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List all cannabis myths


Active member
Hellow fellow ICMAGERs,

I don't know if this has already been done but I was thinking of listing all cannabis myths and hopefully someone can tag this so new growers don't have to go through the same mistakes thinking these will change anything. Of course I will be missing a couple of them but this is when you chime in :dance013:

1-hanging plants upside down when drying so all THC goes to the buds
2-X hours (usually 24-28) of darkness before flowering to kick start bud formation (it will only stretch the plants)
3-let tap water sit for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate
4-H2O2 kills root rot
5-more nutrients is better
6-25% increased yield with digital ballasts (no more than 5% in my experience)
7-plants need a ph swing from 5.5 to 6.2 in hydro to get all available nutrients
8-giving one shot of pure RO water to plants grown in coco will fry them.
9-Plants can use up to 1500ppm of CO2 (after 1100 its a waste)
10-pinch plant stem to make it bigger so more nutrient flows through the plant increasing yield
11-taking clones from clones will eventually degrade the genetic
12-aeroponic trees are impossible to do
13-feeding you plants with a flavored liquid and expecting it to taste like it

I am sure I am missing quite a few so I will let you guys finish the list :tiphat:
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Here's a myth: This thread needs to be in the 'Advanced' Forum. Wrong.

Here's another myth: Consuming Cannabis means you're a really clever/smart/ sharp/ cunning/far sighted/on top of it all person who has it all over beer drinkers.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
11. The correct info for this one is 5.4'ish to 6.2'ish *In the Root Zone.* Mass numbers of growers confuse this with the nutrient solution pH and run across all kinds of issues.

When your pH swing is full and regular, you can use a MUCH lower strength of nutrient solution while experiencing healthier plants. I'd say the pH swing makes a huge difference personally. ;)

13. *MOST* growers alter the flavors of their cannabis by using too much nutrient/amendment than is necessary. First place goes to excessive use of guanos and molasses, because they have a definitely negative impact on flavor when overused. Can you get "Banana" cannabis with banana flavored solutions? Not really, but you can make your cannabis taste 'non-cannabis' rather easily.

Here are a few:
Cannabis will grow new trichomes at harvest time with only 24hrs of darkness.
Cannabis grows trichomes to capture pollen to make seeds. (Pollen attached to trichomes will not pollinate anything! Trichomes to catch pollen for seeds? smfh)
Really potent cannabis always puts you to sleep.

I have a ton of these, but don't remember where I put the list. :)


Active member
Ok, the molasse and guano comment you made just blew it.Get out of here Curtis lol. Everywhere I go you get bashed for spreading wrong information so I will disregard this post of yours because as you previously mentionned, your wife once said, It's pointless to argue with you.


Let's clear up some of your myths, because spreading opinions as fact does nobody any good.... my statements here are my opinions, based on as much fact as i am able to deduce

Hellow fellow ICMAGERs,

I don't know if this has already been done but I was thinking of listing all cannabis myths and hopefully someone can tag this so new growers don't have to go through the same mistakes thinking these will change anything. Of course I will be missing a couple of them but this is when you chime in :dance013:

1-hanging plants upside down when drying so all THC goes to the buds
2-X hours (usually 24-28) of darkness before flowering to kick start bud formation (it will only stretch the plants)
not all plants will stretch from that, and yes, some will flower faster from doing so
3-let tap water sit for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate
yes, it reduces it, especially if the water is bubbled or agitated
4-H2O2 kills root rot
yes to some degree, but probably not enough 'after' a problem is noticed. Use as a prophylactic
5-more nutrients is better
6-25% increased yield with digital ballasts (no more than 5% in my experience)
all else being equal, zero % increase
7-plants need a ph swing from 5.5 to 6.2 in hydro to get all available nutrients
8-giving one shot of pure RO water to plants grown in coco will fry them.
9-Plants can use up to 1500ppm of CO2 (after 1100 its a waste)
1100 max not true.
Best use of Co2 is only in flower, if plants are vegged in a Co2 rich environment they reduce the number of stomata on the leaf in an effort to maintain stasis (wrong word, i'm high :biggrin:) with their environment (they reduce stomata due to increased Co2), if they are grown in a standard Co2 environment they maintain their high level of stomata, then when flowered in a Co2 rich environment it can 'supercharge' a plant's ability to turn over cell production due to high number of stomata uptaking enriched Co2

