to boost terpene production. It is one of the Critical points of Influence in a plants life where you can improve the final result.

I also would like to share something I read on foliar spays. This guy Dr. Paul Dettloff from Langcaster Ag wrote a article on foliar sprays. In it he states there are 5 things important for a foliar spray to have to work most effectively.
1- Proteins/amino acids (fish Hydrolyse)
2-Trace elements (kelp, sea minerals)
3- Carbon (humic/fulvics)
4- Sugar (molasses)
5- Electrolyte (I know you guys are going to freak about this one.... Sodium (sea salts/minerals)

Just my thoughts


Neo 420

Active member
Guys and gals.... I have a dilemma.....

I have some ladies that are at day 49 and show 75% cloudy trichs. I usually pull around 75% cloudy trichs but its seem to early to be pulling at being 49 days. Any thoughts? Regardless I'm going to let them go for a few more days and then re-evaluate. I would like to hear if anyone had similar harvests?

The listed flower times are 65 to 115 days.... Go figure.....


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Went to our nearest beach the other day as it was stinking hot. Beautiful down there, bit of a breeze and when i had a walk around the corner heaps of washed up kelp and a few other kinds of brown and green seaweeds. :D

But mostly kelp. Going to grab some next time and add to my compost heap. Havta make some 'tea' also.

Neo 420

Active member
A 7 week spread? Not much to go on is it?

Did you use sprouted seed teas during this cycle? On any regular schedule?

What about coconut water?

Just curious...

No sprouted seed teas for this set but I did use coconut water, foliared and watered in.
The particular strain in question (Neville wreck) is showing all signs of completion (fading/autumn color fans, relaxed/red hairs, cloudy trichs).
I doubled and tripled check the calendar. These were put into flower on Jan 1...........

Did someone say coconuts are hormonal? (PUN)

Starting to show fading/autumn color fans. The light green in the fans started about 1 week ago with more fans turning lighter green daily.)


Neo 420

Both sprouted seeds and green coconut water have extremely high levels of cytokinins and obviously they each have compounds and such that are unique but they definitely share this one - cytokinins.

Your observations are not surprising from my end and as others finish up their flower cycles using one or the other, their experience and observations will be close to what you're describing.

The avenues to look down to explain this are the following search text strings:

cytokinins tissue-culture propagation
coconut water barley malt tissue-culture propagation
orchid propagation with the same terms above
cytokinins plant aging


Neo 420

Active member
Already found some items cootz..

Some of the most interesting components of coconut water are the plant growth hormones, particularly cytokinins. Cytokinins are a group of hormones that regulate growth, development, and aging. In some respects they are similar to human hormones with a similar name of cytokines. Cytokinins are also known as anti-aging hormones. Cytokinins regulate cell division and influence the rate at which plants age. Depending on the amount of cytokinins present, the aging process in plants can be either accelerated or retarded. One of the active sites of cytokinin production is in the roots. From here the hormone is carried by the sap throughout the plant—much like our bloodstream disperses hormones. Portions of plants that are deprived of cytokinins age faster than normal, Conversely, if additional cytokinins are added to a plant, normal aging is retarded.



Neo 420

Now you understand the results you see when you clone a cutting with coconut water (in particular) because it also brings massive levels of Indole-3-acetic-acid (IAA) as well as 22+ enzymes that facilitate cell division = root development.

Without degradation of the cutting itself. No yellow leaves and the usual set-backs. This carries over when you transplant that cutting - using a kelp meal tea in conjunction with a cytokinin source you will not have 'transplant shock' but rather the cutting will begin to grow in a day or two. Very little lag-time if any.

Find that one in a bottle......

Neo 420

Active member
Can't make sense of this. All the information I have found states I should be seeing opposite reactions.
I gave these plants coconut water a total of 4 maybe five times. What will be interesting to note is I have a cutting of the same strand that has been raised in coconut water and will continue to be "bathed" in it. I will definitely watch these for their flowering times...


Active member
i threw some aloe juice, coconut water and silicates in my ez cloner with tap water(hard where i live), took some cuttings and they look great. not sure if I should be worried about the sugars from the aloe/coconut in a closed reservoir for extended periods of time but the water is getting turned over pretty well so I'm gonna roll with it. The cut tissue on the stems looks to be callousing up nicely out the gate so I'm hopeful


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I stop the foilar sprays 2 to 3 weeks into flower. I have found the same results as you when you spray the pistols... Browning....

Once a feller burns the stigma it will not 'recover'...it's done. Flower development ceases where that damage happened. Flowers that get sprayed with any concoction that burns these tiny hairs very often have growth seriously retarded. It's only the flowers that grow after the damaged ones that grow over that damaged flower and begin new growth that are healthy. Myself,and coming from experience,I wouldn't fuck around considering you need every day of flowering to be a positive growth day...not a damage and recover day.

Just clearing up that since the post after yours is misleading. A guy won't get far thinking that damaging the stigma's is okay.


Active member
That's what I thought Gas from observing whats happened with my plants before... On another note my Aloe 200X turned up just no so thats good can try it out on my seedlings tonight


Active member
Just to clear things up obviously if you spray and all your pistils turn brown then there is something wrong and you shouldn't do that again.

I usually only see maybe 3 or 4 in the whole garden or maybe a little spot where it accumulated on a flower... I notice no slowing of growth but a jump from all of the good stuff they are getting.

No slowing here...
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