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Livers aka UK Blues.


Well-known member
Bro are you for real??

Its impossible to mix any of them up unless your a complete waster or your out for self gain...

I could blind tatse test the sheff blues and exodus .. my strawberry banana cut is very similar to the sheff blues i always say its sheff blues turned down to an 8 but even then its impossile to mix these cuts .. ive smoke alot if cheese and grew as many and i remeber everyone of them..

Every single plant ive grown has had her own personality and unique difference if you cant tell you shouldnt be mixing in the scene imho

Lvl your at i suppose..

The same clone growing under different conditions can exhibit quite different traits. So come down off the high horse. :shooty:


Active member
Pal you have just explained that it cant be done... ..

For 2 reasons #1 the exodus wont produce fertile pollen and #2 im convinced the sheff blues cut is the same....

So in theory its not exodus x blues its maybe a rework of blues and then selected male crossed to the exodus....

so have i really got what your telling me exodus x blues or do i have something different?

See what im saying

No one is trying to miss lead anyone here. Have you grown the seeds? It was mentioned in this thread there are 2 cuts, there isnt, but the fact that people think there is demonstrates that very similar plants can be found.


No one is trying to miss lead anyone here. Have you grown the seeds? It was mentioned in this thread there are 2 cuts, there isnt, but the fact that people think there is demonstrates that very similar plants can be found.

Not really pal ..

That statement dont mean shit because we already established the original cuts had been outcrossed or re-worked in ugorgs offerings are not even what they state they are...

If it was blues x exodus 1 of the plants would have to produce viable pollen.... see where im at..

The same clone growing under different conditions can exhibit quite different traits. So come down off the high horse. :shooty:

Id have to disagree on that purely on the basis that...

ive had hydroponic grown core-cut on the table next to coco grown and if anything the smell was a little louder on the hydro but you could easily tell they were the same flower....

Again its the terp profile ... it nevers lies...


Well-known member
Terpenes can change due to the level of nutrients for 1.

That's cool that you believe that you are capable of that. It also means that I won't believe what you are saying in regards to the plants. Lol. So be it. You don't care what I think anyway.

Have fun. :bandit:


Well-known member
The clone that is passed around online in this thread is the livers. This clone everyone is running was spread out via hemperor, who i think sourced his cut offline.

The cut hemperor passed out is the same as what VRG from UGORG and Elevator man used to hold, although it didnt come directly from them.

If you havent already, read this thread, hemperor grows out a few different cuts including the Livers.


Heres the backstory on the 'barnsley blues' cut that he grew out in that thread.

Hi all this is a superb thread and although I don’t often add anything to it I do love catching up on it. This is the best thread atm on the cheese topic and seems to be moving to encompass other Uk heirloom skunk cuts.
So here’s some info on the subject of blues. I spent ten years living in Manchester from 98- 2008 and in the 2000’s use to get a lot of blues from the longsight crew. They sourced it from Barnsley not to far from Sheffield. I always asked about this cut as I loved it above all other. These lads weren’t growers though they just slung weight and not into procuring cuts.
In 2011 I starting growing in earnest before this time I was doing intermittent runs of up to ten plants. But form 2011 doing runs back to back for the previously mentioned. I asked about this cut and they gave me a number and the name Rob.
I ran the number up and spoke to Rob. I was a bag of nerves I can tell you. I explained I’d been smoking this herb for years and was it possible to get a cut. He said sure and a week or so met up in Barnsley. To this date the blues cut has been the only cut I have bought, cost me a tenner and got five for backups. I chatted with this fella for sometime and he told me this cut was at leased 15years old and run by his grandfather, father and himself. This was the only cut they grew. I asked if they sourced it online and he said no. They used to do runs of up to 40 boxes at a time.
Anyhow maybe a year or so later down the road. I met hemperor online here and we passed each other a few cuts. One of which was the blues I had and he did a diary I think it was on firestax with dif blues/ livers cuts. My cut he called the Barnsley blues. He also had another cut and I think it was the livers.
The blues and livers are different imho the barnsley cut was a lot more uppy in effect compared with the other cut which was more sedative in its feel. I over a few years I sent Hemp a lot of cuts the my blues which he was passing out to peeps all over.
Now though I would not touch Hemp with a bargepole. For reasons I won’t go into here. There is a reason why he’s been banned from every forum on the net open and private .


Well-known member
Here is pics of the Livers that I grew out, pics are at 8 weeks and admittedly arent the best example.



Well-known member
It appears there was a name change at some point, as VRG originally posted the his pics as blues.

It also appears that before UGORG released there seedline there were other cuts going around with the blues name. I had never encountered the name Livers offline, only since reading online did the name first pop up. Even if you search on that other uk site from the early posts no one refers to her at livers. I would be curious to find at what point the name / tag changed / got attached. Could it be around the time the ugorg line came out to differentiate? If anyone knows i would love to hear.

Everyone and i mean near enough everyone offline just refereed to it as blues. People I knew used to get it from sheffield, they lost the link and got a new one in rotherham. The stuff i used to get from sheffield was slightly different to the one from rotherham however it would still fall under the 'blues' category. However the stuff that came from rotherham is the exact same as the livers cut.

