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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Cootz I just went to the shop and picked a few dandilions from a patch of grass on the way... I also pulled the root up how would you use the root?


Gone but NOT forgotten...
This thread is just simply amazing. AMAZING. Big respect to all the main players here sharing their knowledge - CC, Gas, Scrap and others - very appreciative of your posts. I just got through the dolomite lime debate, and skipped ahead to some later pages and had some insights/questions.

First, I'm very surprised there's not more of the Growing Large Trees folks in this thread. That thread and this one are probably two of the most informative pieces of education on the net pertaining to horticulture, biology, and damn good weed that I have seen around.

Rootwise had been talking about dandelions, comfrey, and alfalfa, for a couple years now and not too many were listening -- really awesome to see it backed up with some of the impressive indoor garden pics here.

I skipped to the discussion on earthjuice and neptune liquids and wanted to know if any of you have worked with J.H Biotech products? I used them this year for my outdoor and saw some other gardens excel with them as well and wanted to hear some folks opinions. Their line is for the most part all organic and aimed at the more commercial farmer vs the hobby grower so it actually applies really well to big outdoor trees.

Their aquapower, fulmax, humax, and natural wet are 4 that I use a lot, the natural wet has a yuca extract in it and it's cheap but unfortuantely I can only find J.H. products out west or Colorado. I use these products mainly for teas and not as fertilizers. If any MI growers have heard of or seen J.H. products please let me know, trying to source it locally has been impossible.

I'm typing a lot here so I'll try to wrap it up, I wanted to know if that original recipe Cats posted is still the recipe you are working with minus the dolomite or with it for that matter and whether or not there's a mix a little less hot that you can use in a shorter amount of time instead of the 4 week cook off.

In my outs, when the soil is still hot I just dig out a hole in the middle and fill it in with potting soil so the transplant has time to ease into the mix instead of jumping right in the deep end, I think the same idea could apply here? Some peat, compost, castings blend to give it a little dip before the plunge kind of thing?
I have more specific questions but I want to read through the thread before repeating shit that may have already been addressed.

Again, respect the real information being taught here!!!

Who's Cats?? I for one don't use any 'line' of anything except when I'm forced to buy potassium silicate in a name brand bottle for $35 a gallon......which is a damned rip off!!

The first soil recipe on pg.#1 is being ran in MileHighGuy's organic grow...seems to be working out for a first timer with a living soil of this nature.


Active member
Gas, a combination of user error and auto correct on my computer led to Cats vs Gas...and a little afternoon puffy puffy. It's not so much a "line" as it is a tool for building robust teas in my opinion. I was just curious if any of you have used it......

And I've worked with soils before, but mainly as an outdoor organic grow which has a different amendment process I feel vs creating a generator of soil for indoors. Same animal, maybe just two different ways to tame it kind of thing....

I'll wander on over to MileHighGuy's grow and take a look, thanks for reference.



The J.H Biotech products are sold at almost all of the larger farm supply warehouses here. You don't find them so much at the smaller ones that are really the ones most often used. The larger ones are set-up pretty much like Costco - large aisles and warehouse racks and you push your cart up and down the aisles for your fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides and herbicides. These warehouses do not carry products which don't move off the racks - there's just too much competition so the fact that they're widely available means that they sell in enough quantities to warrant stocking them.

The lack of retail pack sizes makes it hard for most people to try them out. I have looked at some of their fungicide products and they use a variety of oils - cottonseed, corn, mineral, canola, et al. which may have more of an outdoor/agricultural application than indoor or even an outdoor home garden.

Which products have you used?



Gone but NOT forgotten...
Gas, a combination of user error and auto correct on my computer led to Cats vs Gas...and a little afternoon puffy puffy. It's not so much a "line" as it is a tool for building robust teas in my opinion. I was just curious if any of you have used it......

And I've worked with soils before, but mainly as an outdoor organic grow which has a different amendment process I feel vs creating a generator of soil for indoors. Same animal, maybe just two different ways to tame it kind of thing....

I'll wander on over to MileHighGuy's grow and take a look, thanks for reference.

