CT GUYHave you tried knotweed honey? We got some from our hives this year. It's the same color as molasses and really rich. It's a prized commodity amongst bee keepers. Funny, considering it's an invasive weed in our parts that we are constantly trying to eradicate.
Thanks for your post!! You saved me a trip to Portland Nursery. Their 'genius bar' provides pretty solid information (overall) for home gardeners and plant identification is one of the services they provide. I now know what that plant on the side of the house is. I have to bring in the 'weed eating goats' again from the same company I used a couple of years ago for blackberry plants and I wanted to tell them about this 'other' invasive plant - so when I looked it up online I found the pictures and that's the one!
On beekeeping, are you familiar with Ruhl Bee Supply in Clackamas? They've been in business for 114 years and their store is pretty amazing with the variety of tools and equipment that they offer for beekeeping. Really nice folks - they're located off of I-205 and the Estacada exit (Oregon Route 224) near the Fred Meyer Warehouse complex.
You'd probably find it an interesting place to check out. I'm going to take one of their classes 'just because' - sounds like an interesting and fun subject to investigate.