10-pinch plant stem to make it bigger so more nutrient flows through the plant increasing yield
11-taking clones from clones will eventually degrade the genetic
yes, eventually this will happen, in any living organism, humans have not yet discovered the key to life
12-aeroponic trees are impossible to do
13-feeding you plants with a flavored liquid and expecting it to taste like it

I am sure I am missing quite a few so I will let you guys finish the list :tiphat:
i like this thread idea, discussions are iniated, what's that saying?
Great minds talk of ideas, average minds events, and small minds people, the smallest about themselves
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That in recreational marijuana there are specific phenotypes or strains that are indica, and there for contain higher CBD levels, that give you a couch lock and than sativa, that contain lower levels of CBD, and there for give you a speedy head high.

In reality, there are three genetic groups of marijuana THC dominant, CBD dominant, and terpene dominant. When your bud tender is telling you how your durban poison is different from your northern lights cause northern lights is indica and durban is sativa, in reality they're faily identical genetically.


Myth : Terpenes and thc-cbd ratios are what makes weed strains special.

Truth: Terpenes don't do anything but cause negative respitory effects and headaches. And help ecigs be sold to NPCs. Cannabinoids dont do much at all by theirself or with terpenes ,can't believe anyone would waste their time to grow thc, put terpenes on it and call it weed. Thc must turn antagonist, because high thc weed sucks and isolated are like not getting high at all.

Whatever it is that can change a diseased old diseased man's fecal-smelling urine into a mango pine tree juice smell, whatever can make his poop smell like the herb he vaped yesterday, whatever pushes shrapnel out of the body overnight that's been there for years, whatever gets you higher than smoking 99% thc dabs, whatever gives you cotton mouth, whatever expands your lungs and activates hidden taste buds in your stomach and tears your mouth up with sourness, makes you feel like you're full of cake icing, and makes stem chewing a compulsion, that's what makes weed special,and it ain't terpenes. Whatever it is, its whats missing from all dispensary weed. They can spray that chemical hay with mango terpenes all day it ain't gonna work. Every bud I've ever grown has had it, every organic bud Ive bought illegally has had it and the more it has the faster it sells (in the black market). Yet it does not exist in legal weed. I call it "the sugar" yet it ranges from spicy country gravey to sour candy, it's the fundamental flavor of the strain that exists in crops grown at 95° with 10%rh and dried in 4 days after being pulled 5 weeks early. Yet it does not exist in legal/hydro weed, and no one knows what it is.

Myth: Most pot smokers are weirdos, out of the box thinkers.

Truth: Nope turns out most potheads are full of shit NPC placebo people just like any other demographic. They believe the government and marketing agencies who say weed is pine sap and thc, nothing more. They get sleepy off CBD because big pharma says its relaxing, even though it feels like caffeine on blind studies.

Myth: Cannabis forum owners/moderators are upstanding people

Truth: Bunch of narcs, fentanyl dealers and power tripping weirdos who beat off to secretly recorded conversations.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Myth - Just spray neem oil on everything and youll have no issues lol


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Myth : Terpenes and thc-cbd ratios are what makes weed strains special.

Truth: Terpenes don't do anything but cause negative respitory effects and headaches. And help ecigs be sold to NPCs. Cannabinoids dont do much at all by theirself or with terpenes ,can't believe anyone would waste their time to grow thc, put terpenes on it and call it weed. Thc must turn antagonist, because high thc weed sucks and isolated are like not getting high at all.
Wow, you have an amazing experience ahead of you when you finally experience well grown, non-polluted cannabis. You are 1000% wrong about terpenes, but then most cannabis is grown in such a way it produces so little terpenes to begin with (even less with 20%+ THC strains).
Whatever it is that can change a diseased old diseased man's fecal-smelling urine into a mango pine tree juice smell, whatever can make his poop smell like the herb he vaped yesterday, whatever pushes shrapnel out of the body overnight that's been there for years, whatever gets you higher than smoking 99% thc dabs, whatever gives you cotton mouth, whatever expands your lungs and activates hidden taste buds in your stomach and tears your mouth up with sourness, makes you feel like you're full of cake icing, and makes stem chewing a compulsion, that's what makes weed special,and it ain't terpenes. Whatever it is, its whats missing from all dispensary weed.
Again, it's called terpenes. Cannabinoids have a rather 'flat' effect without terpenes. This flat effect is present in nearly every commercially produced edible on the market. Why? The terpenes have been cooked off.