I wasn't sure if I had missed some cat who goes by 'Cat's' or what way back there...
No sir...I've not a clue about it~


Plushberry, I'm phasing it out to make room for some better gear. I'm also running Socal Master, Casey Jones "joe" cut, some Bodhi stuff, and a few others. I love growing from seed and always looking for better than what's going around in central Arizona.


Here is a Hindu Blue Pisces from month ago in a 2 gal. She is now 2 weeks in flower transplanted to 7 gal and a monster. I get some pics from time to time. All your tips paid off in full swing :)


Qrazy Train


Plushberry Nugs


Some of these are on another forum Roll it up. I started to post some of this information over at roll it up to assist the newbs but rrog and Cann and a few others been doing that long before me. It's pretty horrible over there.

I started in soil went to hydro and went to true living soil about a year ago and never looked back. I get VALUE, QUALITY, and QUANTITY. How can you argue that??
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@CC I used Roots as a base before I knew I could make my own. I've been adding neem, kelp, alfalfa, aloe, coconut, bubbling mung bean teas, ewc/compost, doing the mulches, and following the advice of this thread. I used to use guanos but went to herbs instead.

No complaints my friend. Do you see any issues?


Not at all - I'd just motor on and find a new hobby since you've got this one down pretty damn well.

Bike riding is a nice hobby. Kite flying is right up there if you get the big-ass kites.



@CC Hey man that feels pretty fuckin good bro. Thanks again and I look forward to learning with everyone!!!!!

I need to stock up on those books in the Acres USA catalogs. There is nothing worth a crap at the bookstores and I don't party on Friday nights anymore!!


Their new book catalog arrived last week and I checked 4 or 5 titles for pricing on these books at Amazon and in each case the prices at Acres USA were substantially lower On some titles it can be as much as 80% less buying through them.

Good people behind this organization - they were doing this a long time before it was cool



on the purealoe powder - if I'm mixing 1g of powder with 4 gallons of h20, is this roughly the same as applying roughly 1 cup of LOTD liquid aloe per 4 gallons? just making sure I am getting the proper dilution..

also invocation those plants are looking phenomenal...good work!


on the purealoe powder - if I'm mixing 1g of powder with 4 gallons of h20, is this roughly the same as applying roughly 1 cup of LOTD liquid aloe per 4 gallons? just making sure I am getting the proper dilution..

also invocation those plants are looking phenomenal...good work!


1 gram would give you 200 grams of straight Aloe vera juice like LOTD. That's 'close enough' to 7 ounces.

If you're using 1/4 cup (2 oz) per gallon of the LOTD then 1 gram is enough for 3.5 gallons of water.

Check my arithmetic though...



spot on...thanks for confirming. I'll call 1g to 4 gallons close enough for now...

anyone ever applied "too much aloe"? what would happen with 1g per gallon for example?


Active member

The J.H Biotech products are sold at almost all of the larger farm supply warehouses here. You don't find them so much at the smaller ones that are really the ones most often used. The larger ones are set-up pretty much like Costco - large aisles and warehouse racks and you push your cart up and down the aisles for your fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides and herbicides. These warehouses do not carry products which don't move off the racks - there's just too much competition so the fact that they're widely available means that they sell in enough quantities to warrant stocking them.

The lack of retail pack sizes makes it hard for most people to try them out. I have looked at some of their fungicide products and they use a variety of oils - cottonseed, corn, mineral, canola, et al. which may have more of an outdoor/agricultural application than indoor or even an outdoor home garden.

Which products have you used?


Hey Coots,

I've used their Fulmax, Humax, Aquapower, and Natural Wet which contains saponins from the lovely yucca plant. I mainly use them when I brew with some Alfalfa, Nettles, Compost, EWC, and Molasses. No guano for me.

I haven't had a problem sourcing the product out in Cali, but in the Midwest it has proven to be a more difficult task.....and I don't really need need them as there are always substitutes, but I do really like the results I get from J.H. I also use a product called Pure Protein Dry and CA25 for my outdoors.....I've never used them indoors before, but I'm attempting to change up the room and run it full on recycled soil, so I may be pestering you folks in this fine thread a little bit......even though all the information is just sitting here waiting to be digested.

What do you use for your fungicide and pest controls, I know OR has a plethora of PM and Mites. Neem Oil, Spinosad, Agsil 16, and Aloe Vera seem to be the four that I hear the most from organic growers?
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