Sorry to hear that Smokerman. Keeping your spirits up for the fight is the hardest part, will you be doing chemo?
Thankfully I live in Canada, doesn’t cost me anything out of pocket. (Taxes)
Thank you for the kind words. The Dr that ordered the MRI just called me and said he was going to order a bone scan and another MRI in 3 months for the pancreas. I guess I’ll wait and see what results these tests show. We’re all dealt the hand we get, we can either fold or keep playing til the end..Good to be in a place that doesn't support profiteering out of pain and suffering. One day maybe we'll see that here, too. I still go to the Yukon Territory for dental care, and long ago I went there for medical care, as well.
Very sorry to read of the tumors at the pancreas and spine. You're likely on top of this, as no one has the stake in this moment that you do, but if it were my bacon in the fire, I'd be looking into the tumors at the spine ASAP. Seriously. That can create serious complications.
Best of outcomes to you. Someone draws a lucky straw every moment of every day; let's hope it's your turn.
Thank you for the kind words. The Dr that ordered the MRI just called me and said he was going to order a bone scan and another MRI in 3 months for the pancreas. I guess I’ll wait and see what results these tests show. We’re all dealt the hand we get, we can either fold or keep playing til the end..
Thank you for the kind words. The Dr that ordered the MRI just called me and said he was going to order a bone scan and another MRI in 3 months for the pancreas. I guess I’ll wait and see what results these tests show. We’re all dealt the hand we get, we can either fold or keep playing til the end..
good luck. Let´s all hope for a good test result
So the bone scan results came back and I was told that I have arthritis in my hands and knees as well as Paget’s disease in my right hip. As far as the spine, the report said unable to confirm osseous metastases further investigation recommended. I’m waiting to see what the dr wants to do. I had a pulmonary function test last week and the outcome of that was emphysema and asthma, so he put me on Advair and Salbutamol.
I had an ultrasound about a month ago as a follow up to the bypass in June. Surgeon said it looked good. Told her I still had pain so we just did a CT and it shows a blockage from the right side over to a bone on the left side, she’s not sure what to do next. She also mentioned that the mass on my kidney that I thought was fixed is now much larger.
I had an ultrasound about a month ago as a follow up to the bypass in June. Surgeon said it looked good. Told her I still had pain so we just did a CT and it shows a blockage from the right side over to a bone on the left side, she’s not sure what to do next. She also mentioned that the mass on my kidney that I thought was fixed is now much larger.