Thanks Micro - I understand the cooking = composting misnomer - however I'm looking to re-use soil in containers growing indoors... I have read some about no-till but I don't understand how it could be used when growing in 3-5gallon containers (I don't see how you could successfully re-pot into a container of this size without removing a significant part of the rootball / trunk to make room for incoming plants...
People also use the term "composting/cooking" when preparing your first batch of living soil anyway - so I'm still seeking info on best practices in this process on ventilation / climate with my limited space options (either sun-exposed balcony or inside)...
Well you mentioned temperature in your first post.
What I did 30 years ago when I recycled my soil is to dump it into a wheelbarrow, pull the rootball, break up the roots, hydrate, add vermicompost, kelpmeal, rock powders, put back in the pots, replant and topdress with stuff like alfalfa meal. That is before I switched to no-till.
For some unknown reason to me some mix 'hot' nutrients into the mix and then compost it for a term before placing in containers.
Sun exposure does not assist composting,
Living soil has nothing to do with ingredients. It is soil which is left undisturbed long enough, with plant growth to come to life.