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Lessons in odor control



+1 for self reliance
In FL we now need a fishing license just to fish off fixed land. Used to be required for boaters only. So essentially you CANNOT go off the grid depending on where you live. sucks.


Active member
I got the 10 question form today in the mail. The questions are basic and it will get sent off to avoid hassle.



just fill out the form, and answer the questions. Compliance raises fewer questions than avoidance and paranoid speculation. If you're unwilling to submit to something as benign as answering the census, of course somebody would become suspicious. If the census taker is an ex-cop, then he's not going to move on to the next house until he figures out what your deal is. Remember, a lot of times they're not suspicious of grow-ops. Most of these country ass cops are automatically thinking "meth lab" when they deal with suspicious characters in suspicious houses.

I've you've got a big show in your house, there are some basic security measures that would make all of this a non issue:

- Odor Control. Duh.

- No grow lights should be visible from outside, or through an open exterior door. This means if you open the front or back door, anybody standing near them wouldn't know what was going on inside.

- Keep the areas near the front and back doors clear of anything grow related. Set them up to look like a normal house. Anybody who grows right in the front room of their house is greedy and deserves to get busted. This room should be set aside as a much needed buffer space in case you NEED to answer the door. As much as you'd like to think you will never open that door, you can never rule out the possibility. Avoid smoking in this room too.

- Be a good citizen. Mow your lawn and trim your hedges. Bring a casserole to the next block party.

Odor and visible light may have played a part in what got this guy busted, but so did running back into the house and locking the door. I bet if he just said "Oh hey, what's up" when he saw the guy, and answered his questions, it may have been the end of the story. I don't trust the government any more than any other paranoid long time pot smoker in this thread, but sometimes you just have to suck it up. Principle won't get you very far in prison, because you can't trade it for cigarettes.


I just don't think compliance is the issue. I am self employed and every year I get a "bill" for just a few more dollars. It's like if we say you owe another $800 you might fight that, so we'll just say you owe another $65. Is it easier for me to pay the 65 and then be done with it? Hell yes, but the problem is it goes on and on because compliance is the issue. I for one am tired of being compliant to a corrupt gov't that is only trying to take more from me than I can even humanly give anymore. If we are all compliant the Gov't will just keep on taking and taking and taking because the people are so compliant. Well fuck that! The original census call in the constitution was intended to count the people so that the proper number of state reps could be sent to congress. That is all. The first congress was basically told send x amount of people from each state and we'll do the best we can. Then hereafter we will get a count every ten years and change the numbers according. I will for one be putting on my census for that I am not white, black, indian or Asian. I am an American. And I plan to write it in big bold block letters just so they don't misunderstand my point. And as to the rest of the questions I will be writing in that it is none of their fucking business how much I make or how much my electric bill was last month, or how much fucking toilet paper I use to wipe my pretty little ass when I shit!


I love my life
I just don't think compliance is the issue. I am self employed and every year I get a "bill" for just a few more dollars. It's like if we say you owe another $800 you might fight that, so we'll just say you owe another $65. Is it easier for me to pay the 65 and then be done with it? Hell yes, but the problem is it goes on and on because compliance is the issue. I for one am tired of being compliant to a corrupt gov't that is only trying to take more from me than I can even humanly give anymore. If we are all compliant the Gov't will just keep on taking and taking and taking because the people are so compliant. Well fuck that! The original census call in the constitution was intended to count the people so that the proper number of state reps could be sent to congress. That is all. The first congress was basically told send x amount of people from each state and we'll do the best we can. Then hereafter we will get a count every ten years and change the numbers according. I will for one be putting on my census for that I am not white, black, indian or Asian. I am an American. And I plan to write it in big bold block letters just so they don't misunderstand my point. And as to the rest of the questions I will be writing in that it is none of their fucking business how much I make or how much my electric bill was last month, or how much fucking toilet paper I use to wipe my pretty little ass when I shit!

:yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats

In addition to the number of reps the states had to pay their prorata share of MINIMAL federal operating expenses. Also back in the day you were 3/5ths a human if you were black. If you were indian you didn't count (LITERALLY because you were not part of the nation, you were just cows fatting up before the US Gvt slaughtered you). If you were Asian you were not here yet, wait for the railroad ;)

Off track is the US Gvt. If they can't stay straight, how can a thread that discusses their antics?