Myth: Most pot smokers are weirdos, out of the box thinkers.

Truth: Nope turns out most potheads are full of shit NPC placebo people just like any other demographic. They believe the government and marketing agencies who say weed is pine sap and thc, nothing more. They get sleepy off CBD because big pharma says its relaxing, even though it feels like caffeine on blind studies.
Wow. SMFH Not even going to touch this one.

Myth: Cannabis forum owners/moderators are upstanding people

Truth: Bunch of narcs, fentanyl dealers and power tripping weirdos who beat off to secretly recorded conversations.
Or this one.


Well-known member
lol Teddybrae, not really where I was heading with this myth stuff but you are getting there :p

Myth: Thread creators on ICmag have control over where their threads go :)

Wish it was true, but this one is starting to look like a Haze history thread mate

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Hellow fellow ICMAGERs,

I don't know if this has already been done but I was thinking of listing all cannabis myths and hopefully someone can tag this so new growers don't have to go through the same mistakes thinking these will change anything. Of course I will be missing a couple of them but this is when you chime in :dance013:

1-hanging plants upside down when drying so all THC goes to the buds
2-X hours (usually 24-28) of darkness before flowering to kick start bud formation (it will only stretch the plants)
3-let tap water sit for 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate
4-H2O2 kills root rot
5-more nutrients is better
6-25% increased yield with digital ballasts (no more than 5% in my experience)
7-plants need a ph swing from 5.5 to 6.2 in hydro to get all available nutrients
8-giving one shot of pure RO water to plants grown in coco will fry them.
9-Plants can use up to 1500ppm of CO2 (after 1100 its a waste)
10-pinch plant stem to make it bigger so more nutrient flows through the plant increasing yield
11-taking clones from clones will eventually degrade the genetic
12-aeroponic trees are impossible to do
13-feeding you plants with a flavored liquid and expecting it to taste like it

I am sure I am missing quite a few so I will let you guys finish the list :tiphat:

Cool idea for a thread, but seeing as this is the Advanced Growing Sciences part of the site, would you be able to present some references or studies backing up your ideas?


Active member
I know it doesn't sound like much Brother Nature but take it from someone who read,grew, and experieced it for himself with passion for 2 decades now. So either trust me or don't but been there, done that. Wanna waste your time, then try it so i can tell you, told you so. I've heard so many myths/theories/beliefs over the years, some were rediculous but others were believeble. Thats why I had to try some of them. Come on, I'm sure someone can think of something similar they heard. I once heard that pot grown in higher altitudes have a higher % of THC but I did not post it here because obviously I did not test this one but it is believable.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
You aren't getting what I (and others) are saying. This is an advanced sub-forum, the rules of this forum are to cite and quote your assertions so they are backed up with evidence. Just because you think you know something based on anecdotal experience doesn't make it true or untrue. Using the scientific theory to test and prove or disprove your assertions is what this sub forum is about. I'm not trying to be a dick here either, just trying to point you in the right direction.

There is a whole Cannabis bibliography section that has legitimate studies on nearly all of your above listed myths:


I'd also suggest looking at the Recent Interesting findings thread as well, it also contains a lot of research and studies on the same myths:


If you're going to come on a site like IC mag and be a know-it-all you're gonna have to bring your A game mate. This site has some of the most well respected members of the worldwide cannabis community sharing their lives work for free with us all and no matter anyone's level of love and experience with this plant, no one is truly an expert until they are no longer with us as we all have the ability to learn more, until we don't.