@skotty im a huge fan of the blues / livers. If your cut is as good as you say she is then you should side by side her with the Livers clone. Does your cut look like any of the others that hemperor grew out? Problem is ugorg started releasing their seeds in around 2009 or so, so if you got your cut offline, unless you got her before then, theres no saying for definate, if shes one of the cuts that used to go around before their seed release. Get what im saying?

With regards UGORG and their UGORG #1 and Blues line, as coxnox said VRG took the blues / livers clone, Im assuming the same clone pictured above, as he posted pics of her here in 2005, and crossed her to a blueberry male which he released as smellyberry. He then went on to take a smelly berry male and cross her back to the blues which creates killer skunk or blues bx1. He then took the killer skunk and crossed it back to the blues to create a blues bx2.

So just to clarify

Blues/Livers x Blueberry = smelly berry

Blues x Smelly berry = Killer skunk / (Blues/Livers bx1)

Blues x killer skunk = (Blues / Livers BX2)

Im not sure how many times the blues got back crossed, although he released everything above in seed form, they also did blues / livers ibl which was further backcrossed, im not to sure.

So just to clarify the sees he released as blues have been bx'd quite a few times. Im pretty sure they took it further than bx2, you will have to check on the other forum.

He then took the blues bx line sold under the name blues, and crossed it to the Exodus cheese to create UGORG #1. Just to clarify all the seeds are regs, not fems.

His line is probably one of the more worked seed lines that has came out of the UK to my knowledge, and you cant fault the price as they are quite reasonable for the work put in to them. Granted they are not the clone only, but a heavily worked bx, you will still find plants with a good resemblance and characteristics of the blues/livers, mainly being taste and smell!

To anyone not from the UK reading this, if you are interested in growing out these genetics and want to grow some stinkers I would start here. IMO most accurate representation you will find in seed form. Forget big buddah, if I ever lost my cuts and couldnt get any back UGORG would be the first and only stop to pheno hunt a replacement.


One thing that make the livers cut stand apart from all the others is the high... noway anyone who smoked either one cheese or livers could not mix them up.... back around early 2000s I got cuts of livers phycosis few cheeses and blues... the blues and livers were very similar having a great high but the livers was still better...I was under the impression blues was an s1 or a cross of livers as it got bigger nugs and didn't have the lasting strength to the high livers had but still positive smoke n could easily mixed up... to this day the livers is one of my all time favorite things to smoke on... once the seed was made it only got worse cuz many different cuts started using the blues name and livers got tossed in that mess... anyway back to the point I think there WERE 2 different cut livers n blues now only way to tell if u got the real livers is the super positive high that lasts for hrs and a lot of the cuts ppl call blues lack the lasting quality ...


Well-known member
To anyone not from the UK reading this, if you are interested in growing out these genetics and want to grow some stinkers I would start here. IMO most accurate representation you will find in seed form. Forget big buddah, if I ever lost my cuts and couldnt get any back UGORG would be the first and only stop to pheno hunt a replacement.

The only problem is, it is sold out everywhere...


Active member
When i grew it in 2000 it was only ever called livers in Sheffield. The story went that it was found by mr livers but probably just a bs story. It was when it started been given out freely through the niche nightclub that the name blues first came about. This is also when it got spread around the UK, the bud and cuts were sold from where ever the after party was. This was before all the charlie and stabbings changed the culture almost over night.

Happy Times

Well-known member
With regards UGORG and their UGORG #1 and Blues line, as coxnox said VRG took the blues / livers clone, Im assuming the same clone pictured above, as he posted pics of her here in 2005, and crossed her to a blueberry male which he released as smellyberry. He then went on to take a smelly berry male and cross her back to the blues which creates killer skunk or blues bx1. He then took the killer skunk and crossed it back to the blues to create a blues bx2.

So just to clarify

Blues/Livers x Blueberry = smelly berry

Blues x Smelly berry = Killer skunk / (Blues/Livers bx1)

Blues x killer skunk = (Blues / Livers BX2)

Im not sure how many times the blues got back crossed, although he released everything above in seed form, they also did blues / livers ibl which was further backcrossed, im not to sure.

So just to clarify the sees he released as blues have been bx'd quite a few times. Im pretty sure they took it further than bx2, you will have to check on the other forum.

He then took the blues bx line sold under the name blues, and crossed it to the Exodus cheese to create UGORG #1. Just to clarify all the seeds are regs, not fems.

Thanks for spelling out that lineage! For what it’s worth on the Tude’ Underground Originals Blues says it’s Blues X KillerSkunk, which would seem to indicate BX2. Might be an old description though


Looking at the pics of the livers i can safely say that isnt my cut...

The amount of frost/resin on her leaves is a give away to me...

There are definatly 2 cuts

The livers
Sheffield blues

Im guessing the livers is the weaker 1 and thats the shit batch we used to get alongside this sheff blues cut..

The terps on my cut are just un-deniable... never came close to anything with her depth and complexity...

My sheff blues cut will make your mouth explode with her terp profile and it last ages after you smoked a zoot...

You know the cut because nobody ever forgets her once she has graced you with her pressence... you know the 1