Peace, :joint:


I'm going to reserve my fury over American political failures for something a little more substantive than the census. As for the bust itself, if the guy had taken basic security precautions, there would have been no story.

Keep your mouth shut, your lights sealed, your filters running, your numbers low, and your paperwork in order.


Now in technicolor
Schools suck because Americans are as dumb as a sack of hammers for the most part and they have been trained like sheep to believe the government.

It's not that Americans are idiots, but rather that an idiot can make it in the US. In other countries, one needs to be exceptional to earn a living with a quality of life identical to what we have in the States.

Things are progressing naturally. Marketers learn new ways to target you better (notice how commercials are getting really good?), business men learn new ways to sell, and government bodies learn new ways to profit, both economically and politically. It's a Tragedy of the Commons. Smart people are getting smarter, and will continue to do so. It's evolutionary.

I'm not saying we shouldn't fight back, but that in general, people have always been sheep. We're intelligent beings, but at the core remain exploitable biological systems.

While I respect your opinion (and agree with some parts of it), I..

Fucking Super lemon haze! Too cerebral for me to hold a long discussion on one topic, so let's resume this another time. :greenstars:


full time daddy
im glad the USPS lost my mail for once.......

everyone should send in a pre letter to let them know that we will be sending it in, waste some of there time & are cash... fuck'em


New member
What's all the fuss? The census was a reality when Jesus was born. It does many good things, like it or not. It decides who represents you in congress. It controls how fed money is distributed for education, for roads, for emergency services, for disaster readiness. It is used to decide if your local school has enough children or if that school is to be closed and consolidated with another school.

The census is a normal function of any government, and it provides that government the data it must have if it is to serve the needs of the people. That's as true today as it was 2000 years ago.

You have the truly great privilege of living in this great country. If you can't appreciate the fact that you are truly fortunate you really do have a problem, and it is your problem. I've lived in Mexico and China, and I've visited other countries. Your freedoms and priviliges you so blithely take for granted is precious and has been preserved FOR YOU by the blood of your fellow Americans. That IS why everybody wants to live here. IT IS BETTER HERE. Surely the least you can do is tell the census people how many people live at your address.

If they ask about demographics like race, can't you figure it out for yourself that the government must provide services to people who don't speak English? Ever heard of the ESL program? That is a free service made available to foreign language speakers to teach them English as a Second Language so they can function in our society. And no less important is the fact that the people who TEACH ESL are the elderly OF YOUR COMMUNITY who really need that income -just like you will if you live so long!

There are many benefits to you, your own community, and the nation we supposedly love that come directly from the census... You do NOT have to love your government to love your country, and you have the constitutional right to replace the current government if it fails to serve you. Instead of running your mouth about how BAD the current government really is, why don't you start convincing people where you live NOT TO VOTE FOR THOSE JERKS? Running your moutn about it is free. And it is worth every penny it costs. Nothing. Now stop wasting your time griping and go DO something to change the government!

Hey, the IRS was a World War II emergency funding measure that ceased at the declaration the war was over. Did you know that? Go check. It is true. Isn't interesting that World War II has NEVER been declared over?

Hey, the census is not a problem. THE IRS IS! There are LOTS of problems we could choose to deal with. Griping about a normal function of all governments for all of history is not smart.


... I for one am tired of being compliant to a corrupt gov't that is only trying to take more from me than I can even humanly give anymore. If we are all compliant the Gov't will just keep on taking and taking and taking because the people are so compliant. Well fuck that! ...

That wasn't my point. My point isn't about arguing right or wrong. It's about surviving in a system (that is wrong, I will give you that) while breaking the law, like these growers who got busted. I don't know if you're among the ranks of growers here or not, but the best way to get caught is to buck the system. The squeaky wheel gets the grease just like the smelly and bright grow house gets the bust. Just by growing I've already chosen to subvert the system in my own way. That doesn't mean I need to take the risk of sticking it to the man in other ways. Then what would all the heads do when my weed isn't around to make them question authority? (probably go to somebody else) ;)

Census? Yes, I'll fill that out.

Taxes? Sure, I'll pay those.

The more I act like a model citizen, the less attention it draws to the rest of my life. Remember, the feds took down Al Capone on some tax evasion bullshit. It wasn't his countless murders, extortion, or booze running that got him in trouble.

I'm going to reserve my fury over American political failures for something a little more substantive than the census. As for the bust itself, if the guy had taken basic security precautions, there would have been no story.

Keep your mouth shut, your lights sealed, your filters running, your numbers low, and your paperwork in order.


exactly. Choose your battles. Preferably, don't choose the battle that won't accomplish anything except raising unwanted attention to yourself.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Then try this people...
Fill out the Census...
Then move to another house in the same neighborhood...
The Gov't won't know EXACTLY where you live and you will still get some of the benefits from increased FEDERAL funding.

Don't vote, and no one will hear you!


I love my life
Top Ten List of why the USA is FUCKED

Top Ten List of why the USA is FUCKED

(1) How many people living at house on 4/1/2010?

(2) Any additional people (Servants, Nanny's, Slaves, etc.)?

(3) Is the addy a house, apt, or mobile tornado attractor? (the Ass clowns don't know?)

(4) What is your phone number? (We already know but we want to sweat and fuck you over anyway!)

(5) Name of Person 1 Last, First, Middle

(6) Sex of person 1

(7) Age of person 1

(8) Is person one of FUCKING LATIN DECENT!

(9) Race of person 1

(10) Does person 1 ever sleep elsewhere!

I am getting to the point of hating my neighbors who approve of these questions almost as much as the government who sends them to me.

Peace, :joint:


New member
So was slavery and women as chattel, I guess if it ever existed we shouldn't try to defeat or change it.

Peace, :joint:

Seems way way WAY off the point... What you list are real problems. The census is not a problem. Or do you prefer that some other school district gets the money while your kids pay the price? Or maybe you like potholes in your street?

Come on now. There are enough real problems like yours. Dealing with them? Yes, certainly. Slavery exists here and now in the US. Economic slavery is no less real then physical slavery.

Should you waste effort griping about a normal function of that government that allows YOU the precious freedom to complain like this? Can't you better direct your ire against slavery? Women as chattel? And yet you equate a normal function of government with these problems. Don't you thus trivialize slavery and women as chattel?


New member
I am getting to the point of hating my neighbors who approve of these questions almost as much as the government who sends them to me.

Misanthropes like you have a place in history. That is one of THE reason the US is not screwed. You have that freedom. Enjoy it.

And you, of course, don't care if you have a representative in Congress. You don't want good roads. You don't appreciate the peace and security your government gives YOU to have your private illegal enterprise. Hey, you are breaking the law just as much as I am. It seems to me we should all be GLAD we are in the US! I've lived in China, Canada, Scotland and Mexico. If you don't know you're living in the best place in the world then you are curiously blessed with ignorance of the real world. I did time for simple possession of 2 grams, yet I can still realize I'm fortunate. You are as well.


I love my life

I am really sorry you are drowning in the cool-aid. You buy the BS that because we magically push around 4 mailings per house (pre notice, census survey, postcard reminder, and our returned census). Ad to these wasted trees a shit load of TV commercials about the BS.

Now that billions have been spent killing trees and making commercials, you and your ilk think we produced something and schools and roads will be better.

Really, no one produced a single widget but you think the schools and roads will be better.

If I were in Mexico the GVT wouldn't care if I grew weed in my own house. MJ is decriminalized there. Some states in the US have the same view to my growing in my house.

You sir have an illegal enterprise and you wish to steal from me to build your roads.

Tell me how many weeks / months have you spent outside of the USA? If the answer is less than a year of your life; how could you justify you "Best Place in the World." claim.

You served time for two grams of MJ possession, and you are thankful? I am thankful I am not you! I have been pulled over at least 10 different times with more than an ounce in my possession and I've never had to do anything but pay a ticket and maybe find traffic school over the internet.

I am fortunate because I have a brain, I am self sufficient, and I travel the world. I am not any better off having mindless sheep populating the land of my birth or the fact that the sheep want control by criminal government wolves.

How can you make the prescient statement that economic slavery is no less real than physical slavery; and then simultaneously fall to you knees and lick the hand of the banker slave owner / government official?

Peace, :joint: