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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.

~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Well-known member
I had to google perogies. Polish dumplings yum!
Did you make them or buy them ready to go?
Tonight they are store bought. I did physical work today and my old body is aching and it only gets worse as the day goes on. Standing at the counter is hard on my spinal problems.
The caramelized onions take about 1/2 hr, frying up the perogies is only about 10 minutes.
The Mrs. was just telling me a lady she knows makes 120 perogies at a time and gives some to family, that would be quite the task.


Well-known member
Really? Is this why I crave beef ? Actually, I am type 🅾️ but I don’t know if I’m positive or negative
Good guess hey mate ;)

Your blood type is based on genetics, so the BTD categorizes foods to eat to reflect the diet your ancestors would have consumed.
Dr. D’Adamo claims that blood types evolved from different societies, so they each have an optimal diet:
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Well-known member
Tonight they are store bought. I did physical work today and my old body is aching and it only gets worse as the day goes on. Standing at the counter is hard on my spinal problems.
The caramelized onions take about 1/2 hr, frying up the perogies is only about 10 minutes.
The Mrs. was just telling me a lady she knows makes 120 perogies at a time and gives some to family, that would be quite the task.
Totally understand with spinal problems , I have issues too.

I made a bunch of gyoza dumplings last week. I do 60 a go and feeeze 1/2 for another day. Good to do with kids/grandkids as a team effort bonding thing imo :)

Your dinner sounds amazing btw yum!


ICMag Donor
Good guess hey mate ;)

Your blood type is based on genetics, so the BTD categorizes foods to eat to reflect the diet your ancestors would have consumed.
Dr. D’Adamo claims that blood types evolved from different societies, so they each have an optimal diet:
that’s fascinating…


ICMag Donor
here is the hourly It’s pretty darn cold out
& tomorrow more of the same.


Well-known member
Premium user
My only complaint with the Smackerz is that she loses her smell rather quickly, like a couple months and it’s stale.
The Cherry Cookie from relentless however will hold her great aroma for over six months. Too bad she doesn’t wash good.

Morning all.
Tree what do you like to wash? I am mostly looking for personal that tastes good with a euphoric effect like that horchata but noticed last try that some strains just dont wash worth a darned. The Trinity didnt yeild anything. Sour did but its not tasty. Trichome head size. I read GMO is a beast but sounded more chemy. Did you wash your GDP by chance? I have the Norcal Cut.


ICMag Donor
Through the mid-1900s, the sea lamprey was a driving force in the "collapse of the Great Lakes ecosystem and the economy it supported; tens of thousands of jobs were lost, property values were diminished, and a way of life was forever changed for millions of people," the fishery commission said in a history of the region.

Coupled with overfishing, the sea lamprey had a devastating impact on lake trout, a top native predator species in the Great Lakes, said Chuck Bronte, research fishery biologist and project manager with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Within a decade after the sea lamprey arrived in Lake Michigan, commercial lake trout harvests began to plummet. In 1943 Lake Michigan commercial fishermen landed 6.9 million pounds of lake trout, according to fishery commission data. The lake trout catch then went into a free fall to 4 million in 1946, 1.2 million in 1948 and 54,000 in 1950.

In 1953 commercial fishing was closed for lake trout in Lake Michigan. Burbot, the other native top predator fish in the lake, also suffered drastic reductions in its population.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Tree what do you like to wash? I am mostly looking for personal that tastes good with a euphoric effect like that horchata but noticed last try that some strains just dont wash worth a darned. The Trinity didnt yeild anything. Sour did but its not tasty. Trichome head size. I read GMO is a beast but sounded more chemy. Did you wash your GDP by chance? I have the Norcal Cut.
I don’t have enough first hand experience washing stuff yet. Need to get there eventually. Haven’t washed any of those you mentioned.


ICMag Donor
Spent about 30 minutes farting around upstairs, and then underneath the horrible crawlspace (and crumbling foundation) underneath that farmhouse of mine..He shut the valves off to where the pipe burst, and then I flipped on the well pump breaker and No water 💦 :cry: Just got back he thinks it’s frozen near the check valve front of the pressure switch. We put a space heater near there. I gotta get back and check it and see … Cost $145 for him to show up I gave him a $20 tip and a Hash sample … he knows me & on the ride over he goes “you need water to make hash right?”