So who is the hater that is giving neg ratings? Probly the same guy that got a bunch of my friends banned. Thats right!!!
Go Hawks
There def some haters that are coming in our threads. I bet they have an account elsewhere also.Thats not cool.
OK, so after freakin out for a few days, ive come to the conclusion the fuzzy fungus on the soil is strictly from the neem cake breaking down after the top dress. found this little Gem of info..
Qn: I applied neem cake to the soil and there is a white furry fungus growing on the neem cake. Will this harm my plants?
Ans: The white furry fungus is a result of the natural process of the neem cake breaking down. The metabolites produced during this process contribute to the pest control properties of the neem cake. The fungus does not harm living tissue of plants. If it is unsightly, this can be avoided by mixing the neem cake into the soil when applying.