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Leetdood's growing struggles


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E85 x BreathCrasher

Wedding cake a worn out jalopy compared to this


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I have to top off some pots with media so maybe more work than I expected. But still good to catch up completely on watering.


Dragon Hammer (Dragonsoul 55 x afpak)

Gonna flower it out, got a momma. Cleaned it up a little, needs training.

Fed to excess to lower runoff ec to 3.0. Doesn't Iike it hot. Can use up nitrogen but not so much in veg I believe. More do a powerhouse in flower, which we will see again I bet when this gets going.


«Anybody know why clone plugs would grow green mold?»

It can be high temperature and too much direct light... this does not interfere with rooting, but H2O2 in a ratio of 1:250 helps preventively.


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I'm having some nice time with my mom tomorrow and meeting her new dog. So I'm catching up on watering, almost done but it's hard work (bubba 5 ec to 2.8 ec for example, among others.) But as I said before the more work I do, the closer to my goal I get. More plants needed watering than I expected but I used the time and available feed to make sure to normalize their ec if i could. The more closer to a norm I get, the more my plants and a schedule (along with understanding of nutrients) can reliably tell me how to feed better. Most plants are happy right now but I'm trying to get phenos and elite clones to express fully so I know what direction to take my projects. Dudes online basically beat it into my head that I have to grow as many plants as possible, as well as possible, or I won't learn what a true phenotypical range is. Not sure if thats a word but hey. I'm going with it.

So I'm trying to really read my plants and get them in top shape and clean everything up. Just putting a lot of work in.



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Trained and defoliated and fed Pringles. Hard hard dryback because I was busy. Busted out the supercrop pliers my friend HighTilliDie sent. They were very helpful for the thick and Woody sections. Gotta be careful but you're more likely to snap something using your fingers which I did. See painters tape. Sorry Pringles. You can see she's taking off still. Topped all main branches back to the first two nodes on stalk. Put her on the floor after a bit of training and I'm like, no thats the nazi sign let's fix this. I'm not getting canceled for that.

Gonna keep her going and going. She can take it, can't even see roots coming out of the holes yet ;)

Doctor Doob

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View attachment 19082403 View attachment 19082404 View attachment 19082405

Trained and defoliated and fed Pringles. Hard hard dryback because I was busy. Busted out the supercrop pliers my friend HighTilliDie sent. They were very helpful for the thick and Woody sections. Gotta be careful but you're more likely to snap something using your fingers which I did. See painters tape. Sorry Pringles. You can see she's taking off still. Topped all main branches back to the first two nodes on stalk. Put her on the floor after a bit of training and I'm like, no thats the nazi sign let's fix this. I'm not getting canceled for that.

Gonna keep her going and going. She can take it, can't even see roots coming out of the holes yet ;)
You expect gas ⛽ terps and get sour cream and onion 🧅


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Those are looking nice. How long does GMO usually flower for you? ✌️

Most people recommend 11 to 12 weeks. I don't like to take plants early so I'd say standard run for gmo would be past 80 days if possible.

That being said, I am taking both of these gmo plants to day 91 (13 weeks) if possible. Meraki mentioned a homie who does 13 week gmo and showed me pics a while long ago. But it sounded and looked dank as hell. So if 12 is the standard, then 13 could be ultra in some ways. Being that I'm using a powerful led spectrum (IMO compared to cmh or hps) and trying to feed synthetics to a hot medium with organics in it, this might affect flowering speed. I've seen my friend HighTilliDie get plants to finish 5 to 7 days earlier than expected in some rare cases, with led, salts, and coco. So the answer for this is, my goal is 91 days but I will have to monitor uptake and ripeness very carefully to make it to the end.

Then I plan to fresh freeze whole plant wash it. That means cutting it down or cutting stalks off, then taking the buds off the stalks to freeze. Still need to talk to some guys about how exactly it should go in the freezer, because last time the buds compressed themselves in the bowl and bag. That feels... wrong, when you consider they're supposed to be whole and intact until you do the bubble hash ice extraction process (the washing, for those not knowledgeable to the lingo.)

It will be my 3rd wash ever, 2nd will be the HiRo#4 at probably 80 days (3 days behind, so 77 days flower for it) but as mentioned, I need to monitor ripeness. It seems like a 11 weeker but I've only ran it once for flower, and once for seed. Mostly I just know it's incredibly loud and potent, with an extremely complex scent. Like dank pine with a chem bite. So I wanna see how those plants do with my limited experience with ice extraction, and get some practice in.

If you understand the ice extraction process (cold cold cold clean clean clean according to kaya) then it's helpful, but there's still a learning curve to a lot of this. Cold keeps the plant material and heads intact, agitation is the mechanical separation of the heads from the plant material, and the bubble bags further mechanically separate by micron filtration. So you agitate the material in ice water in the "work bag" (highest micron size) and then pour it through all the bubble bags. I use the top half of 5 gallon buckets (bottom half removed) to hold one bag each and stack the bucket collars on each other in order. So you have a full stack of bags and a bucket or stand, and pour the wash water from the bucket you remove the work bag from (can put work bag in another bucket of ice water, for next pull.) Make sure it's not so cold in your work area that the water will freeze on the bags, that deforms the micron mesh as I found out from someone after I found out it could freeze on there (I thought you wanted as cold as possible, I was wrong.)

So essentially the heads are agitated off the plant material, and the work bag mesh is wide enough that all heads will pass through. This makes the green/colored etc wash water, with all the heads in the water. When you pour this water into the bubble bag stack, the micron mesh of each bag will capture heads or material of that exact size. So if you know the head size, or just follow a recommended 3 to 5 bag system, you're mechanically separating grades of material. One bag will have the best material.

So, don't mix all the results together like I did last time. Oof. And have a system for where you're gonna put each micron size of each pull. It's more piecemeal than you would think, I've got two stainless steel trays and might need a third, to properly separate out the quality and each pull before I learn more about the quality of each grade and pull and what I want to filter out and what I want to batch together. Hopefully that helps someone who's learning like me also.

I must have been so high I don't remember saying that 😂
Then I was like oh yeah the Pringles can, wait... Do they even have sour cream and onion Pringles or is that Lays Stax 🤣✌️

I think this is a.. let me check. Yes it's a green Pringle can, so that means this is actually sour cream and onion flavor, turned WAR CAN flavor. Don't let it smack your head. It's lethal.


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Sherb day 35 flower


HiRo#4 day 32 flower

Bugs are getting out of control because I've been letting air from outside in but not maintaining humidity. The predators need humidity. So I'm gonna try and keep it more humid in here.

Watered as24, 2x sherb, HiRo#4, strawberry gary with 2.0 ec feed. Put 4 gallons feed (3.4g (.2 extra) epsom, 14g cal nit, 16g masterblend bloom) In 4.5 gal. Put 5ml agsil16h first. Came out to around 6 to 6.1 pH. Need to calibrate my apera ph60 soon.

Runoff came out good! 3.0 to 3.2 ec even with 2.0 ec going in.

As24 hungry for sure. Might need even more. Will try and take pic tomorrow to show what I mean.

Had nice visit with mom and her new dog Miles yesterday. Im new to icmag so I cropped it to just Miles.

Enjoy guys, gonna keep watering. It's nonstop. Some clones rooted, not too many. Oh and my mom got me 10 inch saucers so the plants are on risers and saucers now, no tray.



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Chemd still looks like crap but not as bad.

Fed to excess to flush ec way down to 2.35. Cleaned up a bit. Will need more maintenance and training but this will do for now. One chem d clone did root so I'm good to flower this out.

Almost done watering and checking clones for tonight. Getting caught up so hopefully take some clones tomorrow like I've been meaning to.

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