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Light deprivation and the usual stuff in Cornwall


ICMag Donor
Have always grown a few plants outside offsite but due to mould hardly ever finished , but some good hash along the way.

Light deprivation was not an option where i used to live , too many neighbours too close , but can now make use of it without concern.

Slightly more good sunlight hours in Cornwall but the autumn mists are as bad and assorted moulds are rampant from september , nothing finished well outside under natural hours.

Thirty plants mostly from seed this year in pots from 10litre to 30litre , staggered start and the first are finishing soon and looking pretty good so far given poor weather earlier.

Moveing this lot in and out of the garage has been a bit of an effort but i need the exercise.


Well-known member
Hi foomar,

what varieties are you cultivating in your garden? Have you tried some tropical/sativa/haze varieties?
Cornwall is famous for its garden culture and as far as i know the cornwall people are able to grow more tropical plants than in the rest of the UK, because of the atlantic stream or something. Am i right?
I noticed somen haze/tropical varieties are insanely mold resistant.
Don't the UK have problems with wild Rhododendron populations? Maybe you can try somen himalayan varieties.
You know Butan has the happiest people on earth, maybe you try out their weed 😁
I would like to know your opinion on that.


ICMag Donor
Most are mainly sativa and the looser the buds the better they fare against moulds late season , not tried anything long and hazey yet.
Clones of ones that did best last year and some bagseed from 2000 - 2005 for the interest from the best bud Birmingham could offer which look like C99x so far but could be anything.

G13-Diesel from Head and Cherrychunk from fjallhoga are the clones this year , both 15+ years old and still good , both show some mould resistance but not enougth.

Much warmer here than the midlands , not had a frost for years and many plants survive overwinter , geraniums like small trees.
But spring and september on are very damp and sea misty and tomatos and weed suffer mould.

Two more weeks and i can stop moveing them in and out of the garage , underestimated the effort involved and must admit am getting too old for this , plan to build a large leanto greenhouse with moveable blackout shadeing roller blinds for next season.



ICMag Donor
First bit of budrot took half the top colas on several but seem to have caught it in time , no insects of any kind when its normally huge aphids and spidermites by now.
Clones running slower than indoors but not had much really good weather , many overcast days when you cant see the sun but forecast is good.

Some of the Blackberry crosses starting to colour up , this one usually end up near black regardless of temps.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
If you spray them with trichoderma it will eat pathogens for around 3 weeks, you obviously want to do this on a windy day so they dry out quickly


ICMag Donor
With about a month left for most to finish do you feel trichoderma would help?.
Have loosened the buds as much as i dare to bend them , spot treating any PM found with peroxide and a small brush has been effective but tedious.

Thye reveged plants are untouched by PM as are the ones that have been outside all the time and not light depped and subjected to heavy rain.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
You could try it on one plant and see the results

Potassium Silicate in the soil should reduce the chances of PM


ICMag Donor
Getting good buds outdoors here is a mouldy lottery most years , only way to finish properly is to be done by late september or risk moveing them indoors or greenhouse,
Forecast for the next few weeks is good so most will get their chance to shine.

Some will have travelled miles by then , good exercise for me but confuses the hell out of the cat.


ICMag Donor
Weather worse than forecast , no visible sun for days on end but most finished yielding something worthwhile , will be around 30 ounce for no real cost.

Which is pathetic from thirty plants but few large colas survived , 40 odd litres of frozen trim to deal with yet should give a decent amount of hash which helps.

Bud would win no prizes for looks but smokes really well fresh , looser buds of lower potency than same clones indoor , flavour in the jar develops well and last years is perfect.
Tried Trichoderma and it seemed to stop the PM fast but not so much the budrot , will start from veg next year and it should help.

Stragglers are looking a bit rough and dropping yellowed leaves fast , plenty of trichs but will need a few weeks yet.

Two that are flowering under natural hours will take till end october and are unlikely to finish , but if we have a spell of bright weather and no mould the yield could be impressive.


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ICMag Donor
fjallhogaWhats left could all be harvested now and be smokeable so every day from now is a bonus , forecast looks good for a week or more , could be the best outdoor for years.

Worrying lack of insects , not sprayed for any bugs this year , no aphids mites or anything visible to the eye and had to hand fertilise to get fruit on anything.
But it has been a worse year for moulds and blites on toms and spuds and lost a lot of soft fruit.

This is a Cherrychunk (fjallhoga) that stood the test of time and is a solid performer and takes abuse.
Revegged from last year with zero training , not a bad shape.
This was not sprayed with anything for mould and is untouched , clones from this plant were covered in PM. .

When i see white its usually PM but these are trichs for once.



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ICMag Donor
Dont know where they came from and nothing seems to have been munched , at least 100 huge four inch elephant trunk hawk moth catterpillers all over me fuschias and a few running around on me weed , these things are fast.
Relocated them to next doors over the fence , just to be safe.



ICMag Donor
The trichoprotect has definately helped and stopped any further PM on everything affected in the garden.

Budrot was much reduced and the few areas found are pea sized and have not spread.

The unsprayed controls have rotted away to a stump , the one sprayed with Bordeaux(copper) looks fine but may be a bit tangy as sprayed far too late in flower.

You need to cover every surface with spray , any bud missed will mould and needs reaplying after every serious rain , vegging plants have been treated from clone and hope this will help control PM inside this winter.


ICMag Donor
Three clear bright days have reinvigorated the last few , going on mould patrol every day but seem clean.
They can stand a near frost but once they hit the dew point overnight its game over usually and am reluctant to bring them indoors and comromise a clean room.

Might risk it for these or dangle something in the garage , got the timeing a mile out here.

The best pot size looks to be around 20 litres , not enougth direct sunlight to make the most of a larger rootrun , at 20 litres i can move one in each hand and take them for a walk and chase the sun.
Running plants untopped from seed is great fun but awkward when they get 8 feet tall , best performers were revegged with multiple stems and smaller